An eventful day

 During this excursion Shiyana wanted to test out the theories she's had on the elements for a while. At current she can sense the elements, but she can currently only utilize fire and she's close to being able to use the earth element. 

While on the thought of the excursion she's realized she's forgotten the most important thing, a weapon. Looking outside to see that it wasn't too late, Shiyanna made her way to the Black Hall, walking through the streets enjoying the sights when she suddenly felt someone run into her. 

"Ouch you damn scum, watch where you're go-" 

 The man stopped mid-sentence and froze, turning a deathly pale. Also meeting his eyes Shiyana had a cold gleam flash across her eyes, it seems someone she was just about to forget about crossed her path. 

"That's impossible... Y-you're dead." realizing he couldn't possibly be seeing that wench he gained his confidence back. Staring up at the man with her haunting eyes as if she was looking at a dead thing she smirked before proceeding to move around this waste of space.

Feeling insulted the man went to grab Shiyanna's shoulder but before he could she dodged to the side and coldly turned her head only enough for him to see her eye.

 "I don't know what you're insinuating but I do know that If you value your worthless life then I would suggest you not touch me…" 

Smiling she said,

 "Or... you can continue to try and grab me, and I can gladly do your mother a favor and get rid of the waste of life she so unfortunately decided to have" 

Finishing her remark, she released her strong desire to kill, her bloodlust being almost palpable. Unable to bear it, Niel fell to the ground sweating and panting a pungent smell coming from his pants and he was forced to incontinence.

The only thing he could hear was her grumbling about someone letting the crazies out. 

 No longer bothering with him she continued to go about her way. Not liking the attention, she quickly ducked off before putting on a cloak to hide her appearance.

Niel, who was left kneeling in the street sitting in his own waste, was embarrassed beyond repair. He sat clenching his teeth glaring in the direction she went. Furiously getting up he covered his face before running into his carriage ignoring the mocking and murmuring crowd. 

Unaware of his thoughts, Shiyana had just arrived at the Black Hall and walked through those tall doors. Going to the clerk and showing her bronze pass, she inquired about a weapon. 

Since she was here, she also asked the clerk to bring her anything containing more detailed information on this continent. 

She wants some hidden weapons and some daggers. Remembering she knows some swordsmanship skills, she decided to buy a sword as well and practice them later.

 While there she inquired about more detailed information on this continent and purchased it as well along with any useful information or books. Satisfied with her purchases she thanked the clerk and decided to go to a restaurant in town to finally get a taste of this world's food. 

Deciding to not draw any attention she chose a regular table and pulled her hood up to cover her face and thanked the waiter before asking for his recommendations. 

Thinking for a quick second the waiter responded. 

"A popular choice among guests is our steak, or poultry pasta so I would have to recommend these. Of course, if you're willing to spend more money we offer a separate menu with rarer options" 


Nodding at the waiter she decided to go with the steak this time and kept the other menu in her head for later. 

If the food is good, she's decided to get a private room next time and if she can, she will request the same waiter due to his pleasant service. 

While waiting for her food she couldn't help but think, although she's been given poor life's Shiy was thankful that in this life she is free to enjoy these things. 

At least she is free to make her own choices, she would rather kill herself than be trapped like that again. 

Realizing now she has a deep seeded trauma to being forced to do something without her will she steeled her resolve to become stronger.

 Only when she is strong enough can she prevent that from happening. 

Hearing a clunk and seeing her food being delivered, the waiter bowed before leaving her to her meal. Smelling the fragrance she couldn't help but to gulp. 

She can tell the cuisine here is developed, and even though the seasonings are not as diverse, it still has great flavor. 

Enjoying her fire roasted steak, she couldn't help but grab some of the herb roasted spuds to pair. Taking a sip of her drink she just happened to look up before seeing a group of people walk upstairs complaining about how all the lodges were booked for the night. 

Attracted by them she couldn't help but admire the party and their looks. There were two women and three men. It looked like it was an adventuring party due to the gear they had on. 

Feeling a pair of eyes on them the group subconsciously looked to the lobby but not seeing anything they continued on their way. 

Shiyanna admired their attentiveness and turned her attention back to her plate. Still hungry, she ordered a roast chicken dish followed by a dessert. As the fragrant platter was set before her, she eagerly began to eat. The chicken was flavorful and succulent, pairing perfectly with the herbed mashed potatoes.

Overwhelmed by its deliciousness, Shiyanna nearly swallowed her tongue. After quickly finishing the roast, she moved on to dessert. She chose a vanilla pastry, layered with cream and topped with delightful berries. It struck the perfect balance between sweet and tart, an ideal conclusion to her meal. Satisfied, she thanked the waiter, settled the bill, and made her way out.