Theoretical Exhange

Feeling warm rays brush against her skin, Shiyanna slowly rose from her slumber and began getting ready. Examining herself she couldn't help but shake her head and lament that she still looks like a malnourished rat but a rat that has gained weight, nonetheless.

Although Shiyanna is still malnourished, she is still bursting with energy, it may not be enough to fight to the death or anything, but she doesn't run out of breath from completing minor tasks. Thinking about it for this body being in such poor shape it has surprising endurance. Then again, her family used to run the prior owner like a mule, so she has a good foundation to start with.

Calculating the time, it's about there. Shiyanna hurriedly cleaned up the leftovers from breakfast and began arranging everything she was planning on talking about. Although there wasn't much to do since Shiy has really kept everything in her ring since receiving it.

Its a huge convenience since she doesn't own much but she won't have to worry about anyone coming and looking at her writings. 

Trekking along the desolate path to town she began to wonder what she will sell next. This time she might just include some recipes or things for daily life.

Shiyanna won't just sell books to expand on the arcane but everything. She's not really worried at this time about anyone coming after her since she's probably still unknown for now at least. 

Shaking her head she began planning in detail about what to hand in this time. Shiyanna is going to sell five books this time but not all will be able to be bought with gold. The thing she lacks the most right now is information. Of course, money was always accepted but she needs to balance what she wants in order to achieve what she wants.

 All that thinking came in handy as Shiyanna had arrived at her destination in what felt like no time at all. Seeing the closed sign but remembering what the old man had told her she opened the unlocked door and entered into the familiar bookstore and headed through the doorway leading to the back.

Walking through the short hallway she was greeted with the sounds of discussion and laughter. Pausing she wondered if it was really okay for her to join in but that momentary pause was enough for the old man to spot her lurking, so he called her over. 

Seeing as she was spotted, she walked out and looked at everyone. In total there were only four people sitting at the table, an elegant older woman with striking red hair sipping on tea, a husky middle aged man with a wild beard and messy bun atop his head who was currently arguing with a scholarly younger man with brown hair who looked to be in his twenties about runic theory and of course the stoic old man who was currently looking at her.

Stepping into the scene the husky man stopped arguing and examined Shiyanna before huffing and looking at the old man and asking in a hurt tone.

"Henry my friend, when were you planning on letting me know that we had a guest before letting me embarrass myself!"

Not paying him any mind, the bookstore owner looked at the table and then Shiyanna before simply asking everyone to introduce themselves before they officially started the exchange. The scholarly looking young man went first,

"Well, I'll go first! My name is Oliver, and I mainly study theories on runes." turning his head to the right he nudged the husky man

"Hey! you little brat!" Adjusting himself the man began to introduce himself, 

"Well small one my name is Arnelle, and I also enjoy runic theory along with studying engraving."

Seeing as it was her turn the elegant woman gently placed her cup down before introducing herself as well.

"Hello, my name is Mariella, and I mainly focus on magical theory, specifically fire magic."

Finally, it was the old man's turn. Focusing her eyes on her Shiyanna waited intently for his introduction. Shortly disappointed by his response...

"Henry. Theory in general"

Exasperated Shiyanna realized not a single one gave away any personal information outside of their name and study, so Shiy followed the same.

"Well, hello.... my name is Shiyanna, and I am also interested in theory of all sorts, but I mainly focus on the arcane."

Now that everyone is seated the discussion began. Everyone began pulling out their materials and placing them on the table to Shiyanna did the same. Surprisingly it didn't start with a verbal discussion, but everyone exchanged something with each other and examined what was provided before asking and discussing. 

Shiyanna enjoyed it very much. She digested everything she could, and she was surprised with what she was currently reading. She was reading the material old man Henry had placed on the table since no one had grabbed it.

Not noticing the glance everyone had given her she began to dig in. Shiyanna herself had provided some conjectures Shes drawn with the fire, water, and the connection of elements in general. of course, her theories aren't completely untested, but she has included some different paths to try.

Looking at what the old man had placed down she was surprised to see it was about something she was interested in. "The Element of space."

Shiyanna was excited at this title. One thing Shiy wants

to do is find a way to enclose space or have the ability to modify it. 

Shiyanna has information on space, but her information is something she cannot be harnessed at her current level. Hoping this will provide her with an entry into the element she really began to dig in. At point her eyes lit up with revelation as she flipped through the pages in front of her. This is exactly what she needed! 

Finishing the small book she longingly looked at the book before placing it backing front of the old man. Since everyone had provided books with not a lot of pages everyone finished within a reasonable amount of time before discussing about what they've read.

Shiyanna had some questions about the implementation of the book Henry provided and asked the possibility of doing this instead if that.

Everyone was chattering and of course they asked Shiyanna questions about the information she has given. Once they realized she really understood in detail they all began to share and ask more Indepth questions and answers.

At this table everyone treated each other as equals though, the more they interacted with each other a slow thought crept to the back of Shiyanna's head that not a single person at this table should be of ordinary status or background. 

Not that it really matters to her though, she was just happy that she was getting information that would be of great detail to her so as the exchange was coming to an end.

She had a small gift for them. It really wasn't much, and she could tell with how they carried themselves that they wouldn't do anything to her for giving this to them. Afterall her penname was still not well-known to her knowledge unknown still.

Shiyanna still has some smaller volumes on arcane elements and alchemy etc. placed into her ring. Although none of them compared to the book she gave to the Black Hall, but they were like mini versions she has prepared to spread around to get her name out there in preparation for her complete volumes.

They still have enchantments on them, but these are mainly teasers. Of course, they still aren't something to be underestimated at all.

Taking out what she thinks each member would want she handed them to each member but when it came to Henry, she was unsure, so she chose to also give him the one on space since the information she has is different.

Thanking everyone for having her she decided to leave first so she could go home and re-test the space element with her newfound information.

Later that night each member would get a shock of their life with the information contained in so little pages. But that was the effect Shiyanna wanted, she wanted to truly thank them for giving her such valuable information. It may have been something minor to them but to her it has given her everything she needed to move forward.