A path chosen

Seated in her living space, Shiyanna was reflecting on her present skills and the areas she wished to enhance. At the moment, she is able to conjure the fundamental elements in their simplest state; they possess no offensive strength at her current stage, but that isn't her concern for the time being.She still has her heightened senses from her first life although nowhere near her past level but it's enough to start with. Thinking of all the things she needs to improve Shiyanna began to wonder if she is doing too much and began to ponder why she's trying to do all of this.

Does she want revenge? No, although what happened to the past owner was bad it's nowhere near enough to start a blood feud. Shiyanna isn't interested in anything like that and even if she was there wouldn't be a huge drawn-out show. They simply would cease to exist.

She began to get a strong feeling that this is something she needs to figure out in order to succeed in whatever her end goal is. It almost felt like an unknown power was pushing her and urging her. She was compelled to find her path, so she continued thinking back to her past and what she ultimately wanted. 

Love? Also no, in her first life she was forced to use every means to complete a mission even if that meant using her body. She has never naturally had that type of emotion, and her organization made sure to torture that into every single one of their agents. Shiyanna remembers how they would place secret tests and temptations for everyone to go through and any tiny amount of interest would lead to inhumane amount of torture and even death. The organization made sure that their agents were stone cold killers anyone deemed unusable would be eradicated. 

Chuckling Shiy thought... 'Unusable he…. In the end after all that time forced to serve them, they deemed me unusable due to emotional irregularity. In other words, they broke a toy and replaced it.'

Still not itching that urge deep in her soul telling her to answer she continued to ask herself what she wants to do. She's not looking to rule the world or wage wars; she doesn't even want to run a huge business raking in the bucks. Sitting there blank faced she came to a realization and the words from deep within her soul began uttering from that scarred mouth of hers.

"I want to live life on my own terms. I yearn to be recognized, to be visible... to delve into what the world has to offer, to hide. To uncover and forge anew. I refuse to be constrained any longer. I would choose death over the absence of free will. This new world shall serve as the canvas for my quest for autonomy. In this existence, no one shall hinder my pursuit of self."

Uttering those words Shiyanna felt an unknown weightlifting itself from her soul. She doesn't know it but this phenomenon happens to only fifty percent of practicing mages. It is when a mage chooses their path and swears an oath. The effect varies from every individual and there's a saying that you'll only find out the meaning of making this oath once you transcend to a certain level. 

Shiyanna's oath is truly what she wants, very very deep down she does want familiar bonds, and she truly wants to spend this life exploring and creating new things. She will share her knowledge and do what she can for as long as she can and wants.

Taking a deep breath, Shiyanna wanted to get back to original intention after the exchange. Looking down at her space ring she took a look at the engravings and began connecting them to their meanings. Deciphering them she can see hidden in them how the space is enclosed into the ring. She can see that the space is cut out and once the item enters it is warped and settles into more of a static space. 

Her original line of thought was that a space from the outside was enclosed but that is not the case with this hence why no living thing can enter. It's also why the condition of whatever you place within the ring will not deteriorate due to it being a static space with no environment. 

In the book old man Henry gave to read it contained various suspected methods of containing space and theories on how it could be possible. The findings in the book were based on relics left behind from the magical golden age where it was said to be possible to contain worlds within a grain of sand. That last part is said to be fantasy but there have been relics found that show signs of being alive in the past and in some rare cases still having habitable space within.

Those space items are known to start wars due to the method being lost after the big fracture which caused the planet to fracture into numerous planes and continents, some being completely lost and most having barriers to get through. 

In conclusion it is still possible to contain living space. Even after almost killing herself the last time the thought of placing space within a confined area hasn't diminished one bit. Shiyanna has gone over multiple ways of possibilities to do it. Her first one was to connect the marked area and tether it to an object allowing the user to have access at any time but that's more of teleportation and will not allow you to exit at your entry point. 

The main thing that stumped her was where would the space come from. And if she used the space around her how would that affect the surroundings. She imagines a cut out space filled with nothing left behind. But after reading that book, she's realized it doesn't have to take space from the environment but using certain runes will pull from what's known as the void. 

The void is a plane of nothing with no sense of time and no air or sunlight. It is a place where the only way to reach it is by a failing warp gate or teleporter. In fact, all common space artifacts produced today pull from the void. The runes used are some of the few known information left from the golden age. They say the more skilled engravers can enclose more than 100 miles of void within an artifact. 

The main thing that attracted Shiyanna to creating a living space artifact is because imagine how sweet it would be to always have access to a nice warm bed and home from anywhere in the world. Yes, the main reason is she just wants a nice warm bed and her home at her fingertips. 

As simple as it is the main reason is she doesn't plan on settling down and Shiyanna doesn't want any location to ever be tied to her in case she gets into a mess and ends up being hunted down or worse someone getting hurt or killed because she's being hunted down. 

Not that she wants to be hunted down, in fact she hopes and prays she will not be hunted down because that would really put a damper on her mood.