Ryuki began to think of Yuta. He needed to make a good plan to make Yuta an alpha man.
Actually, I don't think I need to do anything... As long as Yuta used his gift, he could become a man that every girl in the world want him.
Ryuki thought, and suddenly, he felt someone pat him on his back.
"Oye, what are you doing?"
It was Rena who did. She wore a tight top and pants with sports shoes. Only two or three years later, Rena would grow into a beautiful woman who would attract a lot of attention. Even now, she was attracting attention.
Ryuki looked at her and said, "Just walking around, what are you doing here?"
"Jogging, don't you see it from my cloths?"
"Okay, good... Jogging is good for the health."
"I know that, anyway... Tell me what you did with Luke and Max?"