Three Years Passed

Three years passed.

In these three years, there weren't any changes.

Ryuki made Yui strip, dance, use her as a table, and do some other things, but he still didn't touch her with his hands.

It wasn't that he didn't want to touch it, but he had many dark thoughts of hurting her, so Ryuki didn't do much.

Although Ryuki and Yui made no progress, Ryuki and Yuta's relationship with Yuta's neighbor, Solaris, improved a lot.

Ryuki and Yuta spent many nights with Solaris and went out with her.

On the other hand, Asuka and Saki were afraid of watching any pornography videos, but they were curious, so once a week, they got together to watch it.

When watching, they had the urge to touch themselves but avoided doing that. Other than watching once a week, they didn't do much.

Ryuki had another thing he didn't expect but happened to him in these last three years.