Machiko's Hot Tube Experience [Masturbation]

[This chapter only had masturbation and no story progress; if you want to read it, then buy; otherwise, don't. This will have some information about Machiko if you want to know it. Also, now every masturbation story with no story progress will be tagged as Masturbation in [.] Bracket]

Sunday, July 14th Evening.

Machiko loved masturbation in the office, but her favorite place was the hot tub. There, she had many great orgasms, and it's very good, but recently, she found masturbation in the office more thrilling and amazing.

Machiko understands that her brain loves the thrill of masturbation out of her comfort place, but it doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy it in her comfort zone, her hot tub.

Soon, her favorite masturbation place, the hot tub, might be replaced by the office, but for now, she loved masturbation in the hot tub.