Yua's Night [Masturbation]

[Same as the last chapter, it's just masturbation, but you can learn a bit about Yua]

Sunday, July 14th Night

Yua couldn't sleep last night. She was tired, but she just couldn't sleep.

She knew what she had to do. Masturbating always helps her fall asleep.

She wasn't wearing much. Her pajamas consisted of a tank top, very loose pajama shorts, and a thong. She didn't wear a bra; she hated sleeping with a bra on.

Usually, she masturbated in the bathroom since she shared her room with her mother, but today, her mother had invited three friends of hers, and now the four were having fun in the living room.

Yua was also there some time ago, but she felt tired, so she came to sleep, but she couldn't fall asleep.

Now, she was alone in the room, and she knew her mother and her three friends below weren't going to enter, so after much thought, she decided to masturbate in this room.