Fifth Outerlayer, Realm Of The Undead

Fifth Outerlayer, Realm Of The Undead,

Unlike the other outerlayers, the Fifth Outerlayer was not for the faint of heart since it came straight out of a horror movie.

The entire outerlayer was crawling to the brim with undead. Adding to that, the Fifth Outerlayer is also different in regard to its outerlayer boss.

Sometimes, a lesser outerlayer boss would spawn in place, and it should be defeated once again before the Zecian Portal to the Sixth Outerlayer would open.

Albrecht was specifically looking for that lesser outerlayer boss to appear because that would be the key to unlocking the hidden dungeon which would lead to the key item.

Today was not the day when the lesser outerlayer boss will spawn. Adding to that, there were countermeasures put in place thanks to the neighboring kingdoms who sought to guard the Fifth Outerlayer. Once the lesser outerlayer boss would spawn, they would kill it.

It was believed that the lesser boss gives the same amount of rewards compared to the original, and it was easier to defeat it. That's why the kingdoms had an agreement to rotate their adventurers so they could get the rewards in turn.

"The Lesser Zombie Overlord is not bound to spawn in three days." Albrecht overheard a group of adventurers talking to each other. They were carefully stationed near the entrance to the Fifth Outerlayer, just in case the Lesser Zombie Overlord spawns earlier than usual.

Albrecht only had two days so he couldn't wait for the outerlayer boss to spawn.

He needed to force it to spawn.

From a distance, Albrecht saw someone from the Dragonia Guild, standing in front of a Zecian Portal. He was holding a couple of raid passes in his hand, wildly swinging them around to attract passing adventurers.

Immediately, Albrecht recognized that this was the dungeon he was looking for.

In this particular dungeon, endless hordes of undead instantly spawn whenever you kill a wave, and you can basically stay there until you run out of energy.

The reason why the adventurer was swinging the raid passes was that he was selling them for 2 Gold Coins each. It wasn't that expensive, (at least for Albrecht it wasn't) but in hindsight, it wasn't worth it.

Killing an undead doesn't guarantee any earnings. There was only a small chance that the undead would drop items, and in turn, one could sell that to the guild.

The undead corpse couldn't be sold since it was basically worthless.

Basically, those who go inside this particular dungeon were just training to hone their skills in killing the undead. That, or they were high-ranking adventurers who could earn the 2 Gold Coins back after hunting inside.

"One raid pass," Albrecht didn't hesitate to approach the adventurer. He completely understood that the Dragonia Guild had bought the entire dungeon, that's why they were selling raid passes.

"That would be 2 Gold Coins." The adventurer gave Albrecht a raid pass. Actually, the raid pass doesn't mean anything, it's just a receipt.

"Not happening, not happening, not happening," Fioana Mertonia vehemently shook her head as all the colors drained from her face. She wasn't expecting to enter a dungeon as soon as the agreement was made.

And yet here they were, standing in front of a Zecian Portal that would lead to an endless dungeon.

She already felt a bit anxious when Albrecht brought up the Fifth Outerlayer, but then again, she thought that they'd probably enter one dungeon and clear it.

Who would've thought that they'd actually enter a dungeon with an endless flow of monsters? It was ridiculous and simultaneously suicidal.

"Get ready," Albrecht said.

There was no competition for the dungeon so they were immediately escorted inside by the same adventurer who was selling raid passes. "Don't have a good raid, have a great raid," The adventurer greeted them in a cliche manner.

The main reason why Albrecht decided to enter this dungeon was mainly to force the Lesser Zombie Overlord to spawn. No one knows how to do this, but the System gave Albrecht the reliable information he needed to do it.

Basically, he just had to eliminate ten thousand undead, and that would force the Zombie Overlord to respawn.

That's right, killing ten thousand undead would make the original Zombie Overlord respawn, not just the Lesser Zombie Overlord which could easily be defeated.


The Grapevine Party felt a rush of air hitting their face as they entered the dungeon. The musky sewer-like smell overpowered any other smell in the dungeon, and the coldness instantly reminded them of the undead who would spawn endlessly in a couple of seconds.

"15 Gold Coins. This is for the 15 Gold Coins." Everyone heard Asvi muttering to himself.

The group found themselves in an expansive room, dimly lit by an unknown light source. The place could easily fit a thousand people, but Albrecht knew otherwise.

In a few seconds from now, the place would be crawling with undead, and they have to defend the fort as much as they could until they run out of energy. The goal was to delete ten thousand undead before going out of the dungeon.

"Adamantium Goliath Cobra, Lightning Fire Lion, lend me your aid," Albrecht called out.

His farming technique was pretty straightforward. He'd have the two beasts hunt down for him, and once they were tired, the Grapevine Party would take over.

On the off-chance that they still haven't defeated ten thousand undead, then he would step in and take care of the rest. It was a pretty efficient plan.



From a distance, moans and grunts could be heard, coming from the horde of undead that started flowing into the area. Albrecht estimated their headcount to be close to two hundred— which was a small number compared to his final goal.

"Eek~" Fioana exclaimed as chills went up and down her spine.

"Whatever, let's do this." Asvi's brows furrowed as he clenched his giant hammer.

"I'll support you, leader," Lucius called out.

"I'll support Fioana," Sickle nervously declared while he stood behind Fioana. He was just a porter. There was no way he would jump into combat when the others could do it.

The only person who was relaxed in the group was Albrecht. Crossing his arms, he walked towards the back of the group and sat down. He grabbed a couple of firewood from his spatial storage space and proceeded to create a makeshift bonfire. "Get ready, the horde is coming." He relaxedly announced as if it wasn't his problem in the first place.