To Force Respawn An Outerlayer Boss

Asvi and the others watched as Albrecht made a bonfire, propped a table on the side, and started cutting vegetables. It was certainly an unorthodox approach towards a dungeon, and it genuinely amazed them.

Despite the slightly horrid smell that lingered in the air, Albrecht continued cooking. He prepared a stew and watched as the Adamantium Goliath Cobra and the Lightning Fire Lion continuously eliminated the undead.

Fortunately, the System displayed a 'death count' in front of Albrecht so he didn't have to count the undead corpses manually.

"And what should we do?" Asvi trailed off. He didn't want to come off as rude, but he honestly had no idea what to do. In the process of cutting potatoes, Albrecht looked up and eyed the Grapevine Party.

They only idly stood there since they didn't want to interrupt the two beasts that Albrecht summoned.

"Uhm, they're going on a rampage, so if there are a couple of undead who slipped by, please take care of them." With an unjudging voice, Albrecht responded to Asvi's question.

It didn't take long before the area was filled with the smell of cooking stew. It enveloped the area, completely removing the deathly smell of the undead.

[Death Count 1,401 / 10,000]

Once it reached the thousandth death mark, the Adamantium Goliath Cobra and the Lightning Fire Lion were beginning to slack off. It's not that they were tired, it's just that the enemies were of no challenge to them.

Two undead slipped past them; it was the Grapevine Party's turn to shine.

"Let's go! Fionana, Sickle, stay back, Lucius and I are going to deal with these guys." Asvi seriously commanded, wielding his giant hammer and swinging it around.

As for Lucius, who only recently became a Gold Rank Adventurer, he equipped a normal sword and started swinging it around.

Compared to his past self, Lucius had become stronger. Even though he only wielded a normal sword, he did easy work on the undead.

Three more undead slipped by, then five, then seven. Asvi and Lucius tirelessly dealt with them.

Meanwhile, the smell of the freshly cooked stew wafted in the air, completely removing the smell of the undead. It motivated the Grapevine Party to work even harder. They believed that Albrecht was preparing food for the entire group.



Wails of the undead could be heard as the massacre continued.

Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Ablrecht proceeded to stir the pot (he was using a normal cooking pot, not the Mother of Life Cooking Pot). He wanted to prepare more food but didn't want to be over the top, so he stuck to the stew.

[Death Count 6,581 / 10,000]

"Adamantium Goliath Cobra, Lightning Fire Lion, return," Albrecht said out of nowhere, causing Asvi and Lucius to turn around, bewildered.

In a split second, the two beasts disappeared, and the horde of undead started pouring in.

The area was filled with the undead in an instant, and the Grapevine Party finally realized just how powerful the two beasts were.

"Let's go, the food's waiting." Albrecht was the first one to rush headfirst into battle.

[Skill 'Saddim's Touch' equipped]

[Legendary Moldbreaker equipped]

With one overexaggerated swing, Albrecht sent a huge chunk of the horde flying. The death count instantly spiked to the seven-thousand mark.

"I'm not paying you 15 Gold Coins each for nothing." Albrecht smiled, nodding his head once in a gesture that they go with him on the offensive.

In return, Asvi and the others nodded their heads. Even the porter who didn't plan on fighting started charging forward, equipping a normal sword in his hand. This was the first time he joined the group in combat and he only did so to assure the 15 Gold Coins payment coming from Albrecht.

The contract did state that they have to work. If they only lingered there while Albrecht did all the work, then that would be a breach of contract.

Just to make sure that Albrecht won't go back on his word, even Sickle started hacking and slashing at the undead.

This was all for the money. All for the money.

[Death Count 7,141 / 10,000]

[Death Count 7,389 / 10,000]

[Death Count 7,971 / 10,000]

The death count reached the eight-thousand mark, and it was time for Albrecht to call out his two summons once again. They could take care of the remaining undead while Albrecht and the Grapevine Party eat.

Since it was time to eat, Yukina also got out of the Summoner's Ring. She wouldn't miss Albrecht's cooking when it came down to it.

A few minutes later,

While the two beasts continued the massacre of the undead, Albrecht and the others started eating.

"Mhmmm~" Fioana let out a satisfied moan after taking in a spoonful of the stew. "This is so good! What did you put in it?"

"Silverback Wolf bones and potatoes," Albrecht simply answered. "I've got some rice, do you want some?"

To everyone's surprise, Albrecht brought out a pot filled with newly-cooked rice. Everyone's mouth watered as Albrecht handed them a bowl each.

"Still, why do you need to conquer this dungeon, Albrecht-san?" Sickle asked out of nowhere,

"Yeah, why do we need to go here? You're losing money on this mission, you know," Fioana stated the obvious. "Sixty Gold Coins is a lot of money."



"Are you filthy rich?" Fioana asked out of nowhere.

[Death Count 20,000 / 10,000]

[Hidden Quest: 'Kill Twice The Amount' Complete!]

[Hidden Quest Reward Obtained]

Shaking his head, Albrecht stood up and he started packing up. The loot scattered all over the area was sucked into his spatial storage space. In a minute, all of them were ready to leave the endless dungeon.

"Let's get out of here, we have to defeat another monster," Albrecht announced.

And before the Grapevine Party asked what this was all about, Albrecht got out of the dungeon.


Screams of adventurers could be heard as soon as they got out of the dungeon. Even the adventurer who was supposed to sell raid passes was nowhere to be found.

Asvi's mouth hung open, colors draining from his face. "What's going on?!" He uttered.

"What's happening?" Fioana's pupils dilated as they saw the large monster from afar.

Many adventurers were engaging it in combat, but none of them could even hope to defeat it.

[Zombie Overlord, Level 57]

Their eyes then shifted towards Albrecht. To their surprise, he was smiling, grinning from ear to ear as he clenched his fists. "Just as planned," Albrecht muttered under his breath before he started rushing at the spawned monster.