What Perfect Timing!

[Skill 'Saddim's Touch' activated]

Since Albrecht wanted to defeat the Ghost Metal Frost Knight as fast as possible, he activated his skill 'Saddim's Touch', and proceeded to touch the dungeon boss. If he were lucky, the 'deterioration effect' would activate and the Ghost Metal Frost Knight would steadily lose HP.

From afar, Albrecht caught a glimpse of Yukina Medusa who was taking on the Ghost Metal Knight Commander. She was weaving around the place, dodging the attacks of the dungeon boss while using her skill 'Petrify' to temporarily immobilize it.

Just then, Albrecht realized that Yukina Medusa didn't have a weapon. All she could do was dodge the Ghost Metal Knight Commander buying him precious time.

"YUKINA!" Albrecht screamed out of nowhere, causing all the other adventurers to look at him while they engaged the Ghost Metal Knight horde in combat.

Thinking that Albrecht was calling for her, she stopped dodging the Ghost Metal Knight Commander's attacks and approached Satoshi. "Yes, master?" She asked.

The two of them ducked as the Frost Knight swung his gigantic axe sideways. A breath of frost shot out from his axe, raining down friendly fire on the other Ghost Metal Knights.

"What weapon do you actually use?"Albrecht asked. Unsurprisingly, it was a fitting question since Yukina was fighting without a weapon.

She didn't even complain about it, probably because she never thought about using a weapon in the first place.

"I use... I don't know, I've never used a weapon. I just turn into a snake." Yukina shrugged. "But I can use a sword."

"Then go with that first," Albrecht grunted as he parried another axe blow from the Ghost Metal Frost Knight. "Here, I have more where that came from so don't worry about breaking it."

Yukina nodded her head before running towards the Ghost Metal Knight Commander. She started swinging the sword around, using her entire body whenever she swung. From her movements, Albrecht could tell that she was more used to her snake form than her human form.

Asvi and the others couldn't believe that the two of them were keeping the two dungeon bosses at bay. If they weren't present, the entire group would've easily died. After all, they couldn't even go head to head with a B-Rank Dungeon Boss, let alone an A-Rank one.

"How are they doing that?" Sasha asked. She knew that Albrecht was an anomaly as an adventurer, but she couldn't believe he was this strong.

"I don't know... isn't he a Bronze Rank?" Asvi was still in denial. Even though he had witnessed Albrecht's power firsthand, he still didn't want to believe that his love rival was far stronger than him.

"Let's focus on these Ghost Metal Knights. We can do this!" Lucius reminded them since they were a bit distracted by Albrecht's full display of power.

Every hit of the two dungeon bosses sent off a powerful wind pressure that blew all over the dungeon. And yet, Albrecht and Yukina either parried it or dodged it without much difficulty. Their control over their Zecian Aura was amazing, and their movement was so fluid that they couldn't even see a single opening.

Well, it was taking all of Albrecht's focus just to keep up with the Ghost Metal Frost Knight. Adding to that, his 'Saddim's Touch' didn't work on the dungeon boss so he couldn't defeat him in an instant.

If the Grapevine Party and the Paladin's Hand Party weren't present, Albrecht and Yukina wouldn't have lasted this long.

"Just a little bit more. Just a little bit more." Albrecht kept on muttering to himself as he continued passively engaging the Ghost Metal Frost Knight in combat. He was waiting for something— something that would instantly turn the tides of war.

And then it happened.

[Warning: Ghost Metal Frost Knight is about to shoot an ice beam.]

A second later, the Ghost Metal Frost knight leaned on its back before it started charging an ice beam. The temperature dropped all of a sudden, and frost appeared on all sides of the dungeon. The ceilings, pillars and even the floor was crawling with frost.

"EVERYBODY GET DOOOOOWN!" Asvi screamed at the top of his lungs. He had experienced a number of dungeons that he recognized the attack before it happened.

In an instant, the members of the two parties got down and covered their heads. It didn't even matter if the Ghost Metal Knights would pound on them since they could sense the Ghost Metal Frost Knight's ultimate attack.

One hit, and they knew they were goners.

"Here we go," Albrecht muttered to himself.

While everyone enveloped themselves with their Zecian Aura to reduce the damage from the Ghost Metal Knight's axe attacks, they watched Albrecht and Yukina standing as if nothing was happening.

In fact, it even felt like they were admiring the Frost Knight's charge-up.

"Albrecht! GET DOWN!" Asvi screamed, thinking that Albrecht had finally lost it. "That's an A-Rank ult! You're going to die!"

But before Asvi could continue his screams, he caught a glimpse of Albrecht's expression.

He was smiling from ear to ear!

'This guy! He finally lost it!' Asvi clicked his tongue in frustration. It seemed like Albrecht didn't want to listen to any of his warnings. It was in one ear and out the other.

"ALBRECHT!" Sasha screamed next, followed by Fioana, but he just wasn't listening.

With its ultimate attack charged up, the Frost Knight finally fired off the ice beam, leaning its head forward and turning around to hit everything in its wake. The entire room was going to get hit by the ice beam, and no one was safe from it, not even the Ghost Metal Knights.

"Finally..." Albrecht muttered to himself.

Then something caught his eye.

It's as if everything happened in slow motion. His peripheral vision caught a presence. It was someone familiar, someone, that he knew very well, who supported him when he was banished from the Heroes of Relics.

Just when the Ghost Metal Frost Knight fired off its ice beam, Yulie Rosethorn entered the dungeon.

There was only a couple of seconds before she was hit with the full brunt of it.

"YULIE!" Albrecht screamed out of desperation.