One Down, One To Go

Thanks to the Ghost Metal Frost Knight's ice beam, the other Ghost Metal Knights were destroyed instantly. If it weren't for that powerful attack, the adventurers would've had a more challenging time clearing the dungeon.

Then again, that didn't make it any easier, since they were engaging two boss dungeons in combat.

Letting out an ear-piercing shriek, the Ghost Metal Frost Knight prepared another ice beam while the Ghost Metal Knight Commander charged its unique skill to re-summon the Ghost Metal Knights.

"Let's go," Lucius and Sasha announced since both their party leaders (Asvi and Yulie) seemed to be out of it.



While Albrecht and Yulie were having their moment, Yukina continuously dealt with the Ghost Metal Knight Commander. Somehow, the accidental kiss made her feel a modicum of jealousy but she quickly discarded the thought from her mind. After all, they have more urgent things to take care of.

Pouting her lips, she continued hacking and slashing at the Ghost Metal Commander. It didn't deal any damage, but it was enough to keep the Ghost Metal Knight Commander at bay.

Lucius and Lance, the damage dealers of both parties, rushed at Yukina's aid, engaging the Ghost Metal Knight in combat. With their lance and double-sickle combo, they started chipping away at the Ghost Metal Knight Commander's defense.

In turn, the Ghost Metal Knight Commander wasn't able to charge its unique skill. Had they moved a second later, the Ghost Metal Knights would've respawned, and they'd have more things to deal with on their plate.

Now that they observed Yukina's movements, they realized that she was doing most of the heavy lifting. Her movements reminded them of a snake, slowly constricting the enemy's movements while giving way for the damage dealers to slowly kill it.

And the Ghost Metal Frost Knight wasn't any different. Despite being an A-Rank Dungeon Boss, Albrecht was keeping up with its movements. Since the usual weapons weren't working, Albrecht decided to equip the Legendary Moldbreaker. It was the same as Asvi's main weapon, but Albrecht didn't mind.

The force of impact of the giant hammer was enough to damage the Ghost Metal Frost Knight even with its armor. Adding to that, Albrecht could also disguise every hit and use his skill 'Causality Slash'. This enabled him to damage both the armor and the main body of the Ghost Metal Frost Knight.

"Let's keep at it! We're almost there!" Albrecht called out, his gaze unintentionally shifting to Yulie who was rushing at the Ghost Metal Frost Knight as well.

She was blushing, and she couldn't look at Albrecht for more than a couple of seconds.

Skill ' Blessing of the Divine Paladin' activated.

Albrecht was surprised that Yulie activated her unique skill once again. Although her Zecian Aura wasn't fully recovered, she went out of her way to help everyone out.

"Yulie, stop activating your unique skill. You have to recover." Albrecht advised. "I'll buff everyone up, so stop activating your unique skill."

"You have a support skill?" Yulie was surprised that Albrecht had a support skill. From the start, she thought that Albrecht was an offensive porter. And based on his offensive one-hit wonder with the Tri-Horn Minotaur, she assumed such was the case.

But now, he told her that he was a support type.

'Now that I think about it... Dad told me something about him supporting them during their quest... I thought he meant his teamwork was good.' Yulie thought to herself, dodging one of the swings of the Ghost Metal Frost Knight.

Since she was curious about Albrecht's support skill, she decided to deactivate her skill, heeding his words as she continued fighting alongside him.

Muttering a soft thanks, Albrecht activated his skill.

[Skill 'Blessing of the Divine Paladin' activated]

Everyone immediately felt the same buff that Yulie gave them, and they felt more energized than usual. It's as if Yulie was not even exhausted in the first place— or so that's what they thought since they misunderstood who was buffing them.

"Thanks, Yulie!" Sasha exclaimed, much to Yulie's surprise.

Yulie also felt weird since she felt the same buff enveloping her body. The skill had the same effects as her support skill as well, and it caught him off guard.

"Wait... is this... how did you do it?" Yulie mumbled while she looked at her hand, feeling the same yellow glow enveloping her body. There was no doubt that Albrecht was using her unique skill.

Albrecht didn't say a word. Instead, he smiled at Yulie while parrying the attack of the Ghost Metal Frost Knight.

"Don't tell me... you have a copy skill?" Yulie asked.

The copy skill is a very rare skill that allows a person to copy a certain skill from someone. The copy skill could only copy normal skills. There was no way it could copy a unique skill.

But Albrecht managed to do it. If anything, he might have a copy skill superior to anyone's— as expected from a former member of the Heroes of Relics party.

Everyone in the Grapevine Party and the Paladin's Hand Party felt that Yulie was buffing them up... except for Asvi Winefield. He felt something off about the buff. There was a minor change, a subtle difference that gave him a different feeling.

When he looked toward Yulie, he saw that she was just as surprised as he was. And then his gaze landed on Albrecht, who was wearing a confident expression up his sleeve.

"What's going on?" Asvi questioned, but he didn't have time to think about anything else since they still have two dungeon bosses to defeat.

With all the setbacks out of the way, the two parties with the help of Albrecht slowly reduced the HP of the two dungeon bosses. It was all thanks to everyone working like a well-oiled machine. Furthermore, there were a couple of moments where luck fell on their side.

The first one to fall was the Ghost Metal Knight Commander. Last hit: Yukina Medusa.

The entire group could finally focus on the last dungeon boss, the A-Rank Ghost Metal Frost Knight. A little more push and the dungeon would be cleared.

"One left." Albrecht wiped the sweat off his forehead.