Fjormir's Direct Intervention

It was eleven against one A-Rank Dungeon Boss, so it should be pretty easy. With the defeat of the Ghost Metal Knight Commander, Albrecht and everyone else felt their confidence go up by a notch while they surrounded the dungeon boss.

The Ghost Metal Frost Knight grew more desperate the longer time passed. Despite being an A-Rank, there was nothing it could do with Albrecht and Yukina to keep it at bay. The others mostly lingered by the sidelines, only ever dealing damage when they saw an absolute opening.

Minutes passed, and the group relentlessly dealt damage to the Ghost Metal Frost Knight. A couple of times it tried to fire off ice beams. However, it was instantly interrupted. There was no way it could charge another special attack or ultimate with Albrecht and Yulie on its face all the time.




Apparently, the Ghost Metal Frost Knight lost its composure and started pounding on the ground. It was about to die at the hands of eleven people.

As a monster that belonged to the Outerlayer of Ground Zero, it was a disgrace for him to be defeated by a mere number of eleven men.


For the last time, the Ghost Metal Frost Knight let out a deafening shriek before it saw Albrecht jump up.

Without hesitation, Albrecht raised the Legendary Moldbreaker on the top of his feet as he jumped a couple o meters upward.

His jump was well calculated, and he arrived right on top of the Ghost Metal Frost Knight's head.

Screaming, Albrecht brought the Legendary Moldbreaker, straight up into the air and down at the face of the dungeon boss.


A resounding crack was heard, followed by a weakened moan coming from the dungeon boss. The dungeon boss struggled a little bit before it collapsed right near the entrance where the two dungeon bosses entered.




Everyone started cheering even though they were out of breath. Then again, it was a well-deserved celebration since they just cleared a B-Rank Dungeon.

"That's weird," Albrecht muttered to himself as he stared at the Ghost Metal Frost Knight which was lying still on the ground.

Overhearing his statement, Yulie approached Albrecht with a hint of concern on her face. "What do you mean, is something wrong, Albrecht?" She worriedly asked.

"No... it's just that..." Albrecht trailed off. There was no way he could tell her that the 'quest clear' notification didn't pop up.

'Is something wrong with the System? It's never lagged before, right?' Albrecht inwardly said to himself, wondering what was going on.



Lost in thought, Albrecht didn't realize that the Ghost Metal Frost Knight suddenly stood up, lunging towards him in its final breath.

"Eh?" Albrecht turned to his side to see the Ghost Metal Frost Knight, the pointy part of its scepter was already right at his face.

He didn't even have time to blink as the sharp point inched slowly toward his pupil.

"Albrecht!" Yulie screamed, extending her hand to push Albrecht away. However, she was slightly far enough from Albrecht that the push didn't even connect.

'Ah~shimata— I'm going to die am I?' Albrecht asked himself. At that final split second, he hoped that the System would protect him before something irreversible happened.


Horrified, the entire group froze in fear as the Ghost Metal Frost Knight threw its body at Albrecht. Even if they moved in an attempt to save Albrecht, it was already too late.

There was nothing they could do but watch Albrecht die in cold blood in front of them.

Crackle. Crackle.

A deep red-orange glow appeared on the soles of Albrecht's feet, instantaneously exploding into a pillar of flames that consumed everything around him. It was an intense blaze, heating up the entire dungeon and causing the ice from the ice beam attack to melt.

Directly exposed to the flames, the Ghost Metal Frost Knight slowly melted as well. Its attack didn't connect since the pillar of flame shielded Albrecht from the attack.

Apparently, the Ghost Metal Frost Knight only had one HP left, and the heat from the flames killed it. It let out a groan as it fell to the ground, its frost armor half-melted.

As the pillar of flame dissipated, Albrecht looked at the bruises on his body slowly disappearing. His Zecian Aura was recovering as well, much to his bewilderment.

'Is this the skill Touch Of The Phoenix? Who activated it?' Albrecht asked himself.

Based on the information he got from the System, he knew that the 'Touch Of The Phoenix' is both a defensive and support skill. It protects the user from a fatal blow, and it also heals minor injuries and recovers Zecian Aura.

It was a pretty nifty skill, but Albrecht was fairly certain that he didn't have such a skill on his list. And his skill 'Eye of Judgment' didn't show anyone having the aforementioned skill as well.

'So... who used that skill?' Albrecht muttered to himself.

At the conclusion of the incident, everyone rushed toward him. Not like it would do anything though.

"Albrecht!!! Are you all right?" Yulie Rosethorn was the first one to rush to Albrecht's aid since she was nearest. "Was that your skill as well?"

Perplexed, Albrecht shook his head in response.


[A Higher Being is watching you]

[Fjormir, the Overseer of Fire, has taken a liking to you]

[Quest: 'Clear the B-Rank Dungeon and Rescue Yulie' complete!]

[Generating rewards...]

[Generating additional rewards...]

"Finally," Albrecht heaved a sigh of relief. He couldn't care less about Fjormir's interest in him. He was just glad that the quest was finally over, and he won't have to worry about the Ghost Metal Frost Knight standing up and attempting to stab him again.

Both the members of the Grapevine Party and Paladin's Hand Party couldn't help but shed a stray or two as the dungeon was finally conquered.

As it turned out, all of them got to live another day, and more than anything, they'd be able to go home to their families.

After getting all the drops from the dungeon, Albrecht turned towards the two groups, waving his hand towards him before he spoke. "Let's head out,"