Making a Mockery Of a Sword Style

[Undead Bonesword Samurai (AA-Rank)— Legend has it that the Undead Bonesword Samurai is a peerless undefeated swordsman in his era. He had become too undefeated that no one dared fight him anymore. In the end, he lived a long life, becoming an undead due to misfortune. Up until now, one was yet to defeat him. As such, he had been looking for a worthy opponent.

Skills: Moonlight Swordstyle(S-Rank), Sunspot Swordstyle(S-rank), Saddim's Grip (SSS-Rank), Submission of Velta (S-Rank), Quick Steps (A-Rank), Shadow Steps (A-Rank)... See more.

Level: 69

Stats: See more... ]

Albrecht's eyes twitched when he addressed the System who remained quiet throughout his exchange with the Undead Bonesword Samurai. If the System were right there beside him, he would've screamed at it and given it a good whack on the head.

This wasn't the first time that the System gave him false information. If he had a cent for every time the System gave him false information at such a crucial time, he'd have two cents— which wasn't a lot, but it was frustrating that it happened twice.

"System... what's the meaning of this?" Albrecht hissed under his breath. He couldn't believe that the System got the information wrong again.

The System didn't respond. Instead, a window appeared in front of Albrecht.

[This is the first time it happened >~< ]

Albrecht had no idea what the symbols meant, but he concluded that it looked like a face with a sour expression. In the end, he had to fend for himself despite being severely under-leveled.

He was only Level 3, and the monster in front of him was Level 69. Nice. There was no way he could win against someone like that.

"Hoh~ so you're looking for the medallions. For centuries, we've guarded this place with our lives on the line. We won't give you the medallions even if it meant all of us would fall by your hands." The Undead Bonesword Samurai spoke with confidence even though his Disciples already had their wills broken.

In the background, some of the Disciples including Sheila shook their heads as they put their arms up in an X-shape. They implied that the master spoke for himself and they wanted no part in every word he said.

Since the Undead Bonesword Samurai had his back turned towards them, he didn't see their disagreeing reaction.

"But did you even tell them what they were guarding? When I got here they just attacked me in a snap." Albrecht maintained his poker face even though he was shitting bricks and butterflies filled the entirety of his stomach.

If the Undead Bonesword Samurai were to scream at him or attack him all of a sudden, he'd have screamed his lungs out or something.

"They don't need to know." The Undead Bonesword Samurai firmly said.

"No, they need to... look, why don't you tell them that they're just guarding a bunch of gate passes." Albrecht continued. "Do they need to guard them with their lives? That job was on you, and yet you're chilling in your room like a shut-in." Albrecht continued. He specifically riled the Undead Bonesword Samurai so the disciples wouldn't join his side.

After all, if Albrecht were to fight the Undead Bonesword Samurai along with all the disciples present. He won't stand a chance against them.

"Is that true?" One of the disciples asked, stepping forward as he asked their master for confirmation.

"Are we really just guarding a bunch of gate passes?"

"What is this? I didn't sign up for this. I'm not even paid enough to do this."

Even though they were undead, Albrecht knew that they still thought like humans since they were sentient. Their reasoning was still intact and he used that to his advantage.

To further incite more anger, Albrecht raised his hands, putting up four fingers. "Yep, you're guarding four gate passes. Four of them, to be exact."

"Just four?"

"What do these gate passes do?"

There was confusion from the side of the disciples as they attempted to squeeze out answers from their master. However, their master didn't tell them anything. He just stood there in silence without uttering a word.

In a couple of minutes, the skepticism died down, and the disciples slowly walked to the side since they didn't want any part in the fight.

Albrecht's plan had worked, and he didn't even need the System for it. Breathing a sigh of relief, Albrecht then addressed the Undead Bonesword Samurai.

"You don't have to guard it with your life either. Can you just give them to me, they're mere gate passes." Albrecht asked, still displaying dominance over the Undead Bonesword Samurai.

"I know that these items represent the Four Overseers. They're common gate passes for them, but I was tasked to guard them with my life." The Undead Bonesword Samurai began.

"You're an undead... why are you talking as if you still have a life? Is living here in this entrapment the definition of life to you?" Albrecht brought out the elephant in the room.

The other disciples gasped when they heard what Albrecht said but they didn't speak back.

"You're making me lose my patience, human. If you want to live, then turn away and never come back here." The Undead Bonesword Samurai gritted his teeth as he swung his weapon— a whip made of a beast's vertebrae.

"Make me..." Albrecht took one step back as he assumed a fighting stance. And he didn't just assume any fighting stance, he assumed the basic form of the Undead Bonesword Samurai's sword style.

Elbows tucked in and one leg out front, Albrecht assumed a fighting stance as if he was drawing a sword from his scabbard. At first, the Undead Bonesword Samurai was confused as to what Albrecht was doing.

However, he instantly realized that Albrecht was making a mockery of his sword style. This was the basic form of his Moonlight Swordstyle and it was obvious that Albrecht was aware of it. He was grinning from ear to ear, after all.

"YOU—!" The Undead Bonesword Samurai screamed, assuming the first form of his sword style as he unleashed his opening attack at Albrecht.