Do You Want To Be My Disciple?

With a huge swing, the Undead Bonesword Samurai whipped his bone sword at Albrecht, causing him to lean backward before performing a couple of somersaults.

He managed to dodge the swing by a hair's breadth, but he instantly lost his bearings because he acted out of pure instinct.

[Skill 'Chronos Reversion' activated]

[Item 'Cosmos Spatial Sword' equipped]

The second attack came soon after. The moment the Undead Bonesword Samurai struck, he used the momentum to spin forward, slinging another attack at Albrecht and instantly following his first strike.

To Albrecht's surprise, the Undead Bonesword Samurai is exponentially faster compared to the System records. He completely underestimated the monster, causing him to receive the full brunt of the attack.

Initially, the Undead Bonesword Samurai should've been an A-Rank Monster. But for some reason, it was at AA-Rank, which meant that it was close to becoming an S-Rank.

The rank-up wasn't even that far, but Albrecht could already tell the difference. He didn't feel the need to look at the stats of the Undead Bonesword Samurai since he knew it would be a handful of times higher than his.

"Kaghk~!" Albrecht screamed as saliva sprayed from his mouth and the air was knocked out of his lungs. The second attack hit him squarely on the stomach, slamming him to the ground like a jackhammer.

"Moonlight Swordstyle, First Form, Unsheathe." The Undead Bonesword's Samurai's voice was like cold air that sent shivers down Albrecht's spine. Since he was still on the ground, he knew that he won't be able to dodge the attack.

That's when Albrecht realized something. He had been using his skill Chronos Reversion all along... but the Undead Bonesword Samurai was still faster than him!

"What the—"

When Albrecht looked to the side, he realized that the undead Disciples were moving at a very slow pace. He could see their eyes slowly dilating while they watch their master unsheathe his sword.

'Man~ I might've pushed myself a little too hard this time.' Albrecht thought in his mind while he watched the Undead Bonesword Samurai unsheathe his sword.



A wind blade of black and white manifested from the sword, traveling towards Albrecht at insane speeds. Albrecht's life passed in a blink as the throes of death knocked on his door.

'I'm going to die. I'm really going to die!' Albrecht said to himself. The wind blade inched closer toward him.

[You purchased a skill from the System Shop]

[System Shop Points -60,000]

[Quest: 'Purchase For The First Time in the System Shop' complete!]

[System Shop Voucher x1 obtained]

[Skill 'Calm Mind' activated]

[Calm Mind (F-Rank)— A simple skill that allows the user to have a calm mind. This basic skill cannot cancel sophisticated skills such as 'Bloodthirst' or 'Taunt' but it works effectively when the user is in a genuine, normal state of fear or panic.]

Suddenly, Albrecht felt as if he was in a trance. The wind blade of death was coming at him at such insane speeds but he didn't feel at all threatened. His adrenaline was off the charts, and his enhanced senses were heightened even further thanks to his new skill 'Calm Mind'.

Now that he thought about it, he didn't buy a single thing from the System Shop. Then he realized that the System could actually make a couple of calls with or without his permission. This was one of those times wherein it made the decision before even relaying the message to Albrecht.

For once, the System did something that put him in a favorable position.

Out of impulse, Albrecht jumped out of the way, escaping the frozen state he was in when he saw the doors to his death. He heaved a sigh of relief when he managed to dodge such a first-class accelerated attack.

The confrontation actually lasted a single second but to Albrecht, it felt like an eternity. Then again, he managed to survive the attack— which surprised the disciples as if they'd come face to face with death.

"He lasted... a single second with our master?"

"And he didn't even break a sweat... is he even human? I've never seen a human move like that."

"I don't know... but we can't even last a single second when we fight against the master, right?"

"My question is... how could they even move like that? I couldn't see them."

"What's even crazier is that the human could keep up with our master."

"Isn't he... level three? I took a peek at his stats a moment ago and I could've sworn he was level three."

"What? He's that powerful at level three? You're kidding, right?"

"No, I'm perfectly serious."

The Undead Disciples muttered amongst themselves as Albrecht and their master continued the fight. It made them realize that they were living in a hole after all these years.

From what they could gather, Albrecht only accidentally entered the Hidden Dungeon after knowing the contents hidden within. If a random human was this strong, then what if other humans targeted the Hidden Dungeon? They were fairly certain that other adventurers were potentially stronger than Albrecht.

"Heh~ to think that you could keep up with me. For thousands of years, no one can match my speed... who would've thought that a human as talented as you existed! HAHHAHA!'


The disciples had to turn their heads twice when they realized that their Master, the Undead Bonesword Samurai, was laughing his heart out. He was even slapping his knee as if he was sharing drinks with Albrecht.

His sudden change in character caused Albrecht to wear an expression of disbelief.

'Did our master just laugh? Since when did he laugh like that?' The disciples asked inwardly, shrugging their shoulders as they looked at each other.

"Oi~ human! What's your name again?" The Undead Bonesword Samurai asked, pointing his weapon at Albrecht.

"Albrecht. Albrecht Stein." Albrecht promptly responded, still putting his guard up since the monster could attack at any moment.

"Ah, Albrecht Stein. I see. You're pretty good, aren't you?" The Undead Bonesword Samurai raised one eyebrow at Albrecht. "I like you! I'll take you in as my disciple. How about it? Man~ you came at the right time. I actually considered searching for an heir."

"I'm sorry... what?" Albrecht asked, bewildered at the sudden offer and the friendly tone of the Undead Bonesword Samurai.