Meeting with Fjormir, Overseer of Fire

A blast of searing heat greeted Albrecht in the face when he stepped inside the portal. Thanks to Hyrula's special Zecian Portal that led straight to the Eleventh Outerlayer, Albrecht finally arrive at his predestined planned location after a couple of interferences.

Technically, he was supposed to step into the Twenty-First Outerlayer, seeing as that she just defeated the Second Champion which guarded entry to the aforementioned layer. However, he wasn't planning on stepping into the Twenty-First Outerlayer just yet.

They haven't even conquered the first Ten Outerlayers, it would be suicidal if he were to jump another ten outerlayers ahead. Granted that he had information to the Twenty-First Outerlayer, Albrecht still prioritized his mission over a lengthy skip.

Waving his hand to alleviate the heat, he had no choice but to equip his 'Robe of Comfortable Temperature'. He had a couple of skills that could somehow negate the high temperatures but he decided to save it up for the upcoming raid in the Seventh Outerlayer.

Quite frankly, he had no idea how much time he'd spend in the audience of Fjormir, the Overseer of Fire, so he had to proceed with caution by not expending energy and garnering any hostility from the being.

Stepping forward, Albrecht caught a glimpse of a couple of Mythical Blood Dragons flying from a distance. There were more fire-related beasts everywhere but Albrecht didn't bother observing them. Who knows, they might attack him without notice and it might anger the Overseer of Fire.

Despite the fact that the Overseer of Fire saved him from death back then, Albrecht still assumed that she had a short fuse. That's why he needed to go to great lengths just to not offend her. More than anything, he wanted to continue their amicable relationship together, just like how he had a friendly vibe with the Overseer of Earth.

"Albrecht Stein, I've been waiting for your arrival. You've arrived earlier than I thought." Fjormir's voice was like a gentle breeze blowing against the flames and causing it to be more potent. The best way to describe it was a gentle lick of flame filled with patience and warmth.

A breeze of warm air blew against Albrecht's face. Somehow, the breeze was more comfortable than the high temperatures.

Even before Fjormir, the Overseer of Fire, came into view, Albrecht was already kneeling, extending his hand as he presented the Mystical Fire Stake and the Protection Symbol of Gehenna. These two were striking symbols of a great follower, but Fjormir knew better than that.

Soft flaps of wings could be heard, but Albrech didn't dare raise his head since it might be disrespectful to Fjormir. He kept his rigid stance while waiting for her command for him to look up.

"Please raise your head and let's skip the formalities, Albrecht." Fjormir finally said as Albrecht heard her descent. She lightly tapped her foot on the ground while the sound of flapping wings came to a standstill.

When Albrecht looked up, his eyes were mesmerized by the sheer beauty and elegance of Fjormir the Overseer of Fire. No wonder Hldrmir, the Overseer of Earth, was so enamored by her beauty. Calling her beautiful didn't warrant her otherworldly prepossessing femme fatale.

Her face had the most balanced symmetry, with her hair extending down to her waist, a shade of light orange and white. Her phoenix-like eyes were bright orange in color, with a dot of scarlet in the middle.

On her posterior branched out four wings with matching shades of her hair color. Each wing was as tall as her, and it touched the ground in an arching manner.

To further accentuate her curvaceousness, she wore an almost skintight lace gown that perfectly hugged her body in a sort of innocent and slightly lewd way. Her lips had a hint of orange, and she smiled with a hint of mischievousness and coquettishness.

"Whoa~" Albrecht let out, causing Fjormir to chuckle.

"You're a fine young man as well, Albrecht, totally my type, hmm hmm~ as expected of my great follower." Fjormir lightly brought up, pointing upward as she proved her point.

"But I'm not actually your..." Before Albrecht could explain how he wasn't really a great follower (he could sense that Fjormir already knew what was up so he decided to come clean), Fjormir interrupted her by walking forward and pressing her index finger on her lips and onto his.

"As I said, drop the formalities, Albrecht." Fjormir continued. "You have my protection symbol and my stake, what more could I possibly ask as proof?" Leaning her head on one side, she gestured for Albrecht to follow her around her realm while they conversed with each other.

Albrecht completely understood his assignment. Even though he wasn't a great follower, he technically was— and the protection symbol and the stake were proof of that title. In other words, Fjormir didn't really care, what she cared about was Albrecht disregarding the technicalities of their relationship.

Instead of thinking about what they were to each other, he should be focusing on forging a bond with her on his visit. What Albrecht knew was that Fjormir hadn't kill him yet, and that's saying a lot considering that he just invited himself into Fjormir's Realm without prior heads up.

Meekly, Albrecht trailed right behind Fjormir, sheepishly following her since he didn't consider himself her equal. In response, Fjormir slowed her pace and beckoned for him to walk beside her.

She smiled, finding Albrecht's little gestures as cute and timid. She knew better though— aware of how formidable Albrecht actually was in the battlefield. He may act pusillanimous at the moment, but he was the polar opposite of it.

"So what do you need from me, my great follower?" Fjormir cooed, leaning her shoulder on Albrecht which made him flinch.

Surprisingly, Fjormir's shoulders were warm to the touch. Initially, Albrecht assumed that she'd be burning hot, well, in terms of physical beauty, yes, but not quite literally.

"I know it is imprudent of me to ask of this... but I would like to tame the Immortal Fireflower," Albrecht asked, slightly bowing his head to express his respect at Fjormir.

As soon as he did so, Fjormir stopped short in her tracks. Her expression shifted into something different— she scowled with a hint of awe and concern.

"Are you sure about this, Albrecht? You do know that even I... even I couldn't tame the Immortal Fireflower, right?" Fjormir confirmed, to which Albrecht nodded his head with firm determination.