To Tame The Immortal Fireflower

The Immortal Fireflower.

It was mythically believed to be immortal hence the name. In the four corners of Fjormir's Realm, the Immortal Fireflower is one of the handful of mysteries that existed within.

A flower that blooms on a double full moon, emitting a heat that could melt even the strongest of metals. It is said to have a life of its own, transforming into a six-winged faery with four slits as scarlet eyes. In Fjormir's Realm, seeing one is considered a stroke of good luck, since no one had seen it and come out of it alive.

Even the Fjormir, the Overseer of Fire, greatly respected the Immortal Fireflower since it could rival the amount of heat she could withstand. In terms of heat immunity, the Immortal Fireflower is on par with Fjormir, but in no way could they measure up to Fjormir's sheer excellence and power.

It wasn't widely known, and for years, it was believed that there was only one Immortal Fireflower (or so that's what the records stated based on the System's information on other dimensions). However, there was apparently an entire race of Immortal Fireflowers, existing in Fjormir's Realm.

No one had tamed them in the past, but there was a certain Albrecht counterpart from another dimension who managed to find the secrets of the Immortal Fireflower. Thanks to him, Albrecht had a vague idea of how he'd go about bringing the Immortal Fireflower to his side.

He could almost hear his counterpart screaming in his ear, telling him not to mess things up so he won't sully the Albrecht name.

Immortal Fireflowers were mythical monsters that existed exclusively in Fjormir's Realm. And this time, Albrecht sought to tame one to aid him on the upcoming raid for the Seventh Outerlayer.

"Even until now, I've never heard of anyone taming an Immortal Fireflower, are you sure about this?" Fjormir was genuinely worried about Albrecht since the Immortal Fireflowers could get dangerous. They have a clean record of incinerating those who see them and Albrecht was no exception.

"I just need a couple of hours. I hope I could do this. Does that mean you allow me to attempt to tame the Immortal Fireflower?" Albrecht asked before bowing down at Fjormir. "I express my deepest gratitude. I will return, bearing good news."

"I mean... oh wait, do you need anything?" Fjormir concernedly asked before turning away. "No, I trust that you'll return to me with good news. I will await your return, Albrecht. Please look forward to your reward as a great follower."

It was an indirect way for Fjormir to say goodbye and excuse herself. She didn't want to be a bother while Albrecht attempted to tame the Immortal Fireflower. Also, she had more things to do aside from monitoring Albrecht every step of the way.

There were still more dimensions to deal with, and just as many adventurers to bless with her fire blessing. As the Overseer of Fire, she couldn't just direct a hundred percent of her attention to one adventurer, no matter how interested and invested she was in that individual.

Without further ado, Albrecht started running toward one of the Immortal Fireflowers. He already knew some of the locations of the Immortal Fireflowers thanks to the System which provided him with gathered information. Thanks to that, Albrecht didn't have to waste precious time locating an Immortal Fireflower.

From afar, Albrecht could already feel the searing heat burning through his skin as he tried to approach the Immortal Fireflower. Based on the System Information, there was a double full moon happening in a couple of minutes. The moment the Immortal Fireflower blooms, it would shift into its faery form.

This was one of the opportune moments where taming an Immortal Fireflower proved to be the easiest.

If they were in their faery form, they could control the heat they emit a little bit more. And most important of all, they could be negotiated in their faery form since technically, they'd be sleeping when they assumed their flower form.

Albrecht continued approaching the Immortal Fireflower, waiting for the exact moment when the double full moon would occur. He was hoping to get as close as possible before it shifted to its faery form.

And once the Immortal Fireflower turns into a faery, it would be a strict game of chance whether Albrecht could tame it or not. To increase the odds of his taming process, Albrecht decided to equip his 'Blue Four Leaf Clover'. It was an object which possessed an increase in luck, not that it would guarantee Albrecht's success.

Thanks to the 'Robe of Comfortable Temperature', Albrecht didn't have an incredibly difficult time approaching the Immortal Fireflower. If it weren't for his equipment, he would've melted due to the extreme heat. The Immortal Fireflower is capable of melting an adventurer from a distance, hence it still necessitated Albrecht to proceed with caution.

Shielding his face from the heat Albrecht continued treading the field of melting point, inching closer towards the Immortal Fireflower. He was still a distance away from it and he was already having an uncomfortable time.

Suddenly, the air around the Immortal Fireflower changed, and the unbearable heat became somewhat bearable. This was the signal that Albrecht was waiting for— a signal that the Immortal Fireflower was shifting into its faery form.

"Perfect timing," Albrecht managed to voice out despite his dry throat.

The Immortal Fireflower slowly opened, revealing its faery form. As its petals turned into wings, Albrecht sprinted forward, disregarding the intense heat that scalded his skin. He was still a hundred or so meters away from the Immortal Fireflower so he had to quicken his pace, all the while relying on his adrenaline to kick in to numb the pain.

Fifty meters. Twenty meters. Ten meters. Albrecht accelerated forward before he took one leap at the Immortal Fireflower. With the right timing, Albrecht caught it just when it was about to fly out of its stem.

"Got it," He celebrated even though his hand started burning to the touch.