Using the Beast Horn of Obedience

Azura Xalthor, the guild master of the Rilegarthe Guild, uneasily shifted on his seat before he finally stood up, taking a peek into the reception hall of the Rilegarthe Guild before easing onto his seat once again.

Somehow, the next guild-wide subjugation made him feel concerned, and the worry ate him up inside like a predator clawing up from inside a stomach.

And yet, there was a light vibe in the guild, as if this would just be another normal subjugation. It bewildered him how everyone could be so half-hearted when this would be one of the most difficult conquer attempts they'll go through. Clearing his throat, Azura decided not to think about it and instead continue reading the novel he was reading.

"They're probably confident because the Heroes of Relics are with them," Azura said to himself before heaving a condescending sigh.

His thoughts then wandered towards a certain adventurer and once again, he felt regret filling up his system. Every time he remembered how the Heroes of Relics unjustly removed him from their team, it made his blood boil to insane levels.

The only thing he could think of was that the Heroes of Relics were shortsighted, and they couldn't take a glance beyond their short-sightedness. He wanted to slam the table so hard but he maintained his composure and continued reading.

The same vibe could be felt in the Lomenschwaal Guild, but they were more tense compared to the overall vibe of the Rilegarthe Guild. Even though they also have their own heroes, they still couldn't relax.

Rhydderch Wintermoon, the guild master of the Lomenschwaal Guild, looked at his pocketwatch before taking a peek outside his office.

He was expecting Albrecht to come bursting through the door any moment now but there was still no sign of him. Then again, it was still nighttime, they have a couple of hours before the destined assembly time on the First Outerlayer.

There were still a couple of hours, but he couldn't help but feel a tad bit worried.

Meanwhile, in the Eleventh Outerlayer, Fjormir's Realm,

Albrecht clenched his teeth as his hand clasped the Immortal Fireflower (faery) on his hand like a lifeline. He didn't dare let go of the faery no matter what since it could easily incinerate him within a second.

Thanks to the information given to him by the System, he knew that the Immortal Fireflower in its faery form would be useless if its wings were rendered immobile. And the most effective way of doing so would be to hold it.

"Fortunately, I kept this item with me... I didn't get to use it on the First Outerlayer, but now it should be the next most useful thing." Albrecht said to himself as the burning sensation ate away at his skin. With his nerves burned to a crisp, he didn't even feel his hand enflamed. He continued gripping the Immortal Fireflower.

[Item 'Beast Horn of Obedience' equipped]

[Item 'Blue Four Leaf Clover' is reacting strongly]

[Would you like to combine the two items together?]

"Nope," Albrecht responded promptly as the window disappeared before his eyes. With his free hand, he placed the Beast Horn of Obedience on his mouth and started blowing on it.

Since it was called the Beast Horn of Obedience, one would think that it would sound like a shofar or any other kind of horn. However, what came out of it was a sweet sound filled with serenity and warmth. Anyone in the vicinity could almost taste how sweet the sound was, and it calmed down the surrounding beasts in the area.

And the Immortal Fireflower on Albrecht's hand was the most affected one out of all the beasts and monsters in the vicinity. It tried to struggle its way out of Albrecht's grasp, but it couldn't force its way out, not with its wings 'clipped'.

With the effect of the Beast Horn of Obedience stacking with the luck that the Blue Four Leaf Clover brought, Albrecht easily tamed the Immortal Fireflower. Well, it wasn't easy since Albrecht's hand was nothing but bones when the Immortal Fireflower finally calmed down.

While all this went down, Fjormir was actually hiding behind a huge boulder, keenly observing Albrecht since he was confident in taming the 'untameable' Immortal Fireflower.

Her curiosity was so piqued that she disregarded the adventurers who wandered into her realm to ask for her Fire Blessing. She had to watch the entire process, otherwise, her curiosity won't be satiated.

A scoff came out of Fjormir's Mouth when she realized that Albrecht was using the Beast Horn of Obedience to tame the Immortal Fireflower. To be fair, Fjormir had already used everything in her knowledge to tame the Immortal Fireflower, but all her hard work was in vain. She couldn't do it.

Based on the system information, it would take a couple more years before Fjormir could actually tame the Immortal Fireflower. Right now, she was still oblivious to this fact.

"WHAT?!" Fjormir screamed as she stormed her way toward Albrecht. As she did so, the Immortal Fireflower Faery started fluttering around Albrecht, totally bewitched by him.

"Eh?!" Albrecht flinched as he took a step back. He was surprised to see Fjormir making his way to him. He immediately concluded that she probably masked her presence and monitored him from afar.

"How did you do that?" Fjormir asked, shakily pointing at the Immortal Fireflower. For the life of her, she couldn't believe that she was overtaken by a mere human... and that human in question was a mere Level 2 Adventurer. It was absolutely preposterous!

"How did I what?" Albrecht asked, fully knowing what Fjormir was referring to.

"How did you tame the Immortal Fireflower? A-and you only used a Beast Horn of Obedience? What's going on here?" Fjormir asked.

In response, Albrecht rubbed his nose before waving his skeletal hand. He made a mental note of healing it with his 'Vampire Metamorphosis' skill later on. "I'll tell you later, thank you for allowing me to tame the Immortal Fireflower, Fjormir." Albrecht called out.

He then changed his direction since he needed to go to another Zecian Portal. Since there was still enough time, he figured he'd visit the Second and Third Outerlayers before going to Lomenschwaal Kingdom.

"W-wait! He's gone..." Fjormir sniffled. Now she had to wait for a couple more days before Albrecht would visit her again.