Assigning Another Third Outerlayer Boss

Third Outerlayer, Realm of the Frost Elves,

When Helena Frost's recurring fever finally died down, she was greeted by the white ceiling of her bedroom. Her personal attendant, a maid affiliated with a low-ranking noble, stood up with gracefulness, momentarily excusing herself while she grabbed a cup of Laffa Tea.

She still remembered the words of their benefactor from the Stillwater Tribe, Albrecht Stillwater— that every time Helena Frost comes into consciousness, she'd have to brew Laffa Tea to calm her nerves down.

With the help of the tea and the acupuncture treatment that she did, Helena Frost was sure to regain her full health. Somehow, the personal attendant couldn't believe that Cecilia and Drujinn would wholly trust a doctor from the Stillwater Tribe.

Who knows, that doctor might even be an impostor connected with their uncle Hrjinn in a poor attempt to claim the throne for his own.

However, it's not like they have that much of a choice, and it felt like the doctor was trustworthy. Besides, what harm could Laffa Tea do to their queen? It was just normal tea.

Heaving a sigh, the attendant procured the tea. When she returned to her majesty's bedroom, Helena was already sitting down on the bed.

The sight of the queen sitting upright with her usual majestic presence shocked the personal attendant to the core, so much so that she almost dropped the teapot of Laffa Tea she brought with her.

"Laffa Tea again?" Helena Frost softly smiled, her lips parting as she welcomed her personal attendant. "I guess I worried you again too much, Marie."

"N-n-no, your highness!" Marie stuttered as she hurriedly poured tea into the teacup, shakily handing it to her majesty.

"Thank you,"

During the past few days, Helena Frost would jump in and out of her feverish state like a swinging pendulum. And throughout all that, Marie tended to her majesty, making sure that she drinks her daily dose of Laffa Tea.

Every day without fail, Marie brew Laffa Tea and made the queen drink it. From time to time, Cecilia and Drujinn Frost would help out, however, she was almost always the one brewing the tea.

Because of that, she had so much experience brewing Laffa Tea that she was already an expert at it. In fact, she was confident that she could do it with her eyes closed.

"How are you feeling, your highness?" Marie asked, kneeling down in front of Helena Frost to express her respect.

"You didn't have to kneel, Marie. And yes, I'm feeling fine now. I think the poison is gone for good." Helena said. She felt better than normal, much better than when she was in her prime.

"T-then!" Marie's eyes sparkled as she bolted upright. She then bowed down in front of her as she excused herself. "I shall inform young miss and the young master right away!"

Before Helena Frost could even say something, Marie already dashed through the door. She was more than exhilirated to bring forth the good news to Cecilia and Drujinn.

In the Frost Forest,

Just this morning, Drujinn was informed that a new Abominable Snowman had spawned right where the previous one had been. This was a normal occurrence in the Third Outerlayer, and Drujinn was always there to witness it so he could assign the Abominable Snowman as the Boss of the Third Outerlayer.

Defeating it again wouldn't do anything since the Zecian Portal to the Fourth Outerlayer was already opened.

Drujinn could actually go through the Outerlayers himself as someone who lives in the Third Outerlayer. However, he didn't plan on going since it would just be a waste of time. Besides, there was no merit for him if he were to go, since he never thought of becoming the number one in the first place.

From a distance, Drujinn watched as the Abominable Snowman spawned. Everyone who was with him was in awe when they saw the birth of the new Boss of the Third Outerlayer. Now, anyone could attempt to defeat it once again in an attempt to earn an 'Eversnow Crystal'.

After writing some sort of runes in the air and pushing it forward. Drujinn watched as the rune planted itself on the Abominable Snowman's forehead. With this, the Abominable Snowman had been assigned its role.

"Now, our role here is done. Let's head home. I still need to be on my mother's side while she's sick." Drujinn said, announcing to his group that they were finally heading back.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed a familiar presence that almost forced him to take a step backward. "Wait... isn't that... Beacon Frost?" He trailed off.

His slightly lower volume caused the others to panic. Beacon Frost was a prime figure for the Frost Elves Tribe so hearing his name made them pleasantly surprised. They started looking around.

"Him? That's Beacon Frost?"

"No, er I mean... it's complicated. His name is Albrecht Stillwater." Drujinn continued. At this point, he didn't have to explain Albrecht's identity since he was pretty much known amongst the Frost Elves Tribe at this point.

He was, after all, the doctor who presumably cured the queen's illness.


Since he was entering another place where the temperature was just as unbearable, Albrecht didn't bother removing the Robe of Comfortable Temperature. A blast of cold air immediately breezed on his face, causing his skin to adjust to the sudden coldness.

While the Robe of Comfortable Temperature maintained his body temperature, he was still weakly affected by the sudden temperature drop.

"I really can't get used to his place," Albrecht muttered to himself, putting his arms on top of each other while he pretended to shiver in the cold.

Just then, the System reminded Albrecht that he needed to disguise himself as a Frost Elf. Before anyone could notice him, he put on the ring that Drujinn gave him in the past.

As soon as he did that, he noticed movements coming from his flank.

"It's really you, Albrecht, you've returned!" Drujinn enthusiastically exclaimed as he excitedly ran towards Albrecht.