Fighting Hldrmir's Green Terra Golem

Now that the fiasco was over, the overdue reunion between the quack doctor and the patient finally came to pass. Once again, Cecilia and Drujinn introduced Albrecht to his mother.

At this point, Helena Frost was already aware of Albrecht's identity. However, this was the first time she saw him face to face. 'He really is good-looking. I can't believe I've never met him before in the Stillwater Tribe.' Helena inwardly said to herself, gracefully bowing down to Albrecht as he was formally introduced.

"Greetings, y-your majesty." Albrecht bowed his head

"This is Albrecht Stillwater, a specialist doctor from the Stillwater Tribe. Well, he's actually the incarnation of Beacon Frost and he's a human. He's just wearing the 'ring' to look like that." Drujinn half-heartedly explained, figuring that his mother and sister won't be as surprised if he assumed such a monotonous tone while jerking his thumb at Albrecht.


Shocked, Helena and Cecilia had to do a double take as Drujinn's words sank in. Albrecht was actually a human, and his belonging to the Stillwater Tribe was just a blatant farce. They then looked at Albrecht once again as he hesitantly unequipped the 'ring' that Drujinn gave him.

"Whoa, he really is a human. I'm surprised." Cecilia mumbled to herself while putting her hand on her chin. She carefully observed Albrecht since most of his features resembled a Frost Elf aside from his normal human ears.

"You look like a half-frost elf and half-human," Helena commented, touching Albrecht's hair since it greatly resembled their hair color. "In any case, you didn't come here just to check up on me, right? What is it? As long as it's within my power, I'll grant it to you."

"Mom! Are you saying that if he asks you to marry him, you'll do it in a flash?!" Cecilia exclaimed. Even Drujinn was surprised that Cecilia brought up such an absurd topic.

Granted that their mom had been single ever since they were young, Drujinn couldn't believe that that was the first thing that came out of Cecilia's mouth when their mother pointed out the issue regarding Albrecht's reward.

"Of course, that's easily negotiable!" Helena Frost smiled, flicking her hair in front of Albrecht to display her charm.

"Mom!" Cecilia hmph'ed. She couldn't picture Albrecht as someone who'd be her mom's other half. It was simply unimaginable.

"I'm kidding, so what would it be, Albrecht?"

"Actually..." Albrecht trailed off as he redirected his gaze to Drujinn. He was aiming for the Abominable Snowman and Drujinn already knew that.

Sixth Outerlayer, Hldrmir's Realm.

Sheila, Medusa Yukina, and Yulie Rosethorn already braced themselves as they challenged Hldrmir into a fight. Initially, Hldrmir didn't want to fight them since they absolutely don't stand a chance against him. He was an Overseer, and they were mere adventurers. Well, one of them was an Outerlayer Boss but Hldrmir was still confident he could easily take them on and emerge victorious.

Despite his pleas, the trio didn't back down from their challenge. They were even dead set on destroying a portion of Hldrmir's Realm just to provoke him for a match.

Sensing that the match was unavoidable, Hldrmir heaved a sigh and waved his hand. "If you really want a match, then I'll pair you up with one of my minions. If you can defeat him, then I'll teleport you to the Tenth Outerlayer, no questions asked." Hldrmir explained. "Of course, your opponent is slightly stronger than the gatekeeper between Tenth and Eleventh Outerlayer."

"If you can defeat it, then I'll personally open up a Zecian Portal that leads straight to the Tenth Outerlayer." Hldrmir offered.

Filled with determination, the three ladies nodded their heads in response to Hldrmir. They had no idea just how formidable Hldrmir's summon would be, however, they knew that they cannot afford to fail since Albrecht's life was on the line here.

"I'm no good with attacking or supporting, but I don't feel any pain so... just leave the defense to me." Sheila brought up just when Hldrmir turned around to summon what would be the trio's opponent.

"Then, we'll leave the defense to you. I'll handle the overall support with my 'Blessing of the Divine Paladin' skill, and I think... we can leave the offense to you, Yukina-san." Yulie pointed out. Now that they've assigned their roles to each other. It was clear that their party was actually pretty solid.

They have the three main roles for adventurers covered and it would greatly help with their efficiency in this subjugation.

Without further ado, Sheila assumed the position at the front, carrying her enormous harp with her. She may be a support unit, but her physique as an undead allowed her to be tankier than most.

"It's been so long since my last battle. I guess this is a good time to stretch and let out a little bit." Yukina muttered to herself as the white snakes on her head started hissing when she woke them up.

"Eh, those are snakes? I didn't notice." Sheila commented, wondering why someone has snake hair. This was the first time she saw someone from the Medusa Tribe so she had no idea that someone like her existed.

"If we willed it, we can turn any male into stone. That's just how it is with me since I hailed from the Medusa Tribe." Yukina responded to Sheila's soft exclamation.

While the three of them carefully discussed their given roles and how they'd rotate during the fight, Hldrmir approached them once again, extending both his hands forward as he formed a green cube in his hand.

He then raised his hand up, throwing the green cube towards the sky before it expanded to monumental sizes.

Before Sheila, Yukina, and Yulie could admire the colossal green cube that floated in the sky, Hldrmir teleported the three of them inside that green cube, and they found themselves in an arena of sorts where they'd be facing Hldrmir's summon.

This was done to ensure that Hldrmir's Realm won't get damaged. One thing that Hldrmir particularly hated was a fight breaking out in his realm.

"Here's my Green Terra Golem, which is exactly level 110. If you can defeat him, then you're free to do as you wish." Hldrmir waved his hand as a huge Golem made out of thorny vines appeared before the trio.