Limiting The Summon's Capabilities

Compared to everyone who didn't even reach level 50, the Green Terra Golem was drastically more powerful than the three of them combined. It was five meters tall, but just the overwhelming pressure leaking out of it was enough to make them nervous.

Now that they were face to face with one of Hldrmir's summons, they couldn't help but rethink their decisions a moment ago. Back then, they were confident in fighting Hldrmir, so much so that they blatantly challenged him without reservations.

However, right now, they realized that Hldrmir was actually merciful towards them. If he willed it, defeating the three of them is as easy as breaking a small stick— in this case, three small sticks.

"You can tap out at any time. I hope this will be a great experience for you." Hldrmir nodded his head while confidently crossing his arms.

There was no way the three of them would be able to defeat the Green Terra Golem. Even if they seamlessly worked together, the Green Terra Golem would just overpower them completely. It wasn't even a question.

Sheila, Yukina, and Yulie gulped as they nervously swallowed their saliva. Right now, their own strengths as adventurers were bound to be tested, and this would give them a rough idea of whether they'd be helpful to Kazuichi or not. Not only was their pride on the line, their entire existence was being tested.

Unbeknownst to the three of them, Hldrmir was actually taking it too easy on them. For one, the Green Terra Golem is a tank and a support unit combined. Although its offenses weren't that great, the huge gap between their levels evened out their firepower.

Adding to that, the Green Terra Golem is slow, so there was no way it could dodge everything that the three of them would throw at it. And lastly, Hldrmir was actually limiting the Green Terra Golem, just because he knew that these three ladies were Albrecht's precious comrade.

A moment ago, Albrecht had proven to him that he was one of his great followers. After all, he's got the 'Medallion of Terra' in his possession. That's why when Albrecht was sucked into the Zecian Portal, it became Hldrmir's responsibility to keep the three ladies safe.

Thanks to his connection with Albrecht, Hldrmir was well aware that Albrecht was still alive. That's why he didn't worry too much. Moreover, Albrecht was one of the few adventurers that Hldrmir acknowledged as formidable. There was no way he'd die that easily, even if a gatekeeper beyond the Tenth Floor were to fight him.

"Still, I can't believe he's still level 2. Is he using some sort of skill that hides his true level? No, he gives off the vibe of a level 2. It's just that his skills and control over his Zecian Aura were far too sophisticated for his level. There's no doubt he's a genius." HHldrmir muttered to himself.

His line of thought was interrupted by the Green Terra Golem's groan. It was raring to go, and so Hldrmir gave it a signal to commence the fight.

In an instant, the thorny vines that comprised the Green Terra Golem's body extended towards Sheila, Yukina, and Yulie, shooting off of its main body as it aimed to knock any of them down.

In a flash, the three of them separated their ways as they assumed their position. Yulie immediately activated her 'Blessing of the Divine Paladin' skill, buffing up her two allies. Then she began cutting down the thorny vines that charged her way.

Sheila had a different approach though, she began parrying the vines while she began playing her harp. As mentioned before, the Green Terra Golem was exactly level 110. Since Sheila works on debuffs and tanking, she had no idea whether her attacks would actually work on their opponent.

Then there was Yukina, who was using her absurd physical strength to push off the vines while she charged at the Green Terra Golem.

It was only a couple of seconds since the commencement of the match and yet the three of them worked together like a well-oiled machine. Yulie continuously buffed everyone up while maintaining her stance, and Yukina strove hard to deal damage to the Green Terra Golem. And as for Sheila, she tried to debuff the enemy as much as she could while tanking most of the hits.

They had one goal— to win this match and assist Albrecht on the other side of the Zecian Portal. And now that they engaged the Green Terra Golem in a match, there was no other way but forward.

"Whoa, they're really keeping up with the Green Terra Golem, huh? Should I tone down the limiter I placed on my summon? At this rate, they're really going to defeat it." It seemed like Hldrmir completely underestimated the three ladies. They were more powerful than he had initially expected.

After contemplating on it for a couple of seconds, Hldrmir decided to watch over them for a minute or so before he removed the limiter on the Green Terra Golem. "It would be bad if any of them got injured... but it would be even worse if they could defeat the Green Terra Golem and I'd have no choice but to send them to Albrecht. They might face unnecessary danger over there and if that were to happen... Albrecht might not forgive me."

There was also another reason why Hldrmir wanted to appease Albrecht all the time. And yes, it had everything to do with Fjormir. He was fascinated by her, and as far as he knows, Albrecht is also Fjormir's great follower. He was going to use Albrecht as a bridge to further his relations with Fjormir.

'And for that to happen. I must do what I can to support him as much as I could.' Hldrmir clenched his fists together as he watched the match between the ladies and the Green Terra Golem.

A couple of seconds later, Hldrmir would free the Green Terra Golem of its shackles. Now, there was no stopping the Green Terra Golem from tapping into its full potential.