Helena's Discussion With The Outerlayers

[Green Terra Golem (A-Rank)— A type of golem prevalent in Hldrmir's Realm. Their levels could range from level 30 upwards, with the strongest rumored to reach above 1000, although it was never proven. With its thorny vines, it could easily immobilize enemies as well as attack and defend at the same time. It is one of the best all-rounder golems to exist.

Skills: See more...

Level: 110

Health Point/HP— 11,219

Aura Point/MP— 89

Attack— 1,076

Agility — 203

Speed— 98

Defense— 2,871

Resistance— 0

Luck— 1]

Continuously buffing her two party members took a slight toll on Yulie Rosethorn but she knew that they were dealing significant damage to the enemy.

Yukina and Sheila steadily attacked the Green Terra Golem since they were getting rather impatient. Instead of sticking to their roles, they decided to concentrate on whittling down the Green Terra Golem's HP in hopes of defeating it as soon as possible.

In the short run, this would severely exhaust their energy but it was a viable exchange compared to taking a much longer time and exposing Albrecht to an even greater danger. Whatever happens, they were fairly certain that Albrecht needed their help, so they've got to rejoin him as soon as possible.

Due to Sheila's tanky nature, she couldn't move as agile as Yukina, that's why she stuck to dodging with minor movements while she continued debuffing the golem with her harp. It was a pretty meticulous task but Yukina helped her out by keeping the golem at bay.

"At this rate, it's going to take us an hour or two before we could rejoin Albrecht. Is this really a good idea?" Yulie Rosethorn asked, but the constant whipping sound of the thorny vines just made it even harder for the three of them to communicate.

"What was that?" Sheila and Yukina asked, but Yulie didn't bother repeating what she said.

After all, it would only unnecessarily drain her energy if she were to scream a second time. Besides, they already have a plan in motion. They just have to stick through with it until the end and hope for the best.

— — —

Third Outerlayer, Frost Elves Tribe

It didn't take long before Albrecht defeated the Abominable Snowman. And thanks to his luck, he was able to get an Eversnow Crystal. Moreover, he got two of them!

[Item: Eversnow Crystal x2 obtained]

The odds of an Eversnow Crystal appearing was infinitesimal as it is, but he got two of them. This meant that he could've gotten an Eversnow Crystal drop even if he didn't use his Blue Four Leaf Clover.

At this point, Drujinn didn't even dare ask what Albrecht was going to do with the Eversnow Crystal, and at this point, he didn't want to ask. Instead, the two of them talked to each other, generally about Ground Zero and what Albrecht was planning to do after this.

To Albrecht and all adventurers out there, everyone in Ground Zero should be treated as enemies. And even now, this twisted view was still rampant among adventurers. Only a handful of people knew the real truth behind the inhabitants of Ground Zero, and Albrecht was one of them.

But this wasn't the right time to reveal the real truth behind Ground Zero, that's why Albrecht kept all the information to himself.

Then again, this information was actually available to every adventurer out there. All that was required of them to do was go up to one of the inhabitants of Ground Zero and ask. It was that simple.

And yet, the first thing that an adventurer would do (instead of peacefully discoursing with an inhabitant) was kill them or challenge them to a fight. While most of the inhabitants of the tower were more than ready to engage in combat, some of them would rather talk it out instead of playing the killing game.

It was thanks to the System that Albrecht knew which inhabitants were welcoming or not. That's why Albrecht got into the mindset of avoiding fights as much as possible. It was only when the fight was required, or when he didn't have any other choice that he'd engage in one.

Once again, this wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for the multiple Albrechts in other dimensions and the System in place which acted as the crossroads for all of them to be connected.

"Once again, I just want to take you myself after everything you've done for us." Helena lightly spoke as she bowed in front of Albrecht. At the moment, she was seated on the queen's seat, and all her subordinates as well as her children were present.

The moment she spoke, everyone stared at her as if she said something wrong. This made Helena perk up before she realized that she actually let her thoughts slip. "I-I-I meant... I wanted to thank you myself..." She awkwardly let out a chuckle.

Everyone in the room heaved a sigh of relief as if that was just a splendid save coming from the queen. Then again, they weren't sure whether the queen meant her first words or not. Well, she probably meant every word of it. She did take a liking to Albrecht despite him being a human.

"You can always come back here, Albrecht. And also, if you fancy something in the treasury... just get it. Just take it as an investment." Helena continued showering Albrecht with generosity while Drujinn and Cecilia constantly glared at her.

"Still... Albrecht, let me give you a bit of a warning, are you really going to cross the entire Ground Zero?"

Albrecht nodded his head.

"And get rid of the Dark One?"

At this point, Helena's next question caused Albrecht to take a step backward. This was the first time he was questioned about the adventurers' main goal. These past few months were nothing but preparations, training, and then conquering the first outerlayers, and for some reason, the hectic schedule made Albrecht not think about this important topic.

Now that it had come to his attention, he realized that not a lot of adventurers actually thought about it. And before Helena could follow up on her question, Albrecht smiled and shook his head.

"Well, I won't be so sure. His generals seem to be evil, but we can't judge too early. At the very least, I'd give him a good talking to or something." Albrecht said, fully knowing that he currently doesn't stand a chance against the Dark One.

With their farewells long overdue, Albrecht decided to take his leave, reminding Helena Frost that he'll take her on her offer of the treasury when he needed it. He was confident that he'd be needing an item or two in there so he'll definitely come back.

As Albrecht disappeared into a nearby Zecian Portal, Helena couldn't help but curve her lips upward as she relaxed in her seat. "Interesting, to think that someone actually thinks like that." Helena muttered to herself, wondering when she'll meet Albrecht again.