Paying Her Respects

A couple of minutes ago,

[Magic Presence Detection (C-Rank)— A simple skill that allows the user to detect magic presence in the vicinity. The detection range depends on the magic output of the user and could be used to mask magic presence as well.]

Albrecht keenly examined the skill scroll that Theresa handed him. She already did her part of the deal by giving him a detection skill so at this point, there was no way Albrecht could change his mind anymore. Obviously, Theresa was really going to join him in the conquest of the Seventh Outerlayer.

"How is it? Is it... not enough?" Initially, Theresa was excited when she first handed the skill scroll to Albrecht. But upon witnessing his first reaction to it— which was indifferent in more ways than one— Theresa hung her head down low, an exhale leaving his mouth.

"I wanted to get a better skill scroll... but that was the best detection skill I could find," Theresa explained. "I-i-if you want! Then I can give you another skill scroll! But it's not a detection skill."

"No, this is already good enough. I was just wondering how I could mask my magic presence with it. That perk in a detection skill is a good addition." Albrecht commented. Well, the skill scroll was actually of low rank compared to some of his skills, but Albrecht spoke the truth. He wasn't at all disappointed at the skill scroll at all.

"You can have this! It's a skill scroll that produces a random A-Rank skill! I have a couple of them in my inventory. I insist you take it!" Theresa suddenly offered.

"But it's really fine, thank you for the skill scroll. I'll find a good use for it." Albrecht said, genuinely smiling in front of Theresa.

"I insist!" She repeated, pushing the skill scroll onto Albrecht.

Since Albrecht felt like Theresa won't be satisfied if he didn't take the skill scroll, he was forced to accept it. "Thank you, I hope I can get a pretty good skill," Albrecht said.

"It's a random A-Rank skill scroll though... so you might get a skill that might not even match your specialties," Theresa explained, still drooping her head.

"No, I doubt I'd get unlucky," Albrecht answered, grabbing the Blue Four Leaf Clover from his spatial storage space and equipping it. With its increased luck, Albrecht used the skill scroll on himself.


"Is that the—" Even Theresa couldn't believe what she just witnessed. Albrecht acted so casually but he was actually showing something beyond impressive. "A Four Leaf Clover? And a blue one at that?"

The skill scroll shined brightly before the light emanating from it dissipated. Once it did, Albrecht felt a ping in his head, and a new skill was recorded in the Akashic Records of Space and Time. His understanding of the skill was already at maximum, and he was surprised to see that it was another detection skill!

Truly, the Blue Four Leaf Clover was an overpowered item.

[All Seeing Eye's Detection (A+ Rank)— A skill used by the powerful Eye Goddess. Legends believe that the user could see beyond space and time after using this skill— which is a myth. Still, this skill allows the user to detect everything, providing a heightened x-ray vision and could uncover anyone using any and all 'mask presence' skill.]

"Whoa~" Albrecht exclaimed, showing the skill at Theresa.

"You're really lucky!" Theresa exclaimed, heaving a sigh of relief. In any case, she was just grateful that Albrecht actually got another nifty skill. "I know about that skill, it's pretty good, especially when someone's hiding their presence. There's another variant of that skill, more powerful, but I've never seen anyone use it."

"Oh, so there's something more overpowered than this? That makes sense." Albrecht commented.

While they were discussing every known detection skill out there, the two of them noticed the green cube at the top of Hldrmir's Realm. They just got inside the Zecian Portal when they made the exchange, and now they realized that something was actually going down inside the spacious green cube.




"Albrecht, you've returned. We've been gravely worried about you. How was your meeting with the great Fjormir? She was kissed by the divine goddess of beauty, right? Right? Ahhh, I want to see her." Hldrmir let out a monologue greeting after briefly bowing his head in greeting.

Twitching his eyebrow, Albrecht wanted to tell Hldrmir not to say the phrase 'kissed with something'. He'd had enough of hearing that phrase from the System and now he had to hear it as well.

[Kissed with divine protection]

[Kissed with divine protection]

[Kissed with divine protection]

[Kissed with divine...]

As if to annoy him, the System started showing multiple windows with the same phrase. "Enough, I get it," Albrecht calmly said. He could've sworn that the System was chuckling behind his back, and he could feel the presence of the other Albrechts telling him how he was acting like a 'pure maiden' or something.

"Are you all right? Your cheeks are flushed red, Albrecht." Theresa concernedly asked, touching his cheek with the back of her hand.

"I-I-I'm all right," Albrecht stuttered. "In any case, what's going on up there? Is that... Yulie? And the others?!"

Albrecht finally noticed it. "Why are they fighting a Green Terra Golem?" He continued.

"Oh, I'm surprised you know about my little guardian golem over there. In any case, they insisted on following after you, but I told them to defeat the golem first before they could go to you." Hldrmir briefly explained. "Now they're trying to bring it down."

"Could they really do it? That guy's level 110. At their current levels, they won't be able to scratch it. I'm surprised they could go head to head with it." Albrecht commented... that's when he realized what was going on. With a suspicious gaze, he stared at Hldrmir. "Don't tell me... you restricted the Green Terra Golem and gave it lots of debuffs?"

"They were your companions, right? I wouldn't dare hurt them even if I had to give them a challenge." Hldrmir scratched his head as he let out a chuckle.

But while they were having a friendly conversation with each other, Theresa's pupils dilated in shock as he stared at Albrecht. "H-how could you talk to him like that, Albrecht!" She exclaimed, grabbing Albrecht by the head and forcing him to bow down.

"Theresa?" Albrecht asked in bewilderment, but he didn't resist when she grabbed him by the head. (Author's note: no, she didn't grab that head.)

"I'm sorry, Overseer of Earth. We pay our respects and express our gratitude for letting us into your realm." She greeted in haste.

"Eh?!" Albrecht and Hldrmir both exclaimed when Theresa paid her due respect to Hldrmir, the Overseer of Earth.