Isaias Asclepius, First Mystic Rank Adventurer

"Hyaaah~ it's been so long since someone greeted me formally. I forgot how to react." Hldrmir casually laughed as he awkwardly scratched his head.

"Eh?" This time, it was Theresa who was surprised. She finally understood why Hldrmir tolerated Albrecht's casual treatment of him. 'No wonder I didn't sense any animosity emanating from him. So he's fine with that treatment from a human? But why, isn't Hldrmir an Overseer?' Theresa was confused, but she didn't question Hldrmir's intentions.


Without further ado, Hldrmir snapped his fingers and the green cube aloft disappeared. The Green Terra Golem, along with the three ladies, fell down from the sky. Hldrmir let the Green Terra Golem fall on the ground and as for the ladies, the Green Terra Golem caught them with its thorns and gently set them on the ground.

"Albrecht!" Yulie and the others called out upon seeing him.

More than anything, they were just relieved that Albrecht made it out alive. Multiple questions dwelled in their mind but they couldn't bring themselves to ask Albrecht about it. After all, there was another lady beside him, and that was the first thing they wanted to discuss before anything else.

Albrecht instantly understood their gazes, and before asking them about their fight with a level 110 Green Terra Golem, he opted to introduce Theresa to everyone first. There was no way he'd be able to say anything else if he didn't do it, after all.

The three ladies shared the same sentiment since they were more than curious about Theresa's identity.

"Everyone, this is Theresa Whitelock, she's going to join us in our defense at the Seventh Outerlayer." Albrecht briefly introduced her.

Simultaneously, Theresa gracefully bowed down, lifting up her short dress as a soft and endearing smile appeared on her face. It only took one glance for Yulie and the others to realize that Theresa Whitelock was simply prepossessing.

"Theresa Whitelock? Are you perhaps Anastasia Whitelock's—" Yulie Rosethorn was about to ask whether she was Anastasia's sister or not, but before she could finish her question, Theresa interrupted her.

"Mother? Yes, I'm her mother. Now that you mentioned it, I would like to express my utmost apology to the humans. My children didn't know any better, and they did all of that just to protect me. I hope you would take it in your heart to forgive them." She continued.

Yukina and Yulie were aware of what went down during the incident with Anastasia and Claude. Then again, they felt like they shouldn't be on the receiving end of an apology. In the end, they furiously told her that it was fine and that she shouldn't be apologizing to them since they weren't part of the incident in the first place.

Somehow, the atmosphere became so much lighter and Albrecht heaved a sigh of relief. He didn't even take into account their reaction to Theresa, that's why he was put at ease when they easily accepted her into the group.

Apparently, it didn't even occur to him that all his companions would be girls. In that instant, he made a mental note to invite Claude next time. This way he won't be the only guy in the team.

'That was my intention to begin with, I was just forced to bring Theresa with me, sigh~' Albrecht inwardly said to himself.

While he was thinking about those things, Yulie, and the others were somewhat relieved after confirming that Theresa was actually already married. They immediately concluded that she wasn't a rival since she had two children already. But unbeknownst to them, her husband had been dead for a long time, so she could always go after Albrecht if she pleased to do so.

"We have an hour before the conquer attempt starts. Should we go over there right now?" Albrecht asked, wondering if the ladies wanted to kill time before they headed out to the Seventh Outerlayer.

Technically, it was just one Zecian Portal away, but Albrecht still had to meet with Azura Xalthor since he made a deal with Albrecht about conquering the Seventh Outerlayer. While it went against his ideal to work with the Heroes of Relics, this wasn't the time to complain since the fate of the world relied heavily on this conquer attempt.

At the very least, he would just steer clear of them and mind his own business. Albrecht just viewed it as working together with everyone instead of having a narrow outtake and focusing on the Heroes of Relics.

"Still, I wonder how they're doing right now," Albrecht muttered to himself. He was fairly certain that they had gotten stronger, but as to how strong, he could only wonder.

— — — — —

Meanwhile, in the far Kianala Kingdom,

Currently, Kianala Guild is gaining traction due to the rise of the first Mystic Adventurer. Throughout history, adventurers were only divided into five ranks— Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, and Platinum— with Platinum being the strongest.

However, a certain adventurer became so strong that most if not all Platinum-Rank couldn't even handle him anymore. And to further establish the fact that he had a higher rank compared to the rest, he soloed the Fourth and Fifth Outerlayer like it was nothing.

As such, he was regarded as the very first adventurer to reach Mystic Rank. And just to make sure, a number of guilds decided to make another rank above Mystic Rank called Otherworld Rank. This way, they won't have to collectively think up a name when someone breaks the meta and surpasses Mystic Rank.

Nevertheless, right now, there was still only one known Mystic Rank across the kingdoms.

lsaias Asclepius had pink, shoulder-length hair, and he wore black and white armor which made him look like he was double in size. The helmet he wore covered most of his well-chiseled face, but he didn't wear it that much since it limits his vision.

Even though he was on the somewhat muscular side, Asclepius is the epitome of strength as an adventurer. After all, he was considered to be the very first Mystic Adventurer to ever exist.

"Oi, Isaias," A man cheerfully opened the door to Asclepius's room. He was none other than the guild master of Kianala Kingdom. And although Isaias was far stronger than him, he didn't fail to annoy him from time to time with his flippant attitude.

"What is it this time, guild master?" Isaias asked, stroking his hair out of the way as he took a good look at their guild master.

"It's time to conquer the Seventh Outerlayer, you coming? I already signed you up so don't think about skipping, 'kay?" He called out before slamming the door on his way out.

"All right all right... oh, and is that adventurer coming? He's coming, right?" Isaias asked, but the guild master was already out of there before he could hear the question.

A sigh left Isaias's mouth.