Misami Shirohime And An Audience With Azura Xalthor

"Commencing plan, initiating espionage." Misami Shirohime finally had a vague idea of where her target was. As the assassin nicknamed the 'Frozen Assassin Princess', her undercover work was topnotch, and it didn't take long before she found out her target's whereabouts, just by asking questions around the place.

Then again, if she had asked the Rilegarthe Guild's guild master, she would know his location in an instant. It didn't even occur to her that the guild master might know where her target currently was.

Outside Rilegarthe Guild, a booming marketplace was slowly forming as it was near the conquered First Outerlayer. Now that there was only the occasional breach from the First and Second Outerlayer, a community started forming there, with some of the Gold and Platinum-Rank Adventurers creating business over there.

Of course, it was a new thing for the inhabitants of these outerlayers, but they got used to the presence of humans that they allowed coexistence.

As mentioned before, the First Outerlayer contained the Medusa Tribe, and the Second Outerlayer contained the Whitelock Tribe and other vampire tribes across the entire country. On the First Outerlayer, the Medusa Tribe didn't welcome the humans at all, but it didn't take long before they agreed to coexist since the humans weren't backing down any time soon.

Besides, most humans who entered their Outerlayer were more powerful than them, including the women, which was their initial weakness. After all, the powers of the Medusa Tribe were nullified in front of a woman. The powers of the Medusa Tribe only worked on men, so if they didn't agree to coexistence, the women adventurers would just overpower them, and their numbers would instantly overwhelm theirs.

As for the Second Outerlayer, the Whitelock Tribe was owned by the Whitelocks so there was no question about their coexistence. One word from Albrecht and they immediately agreed to it. As for the other tribes, they were forced to swear allegiance since the Whitelock Tribe was one of the most powerful tribes in the Second Outerlayer.

As such, the First and Second Outerlayer were growing in terms of human communities.

"He's here," Misami Shirohime said under her breath as a familiar figure came out of the Zecian Portal. Well, it was a familiar face in terms of the picture which was handed to her. As such, she had no idea how powerful that person was. All she was given was a photo and the command from the Rilegarthe Guild's Guild Master to follow him.

And she was going to go through that painstaking process even though she had no idea how formidable Albrecht was. Her life and her entire identity secrecy all depended on this mission, so the questions in her head didn't matter at all. As long as she observed Albrecht, she was going to live, and her other mission won't be compromised.

For a moment, she remembered the guild master's words, telling her that it was a win-win situation. In a way, it really was... but it was disadvantageous for her since she didn't get anything in return except for the guild master's promise of keeping quiet.

"One. Two. Three. Four?! WHAT?!" Despite being an assassin, Misami was a conservative. That's why it came as a surprise for her that Albrecht was with four ladies. Based on their body language, she could tell that all of them were romantically attracted to Albrecht.

However, Albrecht exuded an aura that didn't deal with romance. Right now, he was solely focused on the Seventh Outerlayer, and there was no space in his mind when it came to romance. While there were four prepossessing ladies in his party, he didn't focus on them.

This behavior weirded out Misami, and she wondered why Albrecht had that certain outlook. The four ladies in his party were above-average— no, calling them above-average was an understatement since they were on the top percentile when it came to physical appearance.

"Where is he going?" Misami asked herself, wondering why he was with four ladies in the first place.

Meanwhile, Albrecht heaved a sigh as he finally reached the First Outerlayer which was right outside the Rilegarthe Kingdom. While he didn't expect a plethora of people in the place, he was just glad that the First Outerlayer was beginning to coexist with humans and it brought about a certain diversity to the world since the Medusa Tribe began coming out and interacting with the people of Earth.

"All right, I'm heading over to Rilegarthe, do you want to come with me, or are you going to wait over here?" Albrecht asked... then he realized that his question was irrelevant since all of them needed to get some rest before the conquer attempt of the Seventh Outerlayer a couple of hours later.

Because of that, he decided to bring them inside Rilegarther Guild and avail of an inn. He was aware that Sheila, Yukina, and Yulia were a bit exhausted. And as for Theresa, she needed all the rest she could get in order to emerge in full power when the conquer attempt commences.

After contemplating it, Albrecht decided to go to one of the available inns in the Rilegarthe Kingdom so he could leave the ladies there while he talked to Azura. And Fortunately, the guards who were stationed by the entrance knew Albrecht and how he was a Platinum Rank Adventurer as an ex-member of the Heroes of Relics. Because of that, they immediately let him and his companions go in without asking any questions— talk about unspoken benefits.

Unstoppable as he could be, figuratively, Albrecht hoped to have an audience with Azura Xalthor, the guild master of the Rilegarthe Guild. To his surprise, he was allowed, and he finally met Azura once again after completing his self-proclaimed mission.

"I'm glad you've finally returned. I was a bit uneasy about the thought that you were going back on your words, but here we are." Azura said upon realizing that Albrecht was the guy he was talking to a couple of moments ago. Clearing his throat, he announced the commencement of the conquer attempt of the Seventh Outerlayer, following right behind the other groups on their way to the site.