To Buy Some Time With The Obsidian Golems

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Compared to the regular thumps produced by the Earth Sand Golems, this one was louder and more ominous. Even the heroes who were already feeling a modicum of helplessness started despairing when they heard the heavy footsteps coming from the Zecian Portals. Whatever it was that was coming, it wasn't good.

Albrecht and Isaias felt it was well, but they didn't take it to heart since the thumps were slower compared to the regular footsteps of the Earth Sand Golems. If any, this meant that they had to deal with a wave of Earth Sand Golems before dealing with whatever they were behind those loud thumps.

"Al—" For a moment, Yulie was supposed to scream Albrecht's name out loud. But before she could complete his name, she realized that Albrecht was currently hiding his identity. That's why she cut her scream short and instead, continued running, surpassing the Earth Sand Golems who were just coming out of the Zecian Portals.

"Yulie?" Albrecht asked, wondering why they were coming out of the dark place beyond the Zecian Portals. There were a lot of questions in his mind, but he tucked them away for now. When it came down to it, he was just glad that Yulie was finally there, and just in time when the second to the final wave was right there.

"You're still alive." Yulie greeted. In a heartbeat, she activated her 'Blessing of the Divine Paladin' and focused solely on buffing Albrecht. She couldn't care less about the others since she noticed that they were on the verge of exhaustion. Even if she gave them the buff, it would just needlessly expend her energy.

"Thanks," Albrecht said. Right now, he was trying to conserve as much Zecian Aura as he could, so every little bit of buff would help. If he could do it, he'd have activated his own 'Blessing of the Divine Paladin' and fortunately, Yulie was there to do it for him.

"The backup has arrived!" Azura Xalthor screamed as his guild (in collaboration with the Caharsa Guild), assumed their positions to further increase the efficiency of dealing with the waves.

Right in the middle of the group were the healers, and tankers surrounded the entire circle with the post in its center. As per instructions, the tankers defended as much as they could, but they left a couple of spaces so the melee damage dealers could come and go as they pleased. These spaces also gave the healers the leeway to move forward and heal the tankers if ever they needed their support.

With everyone working like a well-oiled machine, Albrecht and Isaias could finally take a deep breath and take it down a notch. Then again, from the other adventurers' perspective, they were doing more than enough, just as they did before the backup even arrived.

"No way, is this even possible?"

"They've been dealing ninety-plus waves of this insanity?"

"Yeah, the heroes are all on another different level. We can hardly push back a dozen of these Earth Sand Golems."

"Stop talking! You'll just tire yourself up at a faster rate." Azura Xalthor barked, cutting off the adventurers who were conversing under their breaths.

In their defense, they were just healers, so in terms of combat, they were basically useless. Then again, Azura Xalthor made a fair point, and that's why the healers shut their mouths as soon as Azura Xalthor ordered them to.

"Wait... that's crazy."

"We have to deal with those?"

"No way! Those are... A-Rank Dungeon Bosses, right?"

"A-Rank my butt, this is the conquer attempt of the Seventh Outerlayer, this much should've been expected."

Once again, Azura Xalthor was about to tell them to shut up even though he knew that the ones talking were heroes. But before he could utter another word, his peripheral vision caught something that made his eyes pop out of their sockets.

"What abomination..." Azura Xalthor let out as gigantic Earth Sand Golems entered the scene. One look was all it took for him to realize that they weren't your ole' regular Earth Sand Golems.

They were more powerful than that, way more powerful.

"Obsidian Golems... what are they doing here," Albrecht muttered to himself.

"Oh, so you knew about those. I've met one during my solo raid at a plus B-Rank Dungeon." Isaias commented. "Although, what I met was way weaker than that one."

"I've never met one," Albrecht responded. And he was telling the truth, he'd never met one, although the other Albrechts had experienced fighting this one. That's why he instantly knew its weakness... but that alone didn't give him an advantage.

After all, in order to engage the Obsidian Golems in combat, he'd have to leave all the defenses to the heroes and adventurers. He couldn't afford to leave them to defend the single post they had left. After all, he couldn't even trust that they'd be able to successfully defend it.

One small mistake and it was all over. Furthermore, they were nearing the last wave. The end was imminent, and Albrecht wouldn't dare risk anything, not if he could help it.

HOWEVER! If he just focused on defending and the Obisidian Golems were able to approach them, there was no telling if they could brute-force their way through and smash the post in one blow. That's why Albrecht couldn't just focus on the defensive either.

"You have a plan?" Isaias muttered, regrouping with Albrecht after he engaged a couple of dozen Earth Sand Golems and brought them to the ground. Just as he thought, they were more powerful than the previous Earth Sand Golems. In his estimate, they'd already easily surpassed level 100.

"I have a plan, but it's very risky," Albrecht mumbled. Out of all the heroes who were present, Isaias was probably the one he trusted the most— typical since he was on par or even stronger than him.

"All right, you say it, vampire. We'll do it." Isaias pounded his chest with his fist. Even though he knew who was underneath that mask and vampiric features, he still called Albrecht the vampire.

"I want you to engage the Obsidian Golems in combat, bring the Heroes of Relics with you. I'll focus on getting rid of these Earth Sand Golems, and then I'll help you out as soon as possible." Albrecht laid out in a couple of seconds since there was no time to waste. "More than anything, we couldn't afford the Obsidian Golems to get near our group."

"Aiyo~ am on it," Isaias said. "YOU! Sun Wu, right? You bring your group with me, we're going to buy some time with them Obsidian Golems." Isaias continued.

"But we—"

"You. Are. Coming. With. Me. That's what vampire guy said." Isaias continued, jerking a thumb at Albrecht to further prove his point.