The End Of The Ninety-Ninth Wave

There was no room for debate. Since Sun Wu and the entire Heroes of Relics acknowledged Isaias and the vampire's strength, they had no choice but to follow them. In a way, they were the ones leading the raid right now, since they were the only capable ones.

Without saying another word, Sun Wu followed right after Isaias. There was no need to talk back since they'd just waste precious energy if they did so. Adding to that, there were only two waves left, so they had to output everything they could in order to make this conquer attempt successful.

"Wait... you just said Obsidian Golems, right?" Sun Wu panicked a little bit. However, as the leader of the Heroes of Relics, he had to maintain his composure so the others would follow his lead. Clearing his throat, Sun Wu just quietly followed Isaias as he led the way to the Obsidian Golems.

Weaving through the horde of Earth Sand Golems, Isaias and the Heroes of Relics got to the Obsidian Golems in time. Compared to how they initially saw it, the Obsidian Golems were more gargantuan in size, and they didn't hesitate to lift their fists to pound on the oncoming group.

"Eh?!" Lockhorn Holmes barely jumped to the side to avoid the Obsidian Golem's blow. The other Earth Sand Golems weren't able to dodge, and they were flattened to the ground. It's as if the Obsidian Golems didn't care whether those around them were allies or not. They were simply there to go on a rampage.

"I just had a great idea!" Sun Wu calmly pointed out as he jerked his thumb at one of the Obsidian Golems. "I'll deal with that alone. You guys deal with the other. Just lead them around and make sure they stomp an Earth Sand Golem or two."

Sun Wu thought the same as well, and so he nodded his head before he mobilized the Heroes of Relics. For a moment back there, he thought about Albrecht Stein. For some reason, he just appeared in his mind when they started attacking the Obsidian Golems.

Clicking his tongue, Sun Wu shook his head. Right now, he had no idea where Albrecht was, but that didn't deter the rumors he heard recently. 'Now that I thought about it... Our guild master also said something about Albrecht, right? I hope they'd just shut up.' He said in his mind.



From afar, Albrecht saw that the Heroes of Relics and Isaias Asclepius were doing much better than expected. Not only were they delaying the Obsidian Golems by leading them around, but they were also using their brute force against them.

Fighting fire with fire, the Mystic Rank Adventurer and the Heroes of Relics continued taunting the Obsidian Golems while they flattened the Earth Sand Golems on their path...

Initially, the appearance of the Obsidian Golems shocked the groups since they were nearing their limits. But now that they know how to deal with them, clearing the wave has become easier.

Then again, dealing with the Earth Sand Golems was one thing, dealing with the Obsidian Golems was another. Although they were able to clear the horde of Earth Sand Golems, they still had to deal with the Obsidian Golems.

"Albr—Vampire-san!" Isaias screamed the moment the last Earth Sand Golem was defeated. He and the Heroes of Relics had done their part, and now it was time for Albrecht to deal with the rest as he had indirectly promised.

"All right," Albrecht mumbled as he stepped forward. Now that the Earth Sand Golems were defeated, he could finally focus on dealing with the Obsidian Golems.

If it were under normal circumstances, Albrecht wouldn't have been able to deal with the Obsidian Golems since he didn't want to risk the posts being destroyed. If he were to focus on the Obsidian Golems, the adventurers might make a mistake and the conquer attempt might fail just like that.

But thanks to Isaias and the Heroes of Relics, Albrecht was able to focus on the Earth Sand Golems first and then the Obsidian Golems after. Now he could clear the entire wave without worrying about the post getting destroyed if he left it.

Just in case though, Albrecht wasn't going to take any chances. "Sheila, Theresa, Yukina, look after the post for me. Defend it just in case."

As soon as he said that, Albrecht deactivated his 'Vampire Metamorphosis Skill' and then activated another in its place.

[Skill 'Blessing of the Divine Paladin' activated]

[Effects of the skill has stacked]

[Item 'Zombie Overlord's Scepter' equipped]

Thanks to Yulie continuously affecting Albrecht with her own 'Blessing of the Divine Paladin', the effects of the skill had stacked, and now he could utilize its effectiveness to further improve his offensive output.

Now it was time for the finale! (Finale of the second to the last wave)

[Skill 'Scourge of the Blood Flame' activated]

"Immortal Fireflower, I'll leave the other Obsidian Golem to you," Albrecht commanded as he used the skill he recently got from Fjormir the Overseer of Fire. There was no time to test it out, so he just relied on the skill description as usual.

Thanks to the Akashic Records of Space and Time and the System, Albrecht knew in no time that the Obsidian Golems were weak to intense heat. And since he was also somewhat aware of the Obsidian Golem's appearance, he prepared the skill and the Immortal Fireflower ahead of time.


Pure hot flames shot out of Albrecht's scepter. Simultaneously, the Immortal Fireflower did the same, aiming at the other Obsidian Golems.

The adventurers weren't sure whether the attack would work since the Obsidian Golems were nigh indestructible. Then again, some of the heroes who had encountered them in dungeons knew their weakness, so they were confident that Albrecht's attack would work.

If they had Zecian Aura left to spare, they'd have helped Albrecht. But after realizing that he could take care of it himself, they decided to save up their remaining Zecian Aura for the last wave.

A weak groan was heard from the Obsidian Golems as they slowly melted to the ground. Three minutes later, they melted into a puddle of lava and thus marked the end of the 98th wave.

[Wave 99/100 Cleared]

[Wave 100/100]

[Posts defended:1]

[Defend your post!]