The True Identity Behind The Vampire Adventurer

Little by little, the Earth Sand Golems were inching their way to the posts. Due to the influx of adventurers, the center of the field had become so crowded in an instant, and everyone could barely move while the golems encircled them and brought that circle even smaller.

"We're going to get overwhelmed at this point." Azura Xalthor mumbled to himself. In a desperate attempt to help out as much as he could, he froze the post in a thick layer of ice, just so the golems wouldn't be able to destroy it in an instant when they got too uncomfortably near.

No matter how hard they tried to push the Earth Sand Golems, they just couldn't due to how crowded it got. As it turned out, the number of adventurers affected them negatively. More Gold-Rank Adventurers fell into the hands of the Marionette Wooden Golems. Fifty of them already died, and three Platinum-Rank were gravely injured.

Albrecht could barely keep it together as well. Thanks to his three summons, he could keep all the Earth Sand Golems at bay, whittling down their numbers. Nevertheless, he could only do so much to stop their advance.

As for Isaias and the Heroes of Relics, they were extremely occupied as well, directing the Obsidian Golems and eliminating the Earth Sand Golems with them. It was a laborious process since they had to keep their taunt at all times, and just like the others, they were way past their limits.

They knew that one small mistake could result in their deaths, and that's why they still had to move as cautiously as they could. Many adventurers already died, and some of them were close to Azura and Yulie since the ones present all belonged to their respective guilds.

"Azura, Yulie, change of plans, get everyone out of here." Although Albrecht knew that this was by far the riskiest risk he'd even take, he steeled his resolve on this decision.

After all, most of the adventurers were strictly under-leveled, and they'd just die if they stayed a little longer.

"Isaias! Keep distracting the Obsidian Golems!" Albrecht screamed.

"On it!" Isaias and the Heroes of Relics nodded their heads.

Thanks to Azura Xalthor's ice magic as well as other movement magic from the adventurers, the evacuation was smoothly done, and now Albrecht had more space to deal with all the other Golems. Without thinking twice, he activated his skill 'Scourge of the Blood Flame' once again. This time, he aimed at the Marionette Wooden Golems darting around here and there.

"DON'T LET THE EARTH SAND GOLEMS GET NEAR!" Cainsz screamed at the Heroes of Lomenschwaal.

The other party leaders followed his example and together, they banded and conjured an impenetrable defense. Although this wouldn't last for long, they had to do it to buy Albrecht and Isaias some time.

"Albrecht switch!" Isaias called out. Somehow, he understood Albrecht's intentions and he went towards him after he was done dealing with most of the Marionette Wooden Golems.

In haste, Albrecht jumped up and stepped on the heads of the Earth Sand Golems with the Immortal Fireflower trailing right behind him, leaving a trail of molten golems as it continued blasting its ever-burning flames.

"Eat this!" Albrecht gritted his teeth, firing at all of the Obsidian Golems at once before he even landed on his feet. In his hurry, it didn't even occur to him that the impact he'd made on his descent would be enough to remove the mask he wore.

Instantly, the Obsidian Golems started melting one by one. No one knows why Albrecht left all the defense to Isaias, but this was the prior risk he was talking about. If something goes wrong, then they could kiss this conquer attempt goodbye and start on the first wave.

But if they didn't take any risks whatsoever, then it was only a matter of time before they'd get overpowered by the sheer number of golems. It was a hasty yet calculative decision on Albrecht's part, and he hoped that it would work all the way.

Well, one thing didn't work for sure.

The moment he landed, his mask fell and everyone saw who he was. Even the Heroes of Relics were right in front of him when his mask fell.


The last thing that Sun Wu expected stared directly at his face, and it made him freeze in place. Even everyone in the Heroes of Relics was mortified at the sight of him since his face was the last thing they assumed would be behind the vampire mask.

"Are you just going to stand there? Bunch of—" Albrecht stopped himself short since he was done dealing with the Obsidian Golems.

[Item 'Legendary Moldbreaker' equipped]

With both the Marionette Wooden Golems and the Obsidian Golems out of the way, Albrecht finally had the leisure to go all out. He maintained his rational thinking though and only went out of his way to go all-out while heading back to his defensive position.

With his Legendary Moldbreaker, he hammered every single Earth Sand Golem in front of him as he made his way to the post.

The Albrecht who couldn't even equip a single weapon back then, was now using a giant hammer and hammering at the Earth Sand Golems. And before that, he blasted advanced fire magic at the Obsidian Golems without batting an eye. The Albrecht that wasn't talented in both physical and magic combat was now proficient in the two.

"What's going on? Is that the... Albrecht we know?"

"Yes, it's him. He's looking down on us. How dare he hide his true power." Sun Wu clenched his fists. If he was in his peak condition, he'd have attacked Albrecht straight away. But no— clearly all of them were exhausted, and there was no way he'd endanger the conquer attempt because of his own pride.

"That Albrecht? It's really him, right? Am I dreaming?" Lockhorn Holmes asked, but he was met with silence as their group watched Albrecht clear the wave of Earth Sand Golems as if he were swatting a bunch of flies.

[Wave 100/100 cleared]

[Wave 101/100]

[Posts defended:1]

[Defend your post!]

"WHAT THE—?!" Isaias and everyone else exclaimed when they saw the new announcement.

They've burned through all their resources... and yet there was another— an extra wave left!