Sun Wu's Headfirst Charge Into The Final Boss

At first, when they perceived the notification about the additional wave, everyone thought that it would be another bout of Golem hordes with an even more overwhelming headcount. In any case, no matter what came out of those Zecian Portals, it would most certainly decide the fate of the conquer attempt of the Seventh Outerlayer.

"What do we do now?"

"Isn't it obvious? We stand our ground."

"Tsk~! Here we go again."

An intense rumbling was heard, emanating from the farthest Zecian Portal. An intense and dominant aura leaked out from it, causing almost everyone to freeze where they stood as if roots protruded out of their feet. It was a weird sensation, considering that they were adventurers and powerful auras shouldn't have affected them so much.

The only ones who didn't feel the sheer amount of pressure were Albrecht Stein and Isaias Asclepius. In fact, the moment they felt the weird energy, it gave them some sort of relief. After all, they could tell that whatever it was behind the Zecian Portal, it wasn't stronger than any of them.

If they worked together and efficiently mobilized everyone to defend and support, then there was a good chance that they'd win.

"If only I had my full power, I'd have blown that monster to kingdom come. Tsk~! Those one hundred waves really took a toll on me." Isaias gritted his teeth in frustration. Just as much as everyone else, he wanted this conquer attempt to conclude. He wanted to retire to his bed and get some nice respite from the onslaught.

"I was thinking the same thing." Albrecht mumbled under his breath. In response, Isaias flashed a smile at him since they were both thinking the same thing.

No matter what, they have to team up. The success of the conquer attempt lies in the palms of their hands.

Thump. Thump.


It's as if a powerful explosion took place from afar, causing a shockwave of air and dust to hit the adventurers. Some of them stumbled forward, while most held their ground and instinctively covered their faces. The final boss was coming, and they all held onto the fine sliver of hope that each of them had.

Some of them started praying, while others regretted spending less time with their families. As for the heroes, they were filled with determination and desperation since this might be their final day as isekai'ed people.

"It had been fun... those six months."

"Yeah, I'll never forget you guys.

"Oi, why are you raising death flags everywhere? It's not yet over. Let's say our goodbyes and regrets once we've done all we could."

Then there was Sun Wu... who still couldn't believe that the masked vampire guy was actually an ex-member of the Heroes of Relics— the mediocre porter he kicked out of the party.

"That's Albrecht? Don't mess with me." A nerve appeared on Sun Wu's forehead and it was evident that he was outraged.

'How could a mere porter display such power? Has he been hiding his power all this time? You're just a porter and yet you're looking down on us.' Although he didn't say anything, it was clear that he had Albrecht in mind since his expression practically leaked out his thoughts. He was enraged, and that feeling of inferiority got the better of him as his thoughts clouded his judgment.

A mere porter.

I'm the leader of the Heroes of Relics.

I am the legendary tactician, Sun Wu!

With his Alprechian Staff, Sun Wu started charging at the monster that was about to come out of the Zecian Portal. Unsurprisingly, it was a golem, but it was different from the golems they've encountered so far.

It was a Green Terra Golem. However, compared to the Green Terra Golem that Albrecht's group faced, This was easily in the level 150s, and compared to Sun Wu who barely reached level 50 (or so that's what Albrecht saw after looking at his stats), the Golem is comparatively a hundred level more powerful than him.

Nevertheless, he totally underestimated the Green Terra Golem. Although his body screamed that he should objectively retreat, he ignored those warning signs and continued with the charge.

"Extend." Sun Wu commanded as he firmly stuck the Alprechian Staff on the ground. It then extended upward, propelling him forward as it got longer. He was going to attack the Green Terra Golem and become the star of the conquer attempt. This was his calling!


His scream was heard to the edges of the Seventh Outerlayer. At the exact moment when he was flung in midair, he covered himself with Zecian Aura, intending to attack the Green Terra Golem with his full power. It was a do-or-die moment for him, literally.

"Oi~! Are you stupid?!" Isaias screamed from afar before he shook his head in utter disappointment. Ever since he isekai'ed into this world, he had never seen something as dumb. This was by far the most inane thing he'd ever encountered.

Sun Wu was basically going kamikaze on the Green Terra Golem! He may not realize it, but that was the very essence of his actions.

"Oi, are you kidding me?" Alexander Grado let out as he watched their leader charge without reprieve.

But before he could land a counterattack, the Green Terra Golem shot out its vines and wrapped Sun Wu around with it. Rendered immobile, Sun Wu tried to struggle out of the Green Terra Golem's grasp, but there was nothing he could do but succumb to the constriction.

It didn't take long before his entire body became a pulp of flesh and blood, and his eyes nose, and mouth started bleeding profusely due to the pressure.

"Oi~! We gotta go save him. Albrecht come on!" Isaias beckoned as he charged ahead.

Before he could even get far, however, a figure appeared from the sky— or rather, it forcefully descended upon them. In an instant, a slash was heard, and the Green Terra Golem was cut in half.

A figure stood on top of the dead Green Terra Golem. On one hand, he's got a katana, on the other, he held Sun Wu by the waist. "Just in time," He heaved a sigh of relief before he took a glance at Albrecht.