Adam, The First Man

A figure stood on top of the dead Green Terra Golem. On one hand, he's got a katana, on the other, he held Sun Wu by the waist. "Just in time," He heaved a sigh of relief before glancing at Albrecht.

In an instant, the Green Terra Golem was cut cleanly in half, and there was a split second of pause before it started tumbling down like a pile of rock and thorny vines. A low groan and creaks were heard as the formless golem was defeated, and a huge rumble and a deafening silence from the adventurers and heroes alike followed it.

Sun Wu just sat on his rear, downright astonished at the appearance of the unknown man. He had no idea who it was, but looking at his build and overall figure, he must be someone important.

The man wasn't wearing anything, which revealed his well-developed figure and a wondrous shred that highlighted his muscles. He was white, and his hair had a tinge of ashen gray and so were his eyes. On his arm, he carried a makeshift spear from wood and stone— and this was the only weapon he used to kill the Green Terra Golem.

"Are you all right young man?" The guy asked, reaching out his hand as he prompted Sun Wu to stand. "You were about to die back there. Figures, you're lacking in training in many departments. You must be so reliant on this Zecian Aura I speak of... but without that, you're pretty weak for a human. Above average, if I may add, but still pretty weak."

In no way did Sun Wu imagine being insulted by a naked man, and it hurt his pride even more— no, it was practically crushed to pieces.

After all, in that split second when the man descended from the top, Sun Wu and the other heroes noticed that the man wasn't even using a sliver of his Zecian Aura. He brought down the Green Terra Golem with his pure, raw power alone.

"And you must be Albrecht Stein! I've heard a lot about you. You too, Isaias Asclepius." The man said.

In an instant, he appeared right in front of the adventurers and heroes alike. No one blinked, but they didn't even see the man close in the distance. It's as if he teleported right in front of their face, all the while bringing Sun Wu with him.

A huge smile appeared on his face since he half-expected Albrecht and Isaias to react in bewilderment. Then again, he hadn't formally introduced himself so their reaction was understandable.

Without hesitation, the man extended both his hands at Albrecht and Isaias so he could tell them his name. They could only wonder whether he was looking at them or found them trustworthy. After all, putting both hands forward is a sign of goodwill.

"I mean, you did save us in a pinch back there. Also, seeing that you already know our names... I guess we don't have to introduce ourselves, right?" Isaias commented, shaking the man's left hand.

Although it wasn't as noticeable, it was clear that the man respected Albrecht more than he respected Isaias. After all, he offered his left hand to him while he gave his right hand to Albrecht in that simultaneous handshake.

"Albrecht Stein." Albrecht simply said even though the man clearly knew his name.

Now that the man was face to face with Albrecht, he realized that he looked perfect. He was ruggedly handsome, and every little detail on his face seemed to be so calculated due to how symmetrical it was. Albrecht couldn't help but think that he might be the epitome of how pleasant a human appearance could be.

"Adam." He flashed a smile, shaking both his hands.

It was just one name— a brief introduction of a seemingly important person. Then again, the moment they heard his name, they began nodding their heads, almost as if everything leading to that point was explainable.

"So we're going to divide the Earth Sand Golems amongst ourselves?"

"Every guild present would receive their share. Or better yet, I'll have the guild master of Lomenschwaal Guild, Rhydderch Wintermoon divide it. I'll give all of it to him. In return, let me get the body of the Green Terra Golem." Albrecht spoke, pointing at the immobile Green Terra Golem which was cut in half.

Right now, the guild masters (along with Albrecht and Isaias) were talking about how they'd divide the spoils of the conquer attempt. Fortunately, Adam couldn't care less about it so Albrecht took it upon himself to claim the Green Terra Golem.

He had no idea how it would be useful, but he knew that it would most certainly be helpful in the near future, specifically the soon-to-be conquer attempt of the Tenth Outerlayer.

Upon reaching an agreement, the guild masters excused themselves along with the heroes under their wing. Sun Wu actually approached Albrecht and grabbed him by the collar, demanding an explanation from him.

However, he was met with silence, and Azura Xalthor (guild master of the Rilegarthe Guild) didn't hesitate to grab Sun Wu by the collar and dragged him out of there."We'll talk later." Azura mouthed before they excused himself.

Albrecht nodded his head, and then he went on his way as well. Just then, a new Zecian Portal appeared right in front of them, marking the end of the successful conquer attempt.

With the successful clear of the Seventh Outerlayer, it was now time for everyone to head out of there. Albrecht didn't waste any time turning around and heading into a newly-formed Zecian Portal since he knew that it would lead straight to the Seventh Outerlayer.

Yulie and the others followed right on his tail, saying their brief farewell and thanks to everyone who was present for the raid.

From afar, Marie Netoinne could be seen bowing her head towards Albrecht. Albrecht noticed it, of course, and so did everybody else— he just didn't react to it so Sun Wu wouldn't get more triggered by his mere presence.

"So... where are we going next?" Theresa's eyes lit up as she glanced at the other ladies in the group.