Heading Out Of The Tavern: Misunderstandings And An Encounter



With a sigh of relief, Albrecht carefully grabbed the weapons in both their hands. Since they were just surprised that Albrecht managed to catch their attack, they didn't move at all. This gave Albrecht some time to unequip their weapons, carefully grabbing its sharp end and pulling it from their hands.


"What are you doing? Seriously..." Albrecht let out. Although it was his fault that a misunderstanding rose up between them, he couldn't help but express his disappointment since they were willing to initiate an all-out match in the middle of the city.


"At the very least, do it near the First Outerlayer or something like that." Albrecht scratched his head.


"Who's she?" Shirohime grabbed another dagger from her inventory and pointed it at Yulie who attacked her out of nowhere. "Your girlfriend?"


"W-w-what?!" Yulie was taken aback by Shirohime's wild accusation. Although she liked Albrecht, they weren't yet at the stage where their relationship was set in stone. That's why she reacted a little too much as her face reddened a little bit. "W-w-who is she, Albrecht?" Yulie shakily pointed a finger at Shirohime.


"She's Shirohime. Shirohime, this is Yulie, the guild master of the Caharsa Guild." Albrecht introduced them to each other. He had no idea how to respond to the question since he too was confused about his relationship with Yulie.


That's why he stuck to the safe road and just diverted the question to oblivion. With this, he didn't have to worry about causing any more misunderstandings— or so that's what he thought.


As it turned out, ignoring the question left the two girls in utter confusion. Then again, Shirohime had a rough idea of what Albrecht's relationship was with Yulie, considering that she had been following him for a couple of days now. And even if she didn't, she had a vague idea based on the information-gathering she did.


Without hesitation, Shirohime withdrew her weapon and bowed in front of Yulie. Her poker face didn't leak any emotions, as expected of the 'Frozen Assassin Princess'. "Nice to meet you. Well then," Shirohime said in an even tone before she turned away.


Since she found the right time to take her exit, she didn't hesitate to get out of there while the situation was to her advantage. This left Yulie dumbfounded since she resembled a passing storm that caused an uproar and then fled the scene as if nothing happened.


"Wha-w-wa— ?!" Yulie's eyes widened as her gaze bounced between Albrecht and Shirohime.


Shirohime's actions left her even more confused, and she expectantly glanced at Albrecht to demand an explanation from him.


As for Albrecht, he found it the right time to contribute to Yulie's confusion. In response, he just shrugged his shoulders before he headed back to the inn.


"So... who was that, really?" Yulie asked when she regained her composure. She was still disoriented, but that didn't stop her from asking Albrecht her question.


"Shirohime. She got her rooms mixed up." Albrecht simply responded.


At his response, Yulie assumed that she had her rooms mixed up this morning, which led to the misunderstanding that the two of them were in the same room. As her concluded realization hit her, she let out an exhale as she nodded her head— as if to completely understand the situation when in fact, she was just basing everything on her assumptions.


As for Albrecht, he vaguely remembered how tangled he and Shirohime were when they woke up this morning. Nothing happened, of course, but they literally slept together last night. It was all thanks to that cursed inn owner's mistake.


When they entered the inn, they saw a familiar face at the tavern. It was Adam, and he walked up to Albrecht with a hint of pity on his expression. Condescendingly, he placed his hand on Albrecht's shoulder without saying a word.


After another sigh, he briefly glanced at Albrecht before walking up to the inn owner who just got there. He then gave her his keys. With his checkout process done, he waved his free hand toward Albrecht before exiting the inn/tavern.


Albrecht had no idea why Adam did that, but his expression explained a million words and it pierced Albrecht through the heart. Still oblivious to what Adam meant with his shoulder tap, Albrecht approached the tavern owner and fished into his pockets for his set of keys.


To his surprise, there were two keys in his pocket. For some odd reason, His key and Shirohime's were in his pocket. (Shirohime actually slid her keys into Albrecht's pocket while he was trying to disarm her a moment ago. As expected of the Frozen Assassin Princess!)


A couple of seconds later, Yukina and the others walked down the stairs into the reception, only to find that Albercht and Yulie were already there.


Once again, another misunderstanding was born. Right now, the ladies assumed that the two of them headed outside so early in the morning without telling everyone else. They did hear the commotion happening a moment ago, but they were too lazy to check who it was or what happened.


"How unfair," Theresa muttered under her breath as Sheila nodded her head in response.


As for Yukina, she mildly nudged her elbows at Sheila while she grinned like an idiot. Clearly, she implicated that Sheila liked Albrecht as well, and Sheila felt her gesture at the emotional level.


"What? No..." Sheila stuttered as she hung her head down. Although she was an undead, the others could tell her face reddened in embarrassment.

"Should we go?" Albrecht asked. Now that everyone was present, they could finally head out.


"Are we going somewhere?" Theresa blinked twice.


"Yes," With an interesting smile on his face, Albrecht gestured for the ladies to follow her. "For starters, we need to return to your outerlayer, Theresa." He continued.


"What?! Already?!" Theresa complainingly explained She didn't want to return to her mundane life and repetitive tasks. But then again, she was gone long enough, and she had no idea whether Anastasia or Claude were doing their designated jobs properly.




As soon as the group was about to head out of the Rilegarthe Kingdom, Albrecht heard someone call out to him in a low voice. Turning around, he instantly realized who it was.