Another Case Of Sun Wu And His Fiery Temper

Although the owner of the voice was a distance away, Albrecht instantly recognized who it was. After all, he had heard that same voice over and over again during his first half year in this world.


It was none other than Sun Wu, the party leader of the Heroes of Relics. Albrecht had no idea why he came up to him out of nowhere. But after realizing that they were actually in the Kingdom of Rilegarthe, he concluded that running into Sun Wu was normal. 


To be fair, Albrecht didn't want to address Sun Wu, nor did he want to spend time with him at all. He could more or less tell why Sun Wu was in front of him, but Albrecht couldn't care less. 


In the first place, they didn't care about him back then. He had known the Heroes of Relics ever since they arrived in this world. And then they kicked him out of the party so easily like that. Sure he wasn't improving back then, but they didn't even trust him even if it was just a little bit. 


As such, Albrecht lost respect for all of them. They unanimously agreed to kick him out despite knowing that Albrecht only had them as his acquaintances. He was basically thrown into an unknown world and abandoned by the only friends he trusted with his life. 


The memory of being kicked out of the party was still fresh in Albrecht's mind. Although he didn't feel at all enraged by it anymore, it still pained him the same as when it happened. 


"Albrecht, we need to talk." Sun Wu strongly suggested. Despite the embarrassment he incurred during the conquer attempt of the Seventh Outerlayer, he still held his pride in his skin, not showing an inch of guilt or remorse regarding his past actions. 


"I have nothing to talk about with the likes of you." Albrecht curtly responded, turning away and heading out of the Kingdom of Rilegarthe. It was time for him to prepare for the Eighth Outerlayer and he didn't want to waste any more time. 


"ALBRECHT! Please, hear me out." Sun Wu bit his lips. This was as far as he'd take it. He didn't want to lower his head in front of Albrecht even more. His pride was shattered enough as it was, and he didn't want to break it even further. 


"Don't raise your voice. Well then, I'll be taking my leave." Albrecht didn't even bother turning around when he excused himself. As for the ladies who were there with him, they gave Sun Wu a nod before they too walked beside Albrecht. 



With the usual Sun Wu and his fiery temper, he once again lost his composure and he charged at Albrecht without thinking twice. Although he was well aware that Albrecht was stronger than him (and probably on par with the first Mystic Rank Adventurer), it still didn't dissuade him from making the first move. 


Clenching his teeth and butt cheeks, Sun Wu equipped his staff, planting it on the ground and utilizing the force of impact to propel himself toward Albrecht. It had been more than half a year since he started using this exclusive weapon of his. That's why, right now, that staff was a mere extension of his body. 


The Alprechian Wooden Staff is one of the most iconic legendary weapons to ever come into existence when heroes first appeared in this world. And now Sun Wu was using it beyond his limits. He knew all too well that he had to squeeze in as much advantage as he could if he ever hoped to defeat Albrecht. 


Well, he wasn't wrong about that sentiment... but then again, he was only making it harder for himself. No matter how much he tried to use everything in his arsenal, there was no way he could defeat Albrecht. The gap in their skills was just too much, it's like a cub fiercely attacking a lion. 



An intense swirling mass of Zecian Aura appeared at the tip of the Alprechian Wooden Staff. The Zecian Aura first manifested as light smoke, then it became thicker until it formed an orb that seemed like it would destroy everything in its wake. 




Heaving a condescending sigh, Albrecht didn't even turn around as Sun Wu continued his attack. He had seen this special move plenty of times in the past and he knew exactly how it would go. 


Back then, he saw this move as something that was unstoppable. It was something that had amazed him ever since he first saw it. 


Nevertheless... right now he felt like the attack was just so mediocre. There was little to no control, and Sun Wu was tapping into his rage to make the attack stronger, thus giving it an erratic nature. For the first time, Albrecht couldn't believe how different he perceived Sun Wu.


He was the strongest member of the Heroes of Relics. He was dependable, and his sense of duty was next to none. And yet, now that Albrecht had seen him from a different perspective, he felt like Sun Wu had always been the arrogant one. 


Even until now, he was trying to brute force his way to get Albrecht to talk to him. There were far more diplomatic options compared to what he chose to do, and yet he went with the most foolish option. 


Now that Albrecht was aware of the attack, he instantly knew how to counter it. Without even turning around, Albrecht grabbed a stick from his inventory, just to insult the legendary Alprechian Wooden Staff along with his mediocre attack. 


[Skill 'Sunspot Swordstyle' activated] 




It's as if time had stopped when Albrecht flicked his stick. The entire area became black and white, before turning into a bright red-orange color. 




And then the scene returned to normal... the only thing different was Sun Wu, holding what was left of his Alprechian Wooden Staff. Not only was his attack canceled, but the legendary staff was also obliterated.