A Fight Against The Invader From The Lycanne Tribe

My name is Severus Lycanne, the second-in-command in Division Four of the Lycanne Army.

I was sent here on behalf of our leader, and he told me to get rid of the 'threat' before everything spirals out of control. Of course, I couldn't really go against their wishes. As the second-in-command, I should be setting an example to my subordinates as one of the strongest werewolves in the Lycanne Tribe.

While I didn't have any say in the matter, I knew that going through this was risky. After all, I don't have any prior knowledge regarding the enemy. If I were to assume everything based on how one of our high-ranking soldiers got defeated by him, then I should conclude that he's stronger than me.

However, it's not like I have that much of a choice. Disobedience to the higher-up's order would result in treason. As such, the only thing I could do was get through this and hope that I don't die.

Of course, if I could help it, I would eliminate unsuspecting humans along the way. I have to get rid of the threat as soon as possible… and if I get the opportunity to kill other weaker humans, then I won't hesitate in doing so.

— — —

Honestly, Severus felt a bit guilty when it came to grabbing the woman by the head and smashing her to a pulp. She was of child, after all, and it would leave a bad taste in his mouth if he were to kill the woman along with her child.

Then again, it's not like he's got that much of a choice. After all, he had been thrown into this unknown world with the goal of killing the 'threat'.

He had to accomplish this mission no matter what!

"Noooo!!!" Shirohime screamed as she struggled to get back on her feet. Due to the surprise attack of the werewolf, she was gravely injured. And there was nothing she could do but scream her lungs out in hopes that the werewolf would stop his massacre.

The impact left her gravely injured, and she helplessly watched as the werewolf reached his arms at the woman in an attempt to smash her head into a pulp.

Filled with distress, the woman couldn't help but close her eyes as she waited for the inevitable. She was going to die soon, she knew it… her only hope was that her daughter wouldn't be targeted and that she would make it out of there alive.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, she closed her eyes, fully accepting what was about to happen to her.



"Sorry, I can't allow that here."

Shirohime watched as a familiar face appeared in front of her. She was immobilized, and there was nothing she could do but watch in horror as the werewolf went through with his massacre.

Unexpectedly, a single person stepped in front of the werewolf, smiling as he grabbed the werewolf's hand and squeezed it as much as he could.

"You-!!!" Severus smiled with a hint of relief in his expression as he realized that he finally encountered the human he was looking for.

Albrecht Stein.

Without a moment's hesitation, Severus lowered his body to stabilize his balance, and then he unleashed a powerful punch that packed his full strength.

He finally found the person he was looking for. There was no way he would waste this opportunity to get rid of him and rid the Lycanne Tribe of the threat that endangered their outerlayer.

In any case, there was no way that Severus would let go of this chance. He finally found his target, and there was no way he would let go of him— not that he could help it.

"All right."

Without further ado, Albrecht exerted his Zecian Aira in an attempt to twist the werewolf's hand.

While he was a bit caught off-guard that the werewolf would stop so low as to kill a mother and child, he still maintained his composure during the entire exchange.

In a split second, Albrecht delivered a kick that sent the werewolf skittering backward. With a groan, the werewolf tumbled a couple of times before he was seen lying on the ground.

Before he could pick himself back up, Albrecht was right on top of him, swinging his fists as mercilessly as he could before he jumped out of the way.

Although it was clear that he was much stronger compared to the werewolf, he knew he couldn't put his guard down since that would equate to him underestimating the opponent.

Although this wasn't the first time he fought with someone on his way to the City of Caharsa, he knew he couldn't let his guard down.

One moment of confidence is enough to turn the tides of combat. Albrecht knew that much, so he was calm enough to not get carried away. If he wanted to win, then he shouldn't let the opponent get the better of him no matter what.

Gritting his teeth, Severus charged at Albrecht before he could pick himself back up, hoping that he could deliver a series of attacks and catch him off-guard,

As someone who's part of the Lycanne Tribe, he knew that he had little to no room for error. Right now was his opportune moment to destroy the 'threat'. And he was going to seize his chance to get rid of him before he reached the Eighth Outerlayer.

Without further ado, Severus charged forward, activating his Zecian Aura in hopes of defeating the so-called threat,

He was pulling out all the stops with this punch, unleashing all his energy in order to get a fighting chance again to stop the powerful Albrecht. There was no way he was going to let Albrecht take advantage of him, not when he had the upper hand— or so that's what he thought.

In a split second, Albrecht also charged forward, activating his Zecian Aura while he focused purely on defense.

The moment Severus dealt his blow, Albrecht put up his hand to guard himself.


Before he knew it, he flung into the air and rolled a couple hundred meters before he let out a pained groan. The attack was much stronger than he thought, and he suffered a fatal blow.