Holding Back In A Disadvantageous Fight

Although Albrecht was more or less aware of his opponent's strength, the attack still caught him off-guard since it was more powerful than he had expected. If he had estimated the power output of the blow, he wouldn't have flown all the way, smashing into a tree as he let out a pained groan.

"Am I losing my touch?" Albrecht asked himself as he tried to catch his breath. The attack was easily blockable, but Albrecht misread the power behind it. That's why he was sent skittering backward.

"To think that the human who killed a high-ranking werewolf from the Lycanne Tribe is this weak... this is an embarrassment for our tribe." Severus haughtily let out as he disappeared and reappeared in front of Albrecht.

However, Albrecht was expecting him to repeat his usual movement. After all, Severus was the type to rely on his strengths and he was more straightforward in his attacks so it was easy to foresee what he'd do next.

Then again, Albrecht was still not sure about everything. While he could anticipate Severus's attack, he couldn't read his power output at all. As such, Albrecht defaulted to using his full power every single time he had to deal with Severus's attacks.

"What's going on?" The rider of the horse carriage (where Albrecht's party was a moment ago) saw the commotion from afar, and he picked up the pace just so he could offer some help if there was anything wrong.

At this point, the ladies in Albrecht's party were still in his carriage.

"I hope Albrecht's all right," Yulie muttered to herself. She was determined to help Albrecht the moment they arrived at the scene.

"He is. He defeated me, the leader of the first outerlayer. There's no way he'd get defeated by some second-rate soldier from a higher outerlayer." Yukina confidently stated. "For now, let's not get in his way. I'm sure he'd win against that werewolf no matter what."

Overhearing what they were talking about, the owner of the horse carriage felt a little nervous. This was a werewolf they were talking about. One wrong move and he knew that all of his passengers would be in danger. If Albrecht was defeated by the werewolf, then nothing stood between them and the werewolf.

"Still, I can't just leave. There may be people over there who might need my help." He continued.

Without further ado, he 'hiyah'ed at his two horses and they sped forward, dragging the carriage towards Albrecht's location. On their way there, they encountered a couple of passengers who were fleeing from the werewolf. Fortunately, there was only one recorded casualty so far.



From afar, whipping sounds were heard as Albrecht and Severus continued their fight. Right now, Albrecht was able to keep up with Severus as they darted here and there. Thanks to his skill 'Vampire Metamorphosis', Albrecht was able to tap into his vampiric potential, giving him an edge over the werewolf.

Then again, there was only so much he could do against an enemy who was eighty or so levels higher than him.

With his Sariel Death Scythe equipped, Albrecht continued to maintain the status quo while conserving his energy. It didn't surprise him that he couldn't see a weak spot on Severus. After all, he was a trained soldier— one of the second-in-command in the Lycanne Army (not that Albrech knew anything about that).

"Come on! Why are you on defense? You afraid?" Severus flashed a smile at Albrecht as he pounded him with punches. Every punch had a hundred percent of his power, and it actually pushed Albrecht backward.


However, Albrecht didn't let him do his worst. Although he was being pushed back, he still maintained his defense, waiting for the perfect moment to counterattack. While Severus continued to brute-force the fight through, Albrecht was doing all he could to increase his chances of winning.

Quite frankly, there were a couple of things he could do to defeat Severus right now. With his wide variety of skills and comrades at his side, he could easily overpower him with numbers or pure power alone. Nevertheless, Albrecht didn't want to do that.

Right now, he didn't want to rely on his companions... more so, he didn't want to call his summons.

'I mean... anyone who's under-leveled would die in the hands of the Immortal Fireflower. Even this prideful werewolf would get incinerated in a heartbeat.' Albrecht said to himself, barely dodging one of Severus's punches before he delivered a punch himself as well.


Sidestepping, Severus managed to outflank Albrecht, catching him off-guard while he delivered a kick towards his back. Since Albrecht didn't expect Severus to move faster than before, he was attacked before he could even react.

The kick was much more painful compared to the punch that sent him flying a moment ago. Moreover, it hit right under his diaphragm, causing him to wheeze in pain as he fell to the ground. Had he activated his 'Chronos Reversion' skill, he would've seen the attack and dodged it.

Apparently, Albrech got so focused on conserving his energy that it didn't even occur to him how severely disadvantaged he was. If he continued holding back, then Severus might injure him first before he started going all out.

"Albrecht!" He heard someone scream from afar. Of course, he recognized the voice that belonged to Theresa, but he didn't dare look at her since that would give Severus an opening.

Not wanting to disgrace himself any further, Albrecht decided to at least fight Severus without holding back too much.

[Skill 'Calm Mind' activated]

[Skill 'Wind Walk' activated]

Albrecht was tempted to activate another movement skill but he opted not to. After all, these two skills were more than enough for now.

With the 'Calm Mind' skill, Albrecht could objectively look at every attack and respond accordingly, giving him an edge over Severus and granting him more options to counterattack. As for his 'Wind Walk' skill, he activated it to have better mobility... also to walk on air and catch Severus off-guard when that opportune moment comes.

"All right. Bring it on." Albrecht said, forcing a smile on his face as he got up from the ground, barely dodging another hasty kick from Severus.