Off Chapter: Leslie Einstein

A couple of days ago,

Leslie felt like she didn't belong in the crowd, considering that she had only been transported a couple of days ago.

While she knew everything about herself prior to her transmigration, she didn't trust anyone since she didn't know a single thing about this world.

Then again, she had a vague idea that she was sent to another world. While most people would assume that they were just teleported to another location, Leslie knew otherwise.

This was her first time experiencing something like this, but she was smart enough to know that she had been transmigrated.

A couple of clues led her to believe that such was the case… just because everything felt weird the moment she was teleported.

Firstly, the surroundings didn't feel like the same world. There was a certain m feeling that told her that she wasn't in the same world.

Adding to that, the people in this world didn't seem familiar at all to her. It's as if she belonged in a different timeline.

Or rather, she wasn't part of this timeline at all.

Even then, she didn't panic at all. She knew tha there must be a purpose as to why she was transported into this world.

While she wasn't sure why, she just concluded that she had an unknown mission to accomplish.

A normal person wouldn't think to this extent, but Leslie was far from being a normal person.

But Leslie was far from being a normal person. She was the daughter of one of the most renowned geniuses that existed in the world.

As someone who grew up in such a weird household, this much wasn't enough to faze her. After all, she had gone through a couple of unfamiliar things throughout her life.

That's why when a glowing bright circle appeared on her feet and transmigrated her into another world, she kept her calm and tried to do as much as she could before she started panicking.

Firstly, she tried to gather as much information as she could in order to survive in this new world.

Despite the new environment, she prioritized getting everything she needed to know in order to at least have the basic knowledge of the world where she spawned.

Then again, she adjusted in an instant, registering in the guild and getting a license as an adventurer even though she didn't plan on becoming one.

After all, getting some form of registration is of utmost importance, just so she won't fall into any suspicions if an incident were to arise.

She had to be very careful since she was in a new world and all.

Any normal person would've felt unnecessary pressure as soon as he found himself in a new world, but not Leslie. She was quick to adapt, and it didn't take long before she utilized all her skills, getting a business of her own through her honest hard work.

Well, in her opinion, it wasn't exactly hard work, considering that she just killed a couple of weak monsters while eating edible plants and mushrooms from the forest.

It wasn't an easy life but she enjoyed it nonetheless.

It didn't take long before she set up shop in the Rilegarthe Kingdom, investing everything she owned so she could prop up an ice cream stall. A couple of days later, she decided to risk it and headed to the First Outerlayer so she could market her 'novel' dessert there.

The dessert was a hit, and she instantly became a sensation in the vicinity.

Word bout her ice cream got out, even reaching the far reaches of the kingdom and directing hundreds of customers to her single stall.

She contemplated creating a franchise, but after a couple of days, she decided to stick to her usual solitude, just to get an estimate on things.

Once she fully stabilized her business as an ice cream shop, then she'd consider branching out.

Then again, she received nothing but positive reviews on her shop, so she was on the verge of giving in and expanding her business.

Filled with uncertainty, she still stuck to her usual setup.

The setup was a bit hectic, but she was used to it so she didn't have any problems doing all the work.

At this point, news about the conquer attempts of the outerlayers became a hot topic in the settlement.

Inevitably, Leslie heard about the legendary adventurer who made a name for himself by becoming one of the most powerful adventurers to ever exist.

Back then, Leslie had no idea who he was. It didn't take long before she recognized her fame though, and it brought about mixed feelings in her.

For one, the first person (whom she was familiar with) was only after her beauty and her skills. It didn't bother her, but she knew that it was a claim from the customer.

Then the harassment began to happen since she was getting more and more famous.

When she felt like she had reached her lowest point ever since she came to this world, that's when she met Albrecht and his party.

Honestly, the scenario came as a shock for her since she never knew her father when she was growing up.

She did know his name, and she only ever heard the description of her father from her late mother. Even then, she instantly recognized who he was when she came to her shop.

To confirm that he was indeed her father, she just had to ask for his name.

A lot of questions started swimming in her mind after the confirmation, and she wanted to ask all of these at once.

Fortunately, she was able to maintain her composure while she served Albrecht and his party member ice cream. Somehow, she felt the connection between her and her father but she didn't speak about it.

To her, seeing that her father was doing well was more than enough. After all, she would have more opportunities in the future to encounter him.

By then, she resolved herself to ask questions since she badly needed closure for herself.