To The Seas, Knowledge Of The New World

Word came around that Albercht single-handedly took over the entire dungeon (which would later be known as the Dungeon of Seals). And as per the unwritten rule of adventurers and kingdoms themselves, the dungeon now fell into the hands of Albrecht. 

Of course, that didn't mean that there was no chance for collaboration or negotiation. That's why the other kingdoms did not feel bad at all. However, this put Albrecht in the spotlight, and many other kingdoms started looking into him. 

"So… where are we going?" Albrecht's words rang in the vast space as he and Adam got out of the dungeon, followed by Phina and Yukina.

Together, the four of them didn't even bother looking back since all they could hear was Sun Wu screaming from the depths of the dungeon.

"I guess you are still a mere child when it comes to these things, Albrecht. Allow me to assist you in your navigation… and speaking of navigations, of course, we must get out of this forsaken continent and immerse ourselves in new cultures and traditions." Adam lengthily responded as he puffed his chest with pride. 

"So… we're crossing the sea?" Albrecht asked, holding his breath. 

As soon as Adam nodded in confirmation, Albrecht and Yukina simultaneously gulped as they responded to Adam with utter silence. 



How could they not respond with complete quietness when both of them just happened to be prone to seasickness? 

Well, Adam was already well aware of this, but he didn't say anything. To be fair, this wasn't the first time he accompanied Albrecht on a trip to the other side, but every single time he did so, he was quite amused with how awful his seasickness was. 

In the world wherein Albrecht and everyone else were transferred into, the layout of the continent was much different compared to their original worlds. That's why they had no idea what the entire world looked like.

Then again, Albrecht and the others just accepted the fact that the entire world was a planet and that the meteor fell on the very center of that planet, resulting in Ground Zero, thereby creating the outerlayers which consisted of entire worlds themselves in the form of dungeons, and gates that were meant to be conquered in order. 

However, it didn't even occur to Albrecht that they were probably on the farthest side of Ground Zero. In a sense, they were unaware of the world where they'd been living for the past couple of months. 

Of course, it was to be expected and if they had thought about it a little harder, they'd have concluded that the great meteor was nowhere to be seen.

"Where are we going, exactly?" Albrecht asked. Somehow, he tried to access the system and the memory of the other Albrechts in other dimensions but so far he couldn't glean anything. Then again, he could only view the near future and some necessary information he needed every single time. 

In a sense, the System was limiting his view, to the point where it only revealed tidbits of information so Albrecht would be able to adapt to the present. 

"We're going to the next land, the other side, to the Kingdom called Xylyxs. It is a port that connects this land to the other. Perhaps you've been to the beach before? Or you haven't ventured that far out from your spawning area?" Adam asked.

Although the question seemed a little normal, Adam was trying to find out how much Albrecht knew. The reason why he asked this was because it would give a clear indication of how much Albrecht was aware of in terms of this world. 

It took a couple of steps and a couple of pauses before Albrecht finally let out an exhale. Shaking his head, he shrugged as he answered Adam's casual question. "Yeah, now that I thought about it. I've never been to the sea." 

For a moment, a hint of disbelief flashed in Adam's eyes before he let out a forced cough in his mouth. Adam couldn't believe that Albrecht knew little to nothing about this world when he should've been the one and only person who should know everything about it. 

"So this was what you've been telling me, Albert…" Adam mumbled, reminiscing the time when he and the Albrecht in his dimension were talking over a campfire. Over the course of their conversation, the Albrecht in his dimension opened up about knowing everything and yet knowing nothing. 

He never understood it until now. 

"Now I understand everything. With this, I think I'd be able to help you out." Adam let out, patting Albrecht on the shoulder. "For starters, we have to make provision and board a ship before the sun sets." 

Honestly, Albrecht knew that if they were to go through with this trip, they'd be cutting it close when it came to clearing the Eighth Outerlayer. Then again, it felt as if Adam knew everything that he was doing. 

Adding to that, he felt some sort of familiarity with Adam even though it had only been a couple of days since they met. Somehow, Adam seemed like a trustworthy person so Albrecht decided to follow him. 

"All right then," Albrecht let out. 

"Let me get to the guild real quick to deliver a message," Albrecht said before jerking a thumb at Phina and Yukina. "And they're coming with me."

"Suit yourself, my friend," Adam said, waving his hand as Albrecht turned away to head to the Rilegarthe Guild. 

As Albrecht walked off, Adam found a stall nearby. At this point, the First Outerlayer had become a bustling marketplace, and it was easy to spot a stall where he could wait while Albrecht took care of his agenda. 

"One ramen please," Adam ordered. At this point, he was already used to living in the modern world. Then again, the memory of ordering food for the first time sparked a split-second trauma in his head. 

"Aiyo~!" The man behind the stall let out. 

Relaxing his shoulders, Adam looked up at the night sky while he reminisced the old times. Right now, he's got the power to change the future, and he resolved himself to achieve it no matter what.