Docking To Another Continent, A Reunion With Leslie???

"So, he's finally coming to visit, huh."

"Yes, the prophecy has spoken. Albeit a little early, he's finally going to visit us." 

"I can't wait to meet him. I hope he is what he is in the records." 

"I can assure you, he's not like those outerlayer people. He's more than good enough. Average, but good enough." 

"Average huh… should we rely on someone as average?" 

"You'll see." 

A group of adventurers sat around a circular table with hands clasped in front of their faces. Grins could be seen written on their faces despite the poor lighting of the room. 

Usually, this room was used for important meetings— boring meetings, to say the least— regarding the outerlayers. However, today was different. Today, they had to discuss a certain identity who was making a name for himself in the outerlayers.

Rumors surrounding the particular adventurer had reached their ears, and they just couldn't turn a blind eye to it. That's why they had to call in a meeting and bring him up. 

— — —

"Achoo~!" Albrecht wiped his nose as he leaned forward. The ship sailed back and forth, causing him to feel queasy as his vision spun like a slow optical illusion. A couple of seconds later, Albrecht let out a rainbow liquid out of his mouth.

Fortunately, he was able to lean forward in time, and no vomit was caught on the railings of the ship. 

"You were always bad with the sea, Albrecht. And here I was, thinking that something would be different with your physiology." Adam commented as he gently patted Albrecht on the back. 

"No, someone was probably just talking about. Achoo~!" Albrecht let out another sneeze before leaning forward a second time as rainbow liquid once again came out of his mouth, straight into the ocean. 

"Well, your ally is not doing great either. Look." Adam pointed his lips at Yukina Medusa who who was standing a couple of feet from Albrecht. 

Compared to Albrecht, she was holding herself well. Well, not really, she was lying down on the wood plank flooring while letting out a weak groan. She wasn't vomiting, but it was clear that she was suffering more than Albrecht was.

Albrecht could've sworn that he saw smoke came out of Yukina's mouth but he must've been seeing things.

"This is going to be a long ride, I guess." Albrecht let out a sigh before slumping at the edge of the ship. He figured that returning to his seat would prove to be unproductive. After all, he felt as if he needed to vomit at any second.

Despite Albrecht's constitution, the weather around the ship was as fair as it could be. A cool breeze blew against Adam's slick hair as the sun shone and reflected on his deep-colored eyes. It was the best weather for a cruise, and Adam couldn't enjoy it more.

Well, his allies were slumped on the deck as if they were going to die at any second, so Adam couldn't really enjoy himself as much.

Unlike other ships which were mainly for cargo, this particular ship accommodated people who were crossing the continent. As such, there was entertainment, food, and other luxuries that anyone could enjoy.

At the back of Albrecht's mind, he wanted to enjoy the refreshments as well as desserts present in the ship, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. Yukina was looking forward to those as well, but now she was severely exhausted just from the gentle rocking of the ship.

"Albrecht, permit me to explore the cruise so I could find a better spot wherein you could retire." Adam formally asked and without waiting for a reply, he walked off towards the ice cream shop right at the corner of the ship.

"Yeah, right. You just wanted to enjoy yourself while we suffer." Albrecht let out a chuckle as a gentle smile of concession appeared on his face.

Thats when he noticed the familiar face who was manning the ice cream shop. Of course, how could he forget her when she was just as familiar when they first met?

"Should I approach her? She wouldn't find that as creepy, right?" Albrecht asked himself as he got up.

Before he knew it, he was already walking an imaginary tightrope towards the ice cream shop as the waves continuously rocked the ship back and forth.

With every step giving Albrecht the urge to release the liquid from his stomach, Albrecht finally made his way to the ice cream stall which was neatly lined up with the other stalls in the ship.

Compared to the stalls in land, the stalls in the ship was much more portable, with most of them selling their goods in airtight containers and giving it out per piece.

"One please," Albrecht let out two words before he slumped to the side of the ship and started releasing dirty liquid. He couldn't believe that all it took was two words to maximize his nausea.

"One... which flavor?" Leslie asked as she blinked twice, wondering why Albrecht in front of her was having a hard time with the waves. The sea wasn't as harsh, and the waves were peacefully calm. That's why Leslie couldn't believe that Albrecht was suffering from seasickness.

Then again, she felt a little seasick as well, and if it weren't for her usual ship rides, she'd have been the same. Somewhat, she could emphatize with Albrecht but she couldn't help but chuckle when she watched him sling himself right by the edge of the ship.

Without saying another word, Albrecht wave his hand as if to mention that any flavor would do.

Fortunately, Leslie understood the assignment and she decided to give Albrecht a random flavor. Well, it wasn't a random flavor per se since Leslie gave him a scoop of each flavor.

"Thank you," Albrecht forced himself to speak before taking a bite of the first scoop handed to him.

"... "

"... "

"Please stay still." Leslie said out of nowhere before she approached Albrecht, placing both hands on his temples before she started chanting.

"Eh!?" Albrecht let out in surprise.