The Fifteenth Outerlayer: Outerlayer of Mythological Egypt

Without warning, the Tank suddenly positioned himself to ram Albrecht with his oversized shield, not daring to give Albrecht any breather since he felt like Albrecht was a threat. 

Despite the heaviness of his build and the weight of his shield, the tank easily sprinted at Albrecht. Fortunately, Albrecht regained his composure in a split second and he was able to roll sideways, dodging the offensive defense by the skin of the teeth. 

Once again, Albrecht equipped the Sword of the Cosmos in hand. He couldn't believe that the sword which could cut through anything was negated by an adventurer just like that. 

Another swing came, but once again, the damage dealer of the party appeared in front of Albrecht, completely blocking his attacks with his imbued dagger in hand. 

"Oi~ what's the big idea noob?" The damage dealer asked, spinning in front of Albrecht as he tried to slice his body cleanly in half. 

Fully aware that the daggers were powerful enough to decapitate him, he activated his skill 'Medeon's Gravity Control' before jumping out of the way. The skill gave him a split second window to stun the Tank before he dealt with the others. 

Quite frankly, the other party members were shocked to see that their Tank wasn't able to deal with one adventurer. Judging from the Bronze Tag that dangled on Albrecht's neck, they insantly underestimated their opponent. Little did they know, he was actually a Platinum Rank Adventurer in recent past. 

[Vampire Metamorphosis activated] 

Albrecht insantly turned into a vampire, harnessing the powers of the vampires, drawing out pure Zecian Aura from his blood to enhance his senses. There was no way he'd get defeated by this party of adventurers, not when he could help it. 

"A monster! I knew it!" The mage of the party exclaimed as she swung her staff around. 

"Idiot, that's a transformation skill." The healer let out.

Compared to the tank, the backline adventurers were slow to act, and Albrecht caught up to their movements in no time, interrupting the mage's casting and stealing her staff. As soon as he did so, he stored it in his Spatial Storage Space so she won't get it back.

"Oi~ give that back." The damage dealer let out. This time, he equipped his set of gauntlets before punching Albrecht to the ground. 

Despite Albrecht's speed, the damage dealer completely overwhelmed him. Albrecht was pinned to the ground in an instant as the damage dealer hammered him with his fists. 

This time, Albrecht summoned his Spatial Storage Space and stored the damage dealer in it. 'Why didn't I think of that?' Albrecht asked himself. Now there were three of them left. 

Ever since he got the Akashic Records, he had this inkling to go brute-force his way out of any fights. But now, he could tell that these guys meant business, and he had to resort to underhanded tactics in order to assume victory. 

"What… Arky! What did you do to Arky~?" The mage let out a wail as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Now that their damage dealer is done for (he vanished into thin air), there was nothing they could do but be at the mercy of this mysterious adventurer. 

"YOU! You'll pay for this!" The Tank growled, letting out a taunting shot before he charged at Albrecht a second time. 

This time, Albrecht was prepared, and he summoned the Lance of Atlantis from his inventory. 

[Saddim's Touch Activated]

[Saddim's Touch (Unique, S-Rank)— active skill, allows the user to hold certain objects without touching them. Allows unwieldable weapons to be wielded by the user. If an enemy was touched, there's a 50% chance that a deterioration status will be placed. This rate increases exponentially the stronger the enemy is.]

In a split second, Albrecht swung the Lance of Atlantis, shooting ice and fire directly at the Tank. One thing that Albrecht noticed was that every time the Tank charges with his powerful attack, his defense stats transitions into attack stat, and he leaves himself open for ranged shots.

That's why Albrecht resorted to using the Lance of Atlantis. 

Because of his overuse of his Zecian Aura, the Tank barely reacted to Albrecht's shift in offense, and he was hit straight with the ice and fire beam. His eyes rolling backward, he slumped to the ground like a useless pile of meat. 

"Eek~! Please… don't kill us… whatever we did to offend you, I'm sorry…" The mage let out a whimper as her knees buckled and she collapsed on the ground on a kneeling position. 

As for the healer, she literally froze in place when her eyes met with Albrecht's. 

Meanwhile, Adam was just in the sidelines, watching the fight unfold. At first, he wanted Albrecht to learn his lesson so he didn't bother helping. But after seeing him prevail against the overpowered adventurers, he couldn't help but think that this Albrecht was much better than his counterparts.

"That's not… is that really you Albrecht?" He let out as he walked towards him. At that moment, he remembered the reason why Albrecht was just that good— it's because every Albrecht in all dimensions are connected, and they're always learning, improving from each other. 

Letting out a sigh, Albrecht walked towards the mage and the healer of the party, deactivating all his skills just so he would seem a little friendlier. "Look… I'm sorry I attacked you out of nowhere. I… I lost my composure." He apologetically let out before opening his Spatial Storage Space. 

Just then, the damage dealer popped out, and he looked around, wondering what just happpened. When he saw Albrecht, he felt a threatening presence, and he didn't resume his attack anymore. 

"T-then… what's the big idea, sneaking up on us like that?" The damage dealer unequipped his gauntlets. Despite being the second-in-command, he lost all his will to continue the offensive exchange. It would simply be pointless since Albrecht could just put him in that different dimension a second time..

At the same time, the Tank regained consciousness, instantly bolting upright before looking at Albrecht without taking another step. Fidgeting, he shimmied towards his party, all the while locking his eyes onto Albrecht as he put up his guard. 

Now that they were all awkwardly staring at Albrecht, he too felt a tad of awkwardness welling up within him. Quite frankly, it was his fault that things led to this situation, and there was only one thing he could do to correct it. 

Letting out a sigh, Albrecht scratched his head before turning around. "For now, just follow me. Let's clear this Fifteenth Outerlayer first, and then we'll talk." Albrecht continued.