Initiating A Fight With A Normal Party

Fifteenth Outerlayer

"Oi~ it seems like you're getting rusty!"

"Shut up and heal me! I'm going to die."

"Oh please, how could you die, you have THAT skill, right? Haha, let him die before healing him." 

"It's not funny."

"All right, I'm going to heal you now, can't you let me chant in peace?" 


From a distance, Albrecht saw what seemed to be a one-sided battle between adventurers and one of the sub-bosses of the Fifteenth Outerlayer. 

Amun, the Ruler of Air, was one of the five sub-bosses of the Fifteenth Outerlayer. Based on the knowledge of his counterparts, Albrecht knew that he had great difficulty when it came to conquering this sub-boss.

Of course, now that he thought about it, he had to do everything by himself, to the point where everyone else felt like a burden. He had to dodge everything, at the same time dealing damage and healing whatever was left of his health point. 

And yet, a normal party of adventurers was dealing with the sub-boss as if they were playing around with a cockroach on a stick. It was clear that the adventurers were having an easy time. 

"Haha yourself! I'm not even joking here!" The tank exclaimed. His health points were drastically decreasing since he was taking the full brunt of the sub-boss's attack. 

"Grace of the heavens, bestow upon your servant your divine power. Target Heal!"

"What's going on?" Albrecht asked, his head darting back and forth at the group of adventurers, and at Adam calmly standing beside him. "I-I thought… what's happening? Is this a dream?" 

"You're not dreaming." Adam let out. 

To Albrecht, however, it felt as if he was in a dream. After all, although the adventurers in this party seemed ordinary, they were on par with Albrecht's strength. Albrecht could sense it, so he was sure that all of them were strong enough to go head-to-head with him. 

"I was… I was working hard all this time… and yet… what's this? Is everything for nothing?" Albrecht fell into a spiral of existential crisis as he watched the party defeat Amun, the sub-boss of the Fifteenth Outerlayer. Moreover, they did it so easily, as if squishing a helpless bug. 

"Well, you don't have to look at the present just yet. Remember what happened with the other dimensions." Adam exhaled since Albrecht was looking at it with his limited viewpoint.

While watching the party utterly destroy Amun, the Ruler of Air, Albrecht realized one thing. Right now, the party in front of him was playing around with the sub-boss, but where were they when other Albrechts in other dimensions were soloing ground zero? 

There was only one answer. Either they were already dead, or they couldn't be bothered to help. Then again, Albrecht could tell that it was the former rather than the latter. Although they seemed to be lackadaisical about this boss, they were keen on defeating it. 

Albrecht finally calmed down, and he decided to sit this one out. He figured that he should at least observe everyone at the party so he could learn a thing or two about them. 

Quite frankly, the party was just like any other party in this continent. There was no difference between them compared to the other party who was much higher-level compared to the adventurers in the outer layers.

Then again, it remains a mystery as to why they weren't present during the end of the world. When everything solely depended on the other Albrechts, these adventurers were nowhere to be found. Albrecht couldn't help but wonder why such was the case in other dimensions. 

"I have to talk to them." Albrecht let out as he pushed Adam out of the way. He just had to ask what they were doing after all this time. 

He could tell that they were powerful enough to clear the entire Fifteenth Outerlayer… but why weren't they doing it? 

"Talking to them won't change anything. You've seen the future. They were nowhere to be found." Adam let out a sigh. The past started melding into the present as he remembered the entirety of his adventures in his dimension. 

It was close to a miracle that he managed to get here in the first place. He had a chance to change the inevitable end that was about to come. That's why he brought Albrecht here in the first place. There was something he needed to be aware of before all else. 

"Don't stop me." Albrecht let out as he gritted his teeth. Pure rage could be seen through his white pupils as they dilated. At that point, he changed his mind.

He wouldn't bother talking to them. He could just use his skill to force them into submission before talking to them. 

The Sword of the Cosmos abruptly appeared on his hand, and Adam instinctively backed off since he had a thing or two with the Sword of the Cosmos back when he was still with Adam from his dimension.

Without a second thought, Albrecht charged at the group, flat-out ignoring Adam's warning. He didn't even bother sneaking up on the group, he just charged at them straight, swinging the Sword of the Cosmos as if it was a twig he picked up from the ground. 

Of course, he had a plan, but the first step of his plan was to agitate the entire group before picking them off one by one. That way, he would catch them off-guard and defeat them before they could form a strategy. 

"What the…" The tank of the team let out as he instantly teleported in front of Albrecht, completely blocking his mad swing. 

However, Albrecht was confident, he knew that the Sword of the Cosmos was one of his ultimate skills. He could simply slash through the shield and injure the defensive adventurer who blocked his path. 


In an instant, the shield of the tank shone brightly, and a golden outline of light traced on the edges of his shield. 

Then Albrecht heard a clang as the Sword of the Cosmos simply bounced back, causing him to take a step forward. "What's going on?" He asked… even the System had no idea what was happening since it didn't flash him a warning.