In so much as there seems to be an unlimited number of ways to commit crime in the Universe...strangely enough...there are only two types of Villains...those that want to Rule The World...and those that want to Destroy it. To beat your Villain, know your Villain.


This type of Villain goes about his 'Ambition' through 'silent scheming behind the scenes'. He resorts to 'Shrewdness'. His usual 'Modus Operandi' is to explain 'all the faults of the World' and 'conclude his argument' with the saying 'things would work better if I were in Control'. To deal with this kind of Villain, you need a 'sensible bargaining chip' or 'leverage to hold over him' for to rule the World, 'you need resources' and 'a good reputation'. Bargaining Chips are about 'controlling his actions by promising 'Economic Support' but with 'Limitations he cannot Violate''. 'Leverage' is all about 'capitalizing on his ego' and threatening to 'foil his reputation in the Public Eye' should he 'violate the Terms Of Contract'.


These go about their 'Ambition' through 'Pure Brute Force'. They usually do not have a 'motive' that 'appears justifiable to the ordinary man'. Their 'motives' may appear 'absolutely trivial' but nonetheless...'one can never underestimate their capability for destruction...', to some extent...they are an even greater danger than 'those that want to rule the World' for those that want to 'rule the world can be kept in check if one can justify that preserving the World makes better Political and Economic Sense than destroying it' so though they might be willing to commit grievous crimes such as genocide, they always stop one step short of Global Annihilation. Those that 'want to destroy the World' have 'no such checks'. You cannot control them either with 'bargaining chips' or 'leverage'. In the first place, they already understand that 'Economic Support' is useless in 'a World that doesn't exist' and 'they do not necessarily care as much about their Public Reputation as most may believe'. There is only one way to 'earn their respect', and that is 'to come out of their most brutal attacks without a single scratch' and 'without resorting to a single offensive measure'. At that become a 'check' on their 'Destructive Impulses' since their 'true motivation for World Destruction' is 'losing everyone around them that are 'weaker than they are' so if you are 'either as strong as they are' or 'stronger' they 'realize that they can deal with you as an equal' and don't have to worry about watching your back'. But the funny thing is...once you become their 'ally', you must 'watch your back for the rest of your life'. It just means...the day you drop your the day you die. This is the difference between how 'Light Types summon Eidolons' and 'Dark Types summon Eidolons'. 'Light Types' befriend their 'Eidolon' and thus 'earn their loyalty' so the 'Eidolon' protects them 'out of its free will'. When their 'Eidolons appear in battle'...there is 'Harmony in the Elements'. Dark Types use 'force to bend their Eidolons into submission so basically they 'shackle their Eidolons'. As such, they never truly have the Eidolon's loyalty and as long as they are stronger...the Eidolon remains in check and is willing to obey their absurd begins the irony of their folly. They are actually 'naive enough' to 'level up Eidolons' that they 'know are far stronger than they could ever be'...and 'whom they know do not actually submit to them willingly but out of compulsion' the 'one day they drop their guard'...the Eidolon sees that as its chance to 'earn its Freedom and flee with all the acquired power invested into it'. When these 'Eidolons appear in battle... the discharge of Energy you see is the 'sort you see in an Electrical Circuit with Tremendous Resistance'.


1. When you try to use a 'bargaining chip' or 'leverage' against an 'enemy' who wants to 'destroy the World': As much as Aurora Saggeese is the heroine of 'Dragon Ranger', this is one of the 'blunders she makes during her negotiation with Erikkus Di Devilli'. Jinrai 'seeing through that' and 'advising Reis to observe the battle' is what 'preserved her life'. Her 'assumption' was that 'Erikkus Di Devilli' was 'after World Domination' and she 'could keep him in check' by 'exploiting his desire to be a Ruler'. That 'Assumption was based on 'Folly' because she 'did not really understand his motivation' which was 'Universal Annihilation' which is why he tells her 'You underestimate me...Princess of Saggeese...however...I will stick by the script you've written out to prove to you that your schemes are futile'. When you approach a 'Negotiation Table', it is 'folly to make your opponent' aware of the 'leverage in your possession' before you 'verify his motives'...for once he is 'aware of the leverage in your possession'...he can present you with 'false leads' while scheming to 'destroy the only leverage you have'. He now has the 'advantage of a surprise attack' while you have 'lost the element of surprise'. In the 'first place' you must base your 'debate on the possibility' that the 'leverage you have' may 'not necessarily' be a 'priority to your opponent' and the 'info you received may have been manipulated to an extent'. This is what happens in 'Bionicle Mask Of Light' when everyone tries to 'protect the Mask' thinking that 'the Mask was Makuta's Target' when 'Makuta's True Target was in fact the Herald/Seventh Toa Himself'. The 'One Time they become aware of his intent' is when 'Jaller' and 'Takuwa' part ways and 'instead of pursuing Jaller who had the Mask, Makuta went after Takuwa who didn't have it'.

2. Now let us talk of Tristran from Dragon Zone Code Of Heart and Hate. He begins his 'villainy' with the 'motivation to rule the Cosmos in Ryuujinn's place'. As long as his 'motivation was to rule' he resorted to 'scheming'. His 'scheming triggered Two Great Wars amongst the Ryu Of Past Generations'. His 'first scheme' was foiled by 'a Legendary Ninja...the Predecessor Of Ninjutsu'. His 'second scheme' was foiled when 'Gaiden defeated Shekan'. After 'two massive losses in battle' and having had his 'Spirit split into six parts with each sealed within a Moon'...and here is where the horror movie analogy I gave previously of Old Vs New Skins begin...the Ninja Of The Past are negligent in battle not to notice that a 'Seventh Of Tristran had escaped and concealed itself within the Temple Of Light in the Light Ryu' and an 'Eighth had been concealed in Ryu's Spirit when the 'Statue Of Shekan decides to aid Ryu by imparting a bit of its Power into him'. Shekan's 'intent' was 'pure' but 'Tristran exploited that 'Pure Intent' as a means to 'invade Ryu's body' the time the final battle had begun, 'Tristran's motivations' had 'switched' from 'Universal Rule' to 'Universal Destruction'...thus he lays aside the 'Kitty Gloves' and 'decides' to 'abandon his scheming' for the 'Application Of Pure Brute Violence'. A lesson to every Human...what began in Wisdom shall end in Power. The World was created by Wisdom...but it shall end with 'Power'.