Weapons are not 'Tools Of Violence', they have 'Souls Of Their Own' and the 'Ones that can Master them...are the ones that can 'identify' the 'Souls Of Their Caliburs'.


1. Drills - Apply Spiralling Forces to Break Hard Substances; beating around the Burning Bush is an example of this Application.

2. Knuckles; Utilize the 'Power Of Joints' in 'Skeletal Frameworks' to 'Amplify Precision and Sophistication Of Attacks'.

3. Axes; Apply Geopositioning Of Objects and the application Of Distance, Angles and Principles Of Rotation and Reflection to Determine the Position Of Objects via the 'Positioning Of Their Horizontal and Vertical Axis'. Atlases applying Principles Of 'Longitude and Latitude to Pinpoint Geographic Territory are Examples'.

4. Poles - Balance 'Opposing Forces' and utilize the 'Principle Of Centre of Gravity' to 'defend against Attacks' and disrupt 'Opponent's Balance' for 'Counteroffensive Techniques'.

5. Whips - Apply Principles Of Flexibility(Grace/Decorum) and Tension(Austerity/Strictness/Harshness) to 'maximize striking force at the end of the Whip' in order to 'deter opponents from carrying out Planned Attacks'. Especially Damaging to 'Criminals with either Superiority or Inferiority Complexes'.

7. Bows and Arrows - Apply Humility, Precision and Caution to Hit targets which is why the Weapon that releases the shot is a 'Bow', 'Arrows indicate direction/signalling' and are stored in 'Quivers' which is a kind of 'Tremble due to Fear'. Shivering in the 'midst of releasing a Shot' will 'cause your Shot to miss its target'. A 'slight unplanned motion' can 'affect the accuracy of your Shots' in 'very vast ways'. Thus Bows and Arrows find their accuracy in 'Reverential Fear' or 'Awe' as in to 'Marvel at something'.

8. Hammers - Apply Joints to create, modify, augment or transform Simple Objects into Complex Systems. Its strength is in its ability to 'joint' completely unrelated 'objects' or 'concepts' granting them 'New Abilities'. Swordsmiths and Blacksmiths as well as Engineers fall within this Category. They are the sort of 'Steward that brings things out of their Master's Store...both Old and New'.

9. Firearms - These Balance the 'Fusion Of Springs or Tensors/Tension Force' with 'Aim or Projection Force' as well as 'Recoil or Backlash' and the 'Alternation Of Bullet Cartridges or Bandoliers' to 'minimize cooldown between attacks' and thus 'maximize the speed and continuous force of attacks'. Turtles that like 'Chain Combos' love this sort of Weapon. Their emphasis is 'Speed Combos', 'Maximization Of Force while Minimizing Recoil', 'Minimizing the amount of Time Between Cooldowns' as well as 'Precision'. These 'Weapons' require 'Licenses' or 'Special Conditions to be used in Battle' which is why the 'gimmick' that releases the Shot is called a 'Trigger'. To some extent these users have some degree of manipulation over 'Fate' especially when these Weapons are 'applied appropriately' which is why 'Gunners' must 'Time Attacks' and 'Time Evasions' transforming their 'Attack into a Vicious Dance Of Give and Take'.

10. Reaper's Scythes - Utilizes the Observation Of Opponent's 'Offensive Patterns and Tendencies' to 'deal damage in proportion to the Opponent's lack of Modesty, Moderation and Justice'. They are the worst enemy of 'Warriors that love to Cheat' since the 'damage they inflict is proportional to the level of Cheat applied to battle'. The only 'Cheaters that escape their Net are the kind whose 'Cheats are Hacks that are Personally developed by the Cheater. In that sense the 'Hack isn't a Cheat since the 'Cheater understands full well how to apply it thus it becomes legitimate in Battle'. It is only a 'Cheat to apply a Powerful Weapon whose functionalities one cannot comprehend...which is why the shame is greater after losing with that 'Powerful Weapon that was Stolen'. (Gaining the World at Soul's Expense).

11. Stakes: These are Weapons that rely on 'luck' and 'risk taking ventures'. No 'Human Being in their right mind attempts to fight a Vampire' which is why 'Vampire Movies depict Vampires as utilizing ambush or Surprise Attack Tactics'. It is also the reason why 'Stakes are the only way to kill Vampires' since one 'cannot evaluate attacks they cannot see or comprehend'. They are the 'Weapon Of every man who risks gambling away his own Fate'. Their emphasis is on 'maximizing the adversary's losses' while 'minimizing the losses of allies'...and sometimes the only way to for the Gambler to lose it all and leave info about the Adversary's Tactics for his Successors...Billy Bones leaving James Hawkins a Map to Treasure Island is an example'. 'Financiers and Shrewd Businessmen' fall into this Category as well as 'Villainous Scheming Generals in Glasses' or 'Four Eyed Characters' like 'Monsieur Iscariot'.

12. Rapiers: Tools used for Fencing. They are used to defend 'Sheep' from 'Ravenous Wolves' by 'piercing the Wolves in their Joints' and 'severing their tendons' thus 'immobilizing them' and 'breaking their ability to coordinate'. The Worst Punishment Romans can inflict upon a Wolf. They combine 'flexibility' needed to 'redirect the attacks of Wolves' like 'utilizing VPN's or Mirrored Sites' to evade 'Detection'. The 'Dark Side Of The Web' are their 'favourite hiding spots'.

13. Swords - In a Sense, their application is like 'Mastery Over The Tongue or Power Of Speech'. 'Babbling is one way to apply this but the 'listener of the Babble' must 'possess the ability to 'comprehend the Babble'' or it is 'Pure Nonsense'. Literary Devices such as Idioms, Similes, Personification, Symbolism, Cryptography, Antithesis, Deus Ex Machina, Satires are utilized in 'Sword Techniques' which is why most 'Swordsmen Poetically Name their Techniques' granting them the ability to 'multiplex attacks' and 'confound their adversaries' with 'expressions beyond their ability to fathom' because the 'Name of the Technique' becomes a 'Shortcut Variable/Icon/Link to a 'Complex Summon Spell' and merging these 'Spells can create Complex Execution Sentences'. It is a highly compressed Hyperlink Reference Library...the sort of compression that puts the whole Universe into something as small as a 'Seed' without diminishing its 'Mass and Weight'. It combines 'Craftiness' with 'Directness' thus 'Good Swordsmen' know when to be 'Sharp' and when to be 'Blunt'. 'Programmers and Coders' as well as 'Event Managers' fall into this 'category'.

14. Staffs: Their 'Virtue' lies in their ability to 'Guide' and 'Coordinate Attacks amongst Allies and Subordinates'. They have the power to turn the 'weakest tool' into the 'strongest weapon'. The one who uses these does not need to have 'Strong Warriors in his Arsenal', he just needs 'Obedient Warriors who follow his instructions exactly' and by this 'perform actions far beyond their Normal Capabilities'. Users Of Staffs are usually weakened by 'mutiny', 'dissension within the Ranks' and 'Sheer Stupidity'. When a 'Staff User is killed in Battle', the 'Warriors under him become completely vulnerable if he doesn't choose a 'Wise Successor' or 'Powerful Successor' depending on the 'Needs Of His Subordinates at Specific Periods in History'. Magi are example of this. The original meaning of the Word 'Magi' wasn't limited to 'one who uses Magic' but 'One who makes a King making them 'Kingmakers'' which is why they were usually hunted by 'illegitimate Kings' and 'Tyrants' that tried to 'force them to acknowledge the Legitimacy Of The Tyrant's Rule' in order to gain the 'Support Of The People'.