I'll start with this quote Jesus once said to his disciples
Matthew 11:25
'I bless you, Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, for hiding these things from the learned and clever and revealing them to children'.
What exactly was God hiding from the learned and clever? How were Jesus' disciples different?
No matter how much it might hurt to contemplate, the image most of us have of God is that of an automaton that operates around the laws of garbage-in garbage-out. 'Do evil-Divine punishment will follow, do good, blessings will follow. That will never change.'
However, the disciples learnt different. God is not a stiff-necked aristocrat who forces his will on others. He is very much 'human'. This is where the second fault lies.
A lot of us think God 'tries to act like human beings' but rather 'we are the ones trying to imitate him since we were made in his image' so God doesn't try to be human, humans seek to be godly. How can I say this?
How many contradictions do we face in ourselves and our world today?
No matter how much we fight, we tell ourselves our fight is for peace. When we hold out on giving, we say it is for the benefit of the person we're refusing. We say we believe in 'true love' yet if 'God is Love' and we say 'he does not exist', in effect, we're saying 'Love does not exist?' Finally, every one's personal favourite agenda, 'if God is so powerful, why is this world so messed up?'
What does God have to say for himself?
Speaking through Paul God says,
'My strength is made complete in weakness, when I am weak, then I am truly strong'.
How does this manifest in us humans?
Why the heck do you think some clichés still remain effective even after so long?
It's always the poor guy who topples the rich tyrant. The loser gets the girl. The insignificant hero defeats the boss and; OUR BOSSES ARE ALWAYS SO GODDAMN OVERPOWERED!!!
Think about it, what would impress you more?
'To see a man from a different planet lift a jet or to see a helpless mother lift a car to save her child in danger?'
Now the fun part begins;
We keep missing the point about God because we seem to measure Him according to what we think 'we'd do if we had the power He had'.
What then is the irony?
God himself said;
All power has been given unto you; cast out demons (bully Satan and his cohorts as much as you'd like), if you drink poison, you will not die, serpents will not harm you.
(What is your point now?)
Isn't it a miracle in itself that the greatest force of all in existence is a force for good and not evil? With all that power, why is God Love and not Hatred? Why are we free to choose instead of mindless slaves? Haven't you wondered why the world hasn't been destroyed yet?
God said to Noah, "never again will I flood the earth as I have done?" yet we have floods. The floods are not the main issue; the main issue is a 'major worldwide purge'. It makes no difference for God to promise not to destroy the world by water; and then decide to destroy it later by fire. That would mean that he's contradicting himself, yet what fascinates me more is, despite the many foolish decisions we've made as human beings, the countless nukes we keep developing, no one has been demented enough to attempt to blow up the earth and with our current level of technology, all we'd have to do if we wanted to perform such an act is do what the people did at the Tower Of Babel, form an alliance called "Obliterate the Earth With Grandeur" or something.
The power we have at our disposal as humans is immense yet where lies the problem…
"Haaah, if only we had faith as small as a mustard seed" darou?
NAAAAAANNNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII?!!!!!! Is that what it takes to tell a tree or mountain to throw itself in the sea?
Yet the problem lies here;
"As you judge, so will you be judged".
This has so much significance than you can imagine; why?
Of all things, we are cautioned most in the Bible to regulate our tongues. Most prophets condemned their tongues more than any other organ…well maybe except the heart and mind but the point is most of the condemned things had the power to manifest words either in thought or speech. Paul himself said in Romans 14:22-23;
"Has thou faith? Have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that which he alloweth. And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin".
Meaning, just like in Scooby doo, if you ran over a ledge and do not know you're over, you won't fall but if you look down and say you'll fall, you'll fall.
If you swim thinking you'll drown, what stops you from drowning?
If you eat believing you'll fall sick, you will indeed fall sick. The mind can kill the body faster than the body itself. And if this is true;
"If you bless yourself, you will be blessed. If you proclaim curses upon yourself, you will be cursed.
"If you believe you're worth nothing, that is how you'll appear to others. If you are confident in yourself, even without speaking, you have presence".
Basically, we kill ourselves faster than even the Devil can keep up with; using foul words, for with what did God bring the universe into existence? And if man was made in his image and God 'pronouncing' judgement calls it swiftly, what then will man pronouncing judgement with words do?
Meaning, when God created everything he said;
"I have faith in man, let me entrust the earth and its domain to him. I'll delegate my authority to him to use as he pleases yet…"
Is it God that is not doing his job well or…?
Pssst, pssst, come here. Do you know God actually has a sense of humour but we often miss it because we believe he is an old giant with a cane ready to lash us when we go wrong?
Really? Like?
When God cursed serpent, what did he say…uh…ummm,
'On your belly you shall crawl and eat what for the rest of your life?
And what was man made out of?
Do you know Satan is the chief prosecutor in God's Heavenly Court?
Do you know that when He appears, all the angels are like…
"Aaaaaaaaaaaah, there he comes again with his long list of complaints against man?"
Do you know the only thing in existence longer than Satan's list of complaints is the bridal gown of Christ's Bride?
Do you know that when God asks Satan, where have you been all this while, he picks his nose as he says…
"Uh well, I've been here and there". (Check out the Book Of Job? It's quite a laugh if you read it with an open mind).
Do you know when Satan accuses man, Michael chuckles and says…
"Don't tell me you actually allow yourself to be bullied by your own food? Especially when Satan makes a case against a very good person?
Do you know one complaint Christians often make to one another when they're suffering is;
"Sometimes I just wish God did not have as much faith in me as he does. It's because he believes in me that he's allowing that demented creature to do as he pleases".
Once a friend and I slacked off in working on an assignment and when getting close to its presentation, I was frantic and said, let's start now. He replied saying;
"Chillax, we serve a God that controls time. When the time comes when I'm ready, you'll be shocked we'll enter the hyperbolic time chamber."
That night, I learnt a fundamental truth; those that have faith move so fast it's almost like they're stuck in slow motion, yet funnily enough without prior information, no important occasion begins until they're present. As Uriel once said to Ezra, 'Creation cannot move faster than the creator and if the creator lives in you, you don't have to superspeed to…well…superspeed and that is why living is for humans and worrying is for God".
BTW…I'M NOT ENCOURAGING YOU TO BE LAZY SO DON'T PUT WORDS IN MY WRITE! TWO PEOPLE CAN BE STANDING AT THE SAME SPOT AND A MAD BULL WOULD HEADBUTT ONE AND LEAVE THE OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you know how HAPPY the angels were when Jesus saw Satan fall from Heaven like lightning? They were so happy in fact it was almost as though they said,
"Take your complaints to the humans themselves!"
Do you know how badass some of the things Jesus says sound if you're an anime fan?
Get behind me Satan
Can be translated in Otaku language as;
"You don't belong in my future or my present; stay in my memories…where you belong!"
How funny is it that when the good are persecuted, evil people celebrate forgetting that God keeps saying;
"Although I have declared this punishment on you; for your goodness, it shall not fall upon the earth in your lifetime but only after your death".
Do you know that one of my favourite verses from Sirach, a deuterocanonical figure is;
"Do not plough the ground to sow seeds of injustice, you may reap a much more abundant harvest than you've made provisions for."
-Sirach 7:3.
Finally, do you know that we humans are actually supposed to tutor angels? Since we have 'God In Us', they actually do come to our gatherings and take notes when we speak about good and evil.
The punchline is...
We have all the power, we tutor angels…but we've become so dangerous even the Devil attends our classes. And even funnier is the fact that all we teach Him is how to harm us in new ways.
The Devil may have tempted Cain but I'm pretty sure even He did not know that there was a way to take life apart from natural death. If he did, he'd have attempted to murder Adam and Eve in the first place.
"Why doesn't God do anything about all the evil?!
"How can we expect God to do anything if we're tying His hands by denying His existence?"
Yep, God has even given us the power to limit His activities in our lives.
In all the world, good and evil can only occur from two possible reasons;
For Good;
We give God permission through our faith. God works it using the faith we have that we don't realize.
For Evil;
God gives the Devil permission to work in our lives for our greater good. Often times, the Devil himself does not realize it. We give the Devil permission to work through our own fears.
It's basically Faith X Fear.
If both are explained using the analogy of a house with doors and windows. Where the interior is reality and the exterior is spirituality and the doors and windows faith?
When it comes to Faith;
We are locked far more tightly than the World Bank.
When it comes to Fear…
"It's sad to say a lot of us don't even have walls".
The irony is, regardless of how powerful God or the Devil are, by virtue of our free will and God's willingness to cooperate with us as beings of dignity and sentience…punchline…
Go(o)d or the (D)evil are about as powerful in our lives as we allow them to be.
Don't mistake it for the fact that God can't act but he trusts us to act as his ambassadors so he will draw away his power if you don't want him around(and if he leaves, everything he is leaves with him, Truth, Love, Hope, Courage, Peace; the absence of all these is what we call Hell) but don't forget that when he's close, the Devil is far. When we drive him away…that's when we start hearing voices in our heads because Jesus can't find any room in our hearts to confront the Devil from within us when He approaches.
Bottomline: the Devil is not a lion roaming the world seeking souls to devour,
He roams the world 'like' a lion, seeking souls to devour. Even a kitten can do that but it does not change the fact that a kitten's eyes can be scary in the dark.