Is there a human alive that can measure the sea with his eyes? I don't think so. Even if you were in space, you'd only see one side of the sea. God is far more infinite than the sea. He stretches endlessly on both sides. No one can measure him. No one can give him enough glory. A lifetime is not enough to glorify God for all that he is, not to talk of all that he has done.
God is infinite but he remembers us all. He is one with the Son and the Spirit and he is one with his creation. He is all in all. He is within everything as everything is within him. A human being cannot count everything that makes up his body but God though as infinite as he is never forgets even the smallest of his creation. He is like a sea that can count all its droplets and every atom that makes them up and every subatomic particle.
God is an infinite mystery. You may think you understand him, I may think I understand him but he is much deeper than any of us can comprehend. We only know about him what he chooses to reveal. Trying to understand God is like trying to understand from which part of the earth the sea flowed from. Just like we cannot know the deepest depth of the sea, we cannot understand the depth of God's thoughts.
Tell me you understand God and I'll ask you if you know every single creature in the sea by name. How many of the sea's creatures have we seen and how many do we know. We are not even sure of the existence of mermaids and leviathans, how then can a human being boast of knowing and understanding God's actions. Can you swim within a raging ocean? Can you find your way in a tsunami? You can only swim in the sea when it is calm? Can you then boast of understanding the sea with your own intellect? We only know what we know of the sea because the sea allowed us to go that far. Likewise, we can only know of God what he wishes for us to know.