Okey dokey. I recently posted a post(for lack of words) entitled "What ifs concerning God and was asked an interesting question. "The Origin Of Matter and Everything in the Universe". In essence "the origin of life", the origin of God".
Though it appears to be such a simple question, the answer is not such a simple equation(or maybe it is). Well, it's like explaining something timeless in a chronological way but…heheh…I hope you've got your popcorn and lemonade ready, just be sure not to suffer from indigestion. Today, I will explain everything I've come to understand concerning this matter. That will of course mean merging science with literature but here's my best shot.
Firstly, the answer to this question lies in the Book Of Genesis, and is expanded upon in the first chapter of the Gospel Of John. Is there a biblical way to learn the origin of God? Yes, there is, and it is all written in his word but if you're asking whether or not God was created or not, my answer is, "first prove that energy can be created and destroyed".
But my purpose is not to be preachy however, I will not isolate the spiritual context of this matter from the literal/material.
Genesis 1:1-2; "In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters".
Note parallelisms "darkness", "waters".
From this short paragraph, we learn,
God was not living in Heaven before Heaven was created hence God is more "ancient" than Heaven itself. The creation of Heaven and Earth marked "The beginning". The Earth was without form and void. Darkness was upon the face of the "Deep".
The Origin Of Matter cannot be explained without background.
How could the earth be created and at the same time be "without form; and void". "Formless" and "without mass" could be an interpretation. "Formless, and shapeless" is often the interpretation we apply to this but I believe the first interpretation is more accurate.
Because, the only time something exists and yet is without form; and void is when it is drawn as a plan. A building can exist as a "drawing" on paper but is only given form once built. So God had a plan of Salvation, His Divine Plan but like any good author, though he had thought up the plot;
He needed a setting. So he drew first, the plan of Heaven and Earth. When the dimensions "Heaven And Earth" were called into being, it would seem their ages were almost directly proportional. Hence the two settings were created; at the same time. But to explain "how" they were made, we'll need to study the nature of God.
Exodus 3:14
"And God said; I AM THAT I AM; and he said. Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you".
God's name is "I AM".
God also introduced Himself as
"I am the God of thy father, the God Of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God Of Jacob".
Now when God introduced Himself; he introduced Himself as the God Of Ancestors, people past, yet he did not say; I WAS THAT I WAS, or "I WILL BE THAT I WILL BE".
Jesus said though in the Book Of Revelations; "I am the Alpha and Omega"; in other places "He who was; who is; and who is to come?"
Why am I quoting things that in fact already appear contradictory?
The point is "God exists in a timeless realm". His identity is closely associated with His nature.
"He is"; and "He is what He is".
"What is; then?"
"Anything that is; is true; what is not; is a lie".
So God's nature is Truth itself. He is "Absolute Truth personified".
But God Has Three Natures so to speak, Three Dignities, in one person. Picture him this way; three immensely powerful masses within each other, yet occupying exactly the same space since time immemorial. Hard to imagine huh? Well I told you explaining something timeless in a chronological way would be quite difficult.
Now picture this; each of the masses have a unique consciousness, yet the very same essence. So it's like three people with separate bodies and souls, yet exactly the same Spirit, in perfect communion with one another and incapable of disagreeing with one another.
Now, each of these "masses" have a name. Within their names lies their purpose in "their" divine plan, yet they are not exactly "They" but "I" because their lives are exactly identical and so is their Spirit.
The First is called; "I AM" also known as "The Father".
The Second is called "The Saviour" also known as "The Son".
And the Third is called "The Holy Spirit". Yet due to the almost incessant use of this term, the awe present in His name has almost been diminished. Hence, why the Second Commandment exists.
Now, the Identity of The Holy Spirit also reveals why Sins against the Father and the Son can be pardoned yet those against the Spirit is unpardonable. The Holy Spirit's name in Jewish is "Ruach Ha Kodesh". The term could be translated as "Holy Breath" since breath is a parallelism of "Life". So the Holy Spirit could be called "The Holy Life Of God". The Holy Spirit is the very core of God's own ideals; His Deepest Convictions, His Most Sacred Identity.
Now, all these play a role in the Origin Of Matter so be a little patient with me.
"I Am" is the Planner in Everything. The One who set the entire plan of the Universe, created it's laws and the forces governing it.
"Saviour"; whose other identity is "The Word Of God" called forth everything into being and continues to call forth into being new things.
You can liken "Saviour's" role to the one sending the Summons from a king to the people; or a Judge to the witnesses.
So Saviour in a like manner; "Gave Summons To Everything In Creation".
Now, the Life Of God acts in very much the same way human breath and speech act. "Breath cannot be isolated from Speech." So when "I Am" opened his mouth; He spoke the single word "Save" and the Life Of God, tied to His Word immediately acted along with Saviour and everything came into being. Yet, this is not what you wish to hear. You are more interested in the "How" rather than the "Why" and "When", so I will try to explain in a manner that is more appealing. I found it fit to give a little background first.
Let's return to shortly before creation. When God had drawn the plan of creation and everything was set to be implemented.
"Darkness covered the face of the Deep".
Who/What is deeper than God and why did the author of the Genesis see fit to use water as a parallelism?
The deepest depths of the sea remain a mystery. In like manner, the deepest things of God are a mystery. Prior to creation, God's identity was Hidden in Mystery by the darkness covering the face of the Deep, covering the Face Of God.
John 1:1
"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God; and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made; that was made. In Him was the life; and the life was the Light of men. And the Light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehendeth it not".
The literal birth of Jesus itself is a parallelism to the first day of creation as revealed in Genesis. So of all things created, John narrows one thing down that God summoned that day, yet did not create; The Light; a visible representation of Truth.
So God said; Let there be Light and there was Light; could be interpreted more deeply as;
"God said; "Let there be Light; and there was Light, standing in the presence of God. The moment Jesus was called in to start playing His role in God's plan as a unique roleplayer.
Prior to the "summoning" of Light/calling of "The Saviour Within Himself", there was only timelessness and eternity. There was only "existence", one existence; Truth; "He that is". Light was separated from darkness; yet though Light shined within darkness, the darkness could not comprehend it. God separated the second Dignity of his person; from the mystery concealing it; hence there came the capacity to understand that Dignity; yet the force that once concealed that Dignity/the force of mystery itself could not comprehend "The Saviour". The Second Dignity in God's person. So myths, legends, literature, none of these could explain the Second Dignity in God's person; yet the capacity existed for This Dignity to be understood.
It is said that on the second day, God created the firmament; literally expressed as the sky/a dome of gases/force fields of a kind to protect the earth; more technically a law of Divisions and Polar Opposites. The Job of the Firmament according to the Bible was "To separate/to divide" waters above from waters below. To separate things of a higher quality from things of a lower quality. This can also be expressed technically as "The existence of a plane containing only ups and downs/lefts and rights, quite similar to the Cartesian plane. Extreme opposites. It was not said however that by doing this, "the water covering the face of the earth became any less", so if God did this only to lessen the water covering the face of the earth, it would appear His plan was not accomplished on the Second Day. The firmament itself is what the writer of Genesis termed "Heaven".
So among its many roles, Heaven became not just a dwelling place for God and the Angels but also a means by which earthy standards could be weighed. In effect, more of a measuring scale actually. It is not the highest height of God but rather the Highest Height at which man could comprehend God. God exists far Higher beyond Heaven itself. Not all Angels see God on a daily basis in fact. You could view Heaven technically, "as that ideal figure we all want to discover". The figure that would "wipe out diseases without creating more; the figure of a perfect evolution." The most satisfying figure we could ever find, yet this is only the beginning of what God wants us to have.
The third day. This was the day; what we now refer to as "Earth" actually came into being. This was when God actually gathered the waters together and made dry land. The "dry" land was called Earth and the waters "Sea." Though expressed literally, this division could also signify the "border" that lies between "material existence" and "spiritual existence". It is also at this same time God ordered plants to appear. Hence on the third day; we have the appearance of what we now call "form". The earth/dry land, being the first actual form to appear.
The sea and earth are all parts of Planet Earth, yet water appears to have existed before Planet Earth.
The dry land here represents; "mass in its actual visible form and physical components".
Then; in the "firmament"; God created "the lights/luminaries". The luminaries exist not only to light the earth but to mark times and seasons. Materially expressed as the sun, moon and stars; spiritually expressed as the Angels whose actions mark the transition of times. It has often been the case that "Signs in the Heavens" marked the beginning of a great transition on the Earth.
To us Human Beings, Angels are allegorical and our existence literal but it is exactly the same in the eyes of the angels. Their existence is literal to them and ours allegorical to them just as our existence is literal to us and theirs allegorical.
Following so far? I hope you're not already sleeping. Drink some more lemonade and chomp down some more popcorn.
The fourth day signifies the birth of actual time. The birth of Winter and summer and autumn and spring and the equinoxes and solstices. Yet, initial time was "timeless" as well and "eternal"; just as the angels are. So the actions of the angels are directly related to the seasons of the earth.
And here, I will take a short pause. To be continued…
As soon as a question surrounding this matter is asked. The summary is;
God did not do things haphazardly. The appearance of Light, the summoning of "Saviour" could have been expressed literally as the great light emanating from the Big Bang but before all of this;
I AM had a plan in mind. He drew out the plans for the setting, plot and characters. He assigned roles to each Dignity within His person. He called forth Saviour whose appearance poured out the Life Of God into Creation. He set the rules governing the unfolding of His Divine Plan and how it would finally end. Among them are rules governing the universe; the law of friction; polar opposites and all other laws instituted mainly on the Second Day. He finally created the setting, both physical and spiritual. After all, no one narrates a story without revealing the thoughts and emotions of the characters. Finally, he created the actors.