Ye are like salt for all mankind. But if salt loses its saltiness, there is no way to make it salty again. It has become worthless so it is thrown away to be trampled upon by people.
Salt is never directly proportional to the soup, food/anything else it is placed in. A little salt can make a great amount of food taste good. Too much salt is unnecessary. Too little salt is not enough to make the food taste good. When salt loses its saltiness, there is no way to make it salty again.
So what does Jesus mean by, "You are like salt for mankind?"
If His world dwells within you, you are a new creature. You will never be anything the people around you will call normal. You can't taste salt until it is put in food. Likewise, without the word of God to salt you up, your ideas will always be pretty much as stale as everyone else's and that is why clichés dominate the world. God makes it clear that the people saved will be far less than those damned. If this world is a bowl of food without salt, it is the duty of his followers to mix the food so that everyone is made salty enough to make the world interesting. However, some parts of food are usually saltier than others. Don't ask God to send more people or angels to do His work. He has sent enough people and you are one of them. It took twelve disciples and one man to start a relationship that has transcended millennia. On the other hand, if the salt is not enough, or rather, it does not mix well with the food, the world will be everything we've been complaining about since infinity. When salt loses its saltiness, who can make it salty again? Why do you think the Devil cannot repent? He had everything, Heaven, the presence of God, grace and gifts. If he could throw all this away, what could possibly convince him to accept it even if it were possible? Likewise, an atheist has a better chance of accepting God than a Christian who chooses to abandon him.
"You are like light for the whole world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a bowl. Instead he puts in on a lampstand, where it gives light for everyone in the house. In the same way, your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven."
Cannot be hid. Penetrates darkness. Allows for sight Acts as a guide for ships at sea.
A city built on a hill cannot be hid. This is both an advice and a caution. A beautiful city on a hill cannot be hid, both from allies and foes. Those who seek it will see it. Those who wish to destroy it will also see it. As Sirach said, a fool who tries to conceal his stupidity is much more commendable than a wise person who tries to conceal his wisdom. The Light which is the Word Of God, the knowledge and wisdom within you is not for your benefit only but for everyone living in the world so do not hide it but LET IT SHINE! Light penetrates darkness. Words of wisdom can penetrate the depths of foolishness and cripple it. Likewise, just as light can show good and ugly things alike, words of wisdom weigh knowledge and make ignorance plain for all to see. At the same time, they reveal the things that are priceless for all to see. Light is not just for seeing sake. It is not limited to age or a specific time. Just as the sun, moon and stars are constant in their shine, so also do words of wisdom transcend generations. Examples include the sayings of King Solomon, the Psalms Of David and the speeches of those that continue to inspire us even after their deaths.