Love Birds Chirp No Longer

The days in Azure Pass had been peaceful for a rather long time. Two love birds got lucky, literally and figuratively. The woman had become pregnant just after 2 times rolling around with her lover. It was not normally something that would happen but now that it did, well. She wanted to let it grow.

"Old Ancestor, I felt as if the heavens said I should keep this child." The woman said. She was already an established 7th order Open heaven just like her lover.

The Old Ancestor sighed heavily and pressed his divine sense to figure out the situation. He could feel at this point, there was already a sign of the child being blessed by the heavens. Seeing this he said, "Alright, I wont allow your team to enter a battle until after the child is born. You must promise me something first."

The two love birds had cupped their hands respectfully. "What is it this Disciple can do?" They said in unison.

This made the divine monarchs the 8th order Open Heavens chuckle lightly. "The two of you really are in sync." One of them said after recovering from the laugh.

"It's nothing so difficult. I just would like first dibs on the child as a disciple. If he possesses the great talent I sense he may have I'd like to nurture him from the start of his journey. Also, after you have recovered you will have to go on several missions to make up for it. I trust you understand." The Old Ancestor said.

"This disciple understands, it would be a great honor to have the Old Ancestor teach our child directly!" The woman said.

"This disciple understands! I will spend this time and cultivate diligently for the future. So the child can grow up proud." The man said.

"Well said, now go and inform your team that this was the order. Rest well Liang Yu, I look forward to seeing how this child will turn out." The woman 8th rank Open Heaven said.

The couple bowed with cupped hands. "Then we will leave first, seniors." The two said.

"Hn. Good, you may leave." The Old Ancestor said. Waving his hand gently. He was a man that didn't look a day over 40. However this man's age was staggering.

The couple left and called for their team. This was something they would all be glad to hear. So they gathered quickly in the love birds courtyard.

"Team leader! We are here. What are your orders?" A peak 6th rank Open Heaven realm asked curiously.

"Good, this time sir Old Ancestor has given our team a leave of rest. Use this time to cultivate well. Increase your strength. After this rest is over we will have many missions." The man said. Then followed it up with a loving glance to his lover who was the Vice team leader.

"What did the two of you do that gave us such a great opportunity?" The Same person asked.

"That's because the Old Ancestor wants to take my unborn child as his disciple. So Sir Old Ancestor gave us this good thing." Liang Yu

"Vice Team Leader! You're with child!" The whole team shouted.

It wasn't something anyone would even think of doing in an environment like this. Let alone the fact It's a war zone. It's a war zone filled with battles and strife against the black ink clan.

Still though it was an odd sense. They all felt a wave of happiness from within such a dreary situation such as this war zone.

After the women in the team talked a bit everyone dispersed and began cultivating hard. The years flew by and Liang Yu had given birth to an incredibly healthy baby boy. The whole team was excited by this event. Seeing that the baby wasn't overrun with ink force.

The Old Ancestor came by personally. It had been an interesting thing so he wanted to see it in person. Immediately after he arrived the baby's eyes opened up and met with the Old Ancestors. The two stared at each other, one looking at the pinnacle and the other looking at the beginning.

Old Ancestor activated his divine sense and what he found was absolutely amazing. This boy was simply amazing. He picked up the boy and held him out. "What's this prodigy's name?" He asked.

He was simply stalling for time to verify his initial findings. This boy possesses incredible talent beyond the Old Ancestors expectations.

"Disciple reports, we haven't named him yet. Does the Old Ancestor want to pick one?" Liang Yu asked. She was uncertain that she would last long on the battlefield after all. The intensity of her team's tasks was going to increase momentarily.

"Are you sure about this Liang Yu?" The man asked. It wasn't uncommon for the master to name their own Disciples when they take them in as a baby or very young child.

However this gave the Old Ancestor an idea. A loose play on words of his mothers name. And said together meant a force of thousands in an ancient language the heavens had long since abandoned. "If you're fine with this then I'll name this boy Lei Jin! He has been blessed by heaven's will. He has the Rainbow Light Divine Body!" He said.

At the sound of his name Lei Jin. The boy was excited. Feeling the happiness in the air he couldn't help but smile.

Even though there was so much evil around the Pass it was still possible to find something so pure. And that could be said for Lei Jin more than anyone.

This was because of the insane power that came with the Divine Body he had, Rainbow Light. It was a body that was similar to what some would call a cultivation furnace. However this divine body didn't need to be dual cultivated for its effects to be seen. Just coming into contact with the person would be enough. The light given off can even heal injuries.

It could be said that Lei Jin's birth was a blessing to the human race. "Now, I'll make sure to train you as my disciple. As for the parents, I hope you are eager for his future exploits." The Old Ancestor said.

"Will my baby ever get to see the magnificent 3000 worlds?" Liang Yu asked.

"I can't say for certain. However, given that his Divine Body can be passed down to his own kin in the future we should safeguard him with everything we have. To have so many natural healers in the future will be my human race's blessing." The Old Ancestor said.

He left the child with his mother. Since there was still some time before they could separate them. He had to be nursed. Without this it could prove difficult to train him properly. And with the Old Ancestors ever watchful eye on the boy there would be no problems.

4 years passed by in the blink of an eye. The Old Ancestor began to instruct little Lei Jin now that Lei Jin's body would be able to handle everything. With this development Lin Jin's parents and their team members set off on missions. Each time coming back mildly drained from the fighting but over all they were alright.

Lei Jin would be waiting for their return at the docks at every chance his parents would return. Each time they would come back they'd praise Lei Jin's progress in his cultivation. Especially since this environment wasn't always such a good place. He loved the feeling of getting his head pat gently by his father. And indulged in the hugs his mother gave him. He loved his parents dearly. His master allowed them to see each other often anyways.

It was better for them to have a good bond, after all his parents were still alive. On the ink battlefield it was never a guarantee that anyone would come back alive. So the more time they spend together now the better.

Years passed and Lei Jin had grown a little. He was 7 years old going on eight. His parents should be returning today and he did the routine he always did. Made sure he was nice and clean. Especially today. He had reached the Transcendent realm over the last couple of months. Even his parents would have been impressed. He was working hard. And with the Old Ancestor guiding him he didn't have much issue when it came to bottlenecks.

Lei Jin arrived at the point excited to see his parents come back. He hadn't seen them in over two months. To him that's quite the long time. He was young after all. Everyone at the pass had gotten used to seeing him appear from time to time. So they weren't surprised to see him.

The ships started arriving and it was not a simple matter of just a standard rotation. Something must have happened. This looked like everyone that had gone to the resource zone to mine and hunt Ink Clan members. Not a single ship was unscathed but even still Lei Jin wasn't worried. His parents were super strong. They wouldn't dare leave him so soon.

A heavily injured 8th order Open Heaven appeared after a great many people had already walked by. All of them with sorrowful looks and injuries beyond comprehension. Many of them had enough injuries even Lei Jin could tell in the state they were in even Lei Jin might pose a threat to them. "What kind of battle did they go through?" Lei Jin thought to himself.

The 8th order had been helped in by some others; it was clear this person's injuries were not simple. Heavy doesn't even begin to describe this person's injuries. He must have fought with at least 1 fierce territory lord and many other foes. The two holding him up weren't in good shape either. It had been a heavy battle. The fourth 8th order was in better shape than the three who had just stopped in front of Lei Jin.

"Lei Jin, this is yours." The 8th order Open Heaven woman cultivator said, handing him something in her hand. She was clearly the least injured of them all. Yet she was trembling.

Lei Jin accepted this ring confused. And before the ring was even visible he held his hands out and asked, "Where is Mother & Father? Shouldn't they be back now? Oh they must be in your small universe. You're so thoughtful Regiment guard." A smile came across his face still with the innocence of a child.

This woman dropped a couple of rings in his outstretched hands. As they fell he instantly recognized them and his smile turned to confusion. And he inspected the contents. Each ring had the artifacts his parents had taken with them.

The 8th order who was in the worst condition said "They rammed their palace artifact into a combined killing attack by many territory lords. They bought just enough time for the others to come and aid our forces. They were incredibly brave." He said before they limped off to go heal.

The other 8th order had done what she could and found the space rings so their kid could inherit their parents artifacts.

It was silent. This was the first time they had ever seen Lei Jin this silent. Usually he was always cheerful and happy. But now he just stood there staring at the rings his parents had worn. It was all he had left of them.

Those looking on could see the cold expression. Lei Jin had been an innocent child and nothing remotely bad had happened to him. He had seen his parents come back injured multiple times but every time they came back. This was not the case this time.

The battlefield was too cruel. It took away a child's parents just like that. And no one had seen what happened when he lost something. This was the first time and on top of that he lost most of the most important people in his life. There was no warm hug & no head pat this time.