The Rally Point & Star Boundary

Lei Jin's presence wasn't entirely unexpected however the two 7th orders on guard were slightly surprised. Usually the messenger greets first before landing. So they quickly made haste. Seeing the movements of these 7th orders Lei Jin decided to introduce himself quickly.

"Seniors, I am Lei Jin. I have been sent here with a message. May I speak with the several sirs in charge?" Lei Jin asked. Cupping his hands and bowing slightly.

The guards stopped and what looked like a team leader spoke. "Why did you not introduce yourself before landing?" The 7th order asked, looking at Lei Jin. "Ah you're a Dao Seal Realm. Hmm you seem to be 40 years old! Wait! What!?" The 7th orders were shocked by that kind of growth.

"Seniors' sight is indeed correct. I have messages with me from each of the Mountain passes. I was chosen this time to deliver them. I landed first because it would be disrespectful to fly above you." Lei Jin said, pulling out the jade slips as proof.

"I see, but the thing is we never sent a… wait… You weren't born on the Ink Battlefield were you?" The guard asked.

"I was indeed born on the Ink Battlefield. However, I'd like to deliver these to the various sirs in charge. Then I'll go see my fellow disciples in Azure Void Cave Heaven." Lei Jin said. He was indeed wearing the Azure Voids colors.

"You may pass. The various supreme Elders are having tea right now. I'll have someone escort you there." The guard said.

"Thank you Senior." Lei Jin said. Then began to walk away with the two of them.

"So, may I ask who your parents were? I might know them. I had a few friends who had gone to the Passes quite a number of years ago." The guard asked, far too casually.

"My mother's name was Liang Yu, my father kept calling himself different things every few days so I had just called him by his position as my father." Lei Jin said.

"I knew Liang Yu! She was a beauty. And an extremely friendly person. How is she?" The other guard asked, completely missing the fact Lei Jin deliberately hadn't answered that question.

He stopped walking and looked at the second guard and asked, "It's a battlefield, right?". Then he continued. "I was 7 when one of the resource areas was ambushed with a force near the size they used to fight the Pass itself. I watched as dozens of ships came back and so many injured returned. At the end of it all I have left of parents and the friends on their team are these rings." Lei Jin said, showing his left hand. "So please refrain from asking about my parents unless I bring it up. Had it not been for my master, I would have been completely lost." He continued. Then he began walking again.

"I see, I was just excited to hear a familiar name and lost control of myself. But can I ask who your master is?" The 2nd guard asked.

"Azure Void's, very own Old Ancestor. That is my master's identity." Lei Jin said quite calmly without stopping.

The guards were now shocked. Yet they now understood the explanation behind Lei Jin's growth. He had been born in such a place surrounded by Open Heaven realm Masters. Surrounded by the Chaos and incredibly dense energy the Arrays of the Pass provide. Finally this boy's own aptitude alone was frightening. They got the feeling once he became a 9th order Open Heaven the whole war will shift drastically.

A short while later Lei Jin was presented to the 8th order Supreme elders who had been guarding this rendezvous point. "Greetings to the Cave heavens Supreme Elders. I am Azure Void's Old Ancestors Direct Disciple. I have brought with me the reinforcement requests of all the passes." He said, with cupped hands and an aura of respect and dignity about him.

"Ahahaha, so how did you manage to get into the ink battlefield?" A supreme elder asked. He couldn't help it, seeing a Dao seal realm that had been in the battlefield.

"This disciple was born out of a union between his parents. My Master had allowed this to continue for some reason. Once I was born my master even gave me my name." Lei Jin said.

"Alright hand over the slips and us old masters will look at them." Another 8th order said. She was clearly at the peak of her realm.

Lei Jin handed over the Jade slips and they looked at them and sighed. "It seems the Ink Clan has been ruthless even more so this time. Well, We need to prepare the reinforcements. Thank you for delivering these to us, however why did you come in person?" the first 8th order who spoke asked.

Lei Jin pulled out a token that contained the will of all the Old Ancestors. This was to show them the level of support Lei Jin had for this endeavor. He handed it to the Supreme Elder. "This is the reason. I was born in the Ink Battlefield. After I condensed my Dao Seal it only confirmed the need to come back even more." Lei Jin said.

The elder was now in a state of shock that he had this much support but then even more so because he learned the knowledge of the Rainbow Light Divine Body. "Alright, Since you're here I can not allow you to go back until after certain conditions have been met. I'll give you this so you can reach your Cave Heaven more quickly. Actually, an elder of that very one is on his way to a place called star boundary. It's much closer, you can meet up with this elder and speak with him. That one is quite nice if I remember correctly." The Supreme Elder said.

"Then I will follow sir's advice. Seniors this a rally point of sorts correct?" Lei Jin asked.

"Of course. What is it you're asking this for?" the Woman 8th order asked. She slightly raised her brow and leaned forward elbows on the chair arms and hands set with interlocked fingers.

"I was curious if there are any 9th rank resources here that I could take a look at. I won't take any unless I feel a resonance with them. Is this possible?" Lei Jin asked.

"We have many high ranking materials you can take a look at." The woman said, still sitting in her position.

"That won't do, this young man needs 9th rank materials. Stop putting on airs, woman!" Another person said who had just finished reading the note.

"The last time someone refined all 9th ranks it was a catastrophe. You remember this do you not?" She said, "If he reaches that point directly it could spell disaster." the woman continued.

"Seniors, if it is not convenient then I simply won't search. It is disappointing but, my master said I should stay in the 3000 Worlds for a while. After all, even if my strength is immense, that battlefield isn't a place for someone of my Realm. Besides, someone from Yin-Yang Pass should be close to his promotion and become a 9th order." Lei Jin said, trying to get the people to calm down.

"I see, well then go on to the star boundary and check out what they are doing there. I'm sure it will be a good thing." the woman said, finally sitting back.

"Then this Lei will take his leave. Now that I have finished my task as messenger I'll go explore this place." Lei Jin said bowing respectfully and taking off in the direction of the star boundary. Something he had got from those Supreme Elders.

It didn't take Lei Jin long to arrive at the star boundary. However he was surprised to see such a massive tree. It gave him a sense of wonder and awe. Yet he instead searched for a place called "High Heaven Palace" Apparently the palace master had invited all of the other cave heaven elders to attend this meeting. So Lei Jin was naturally intrigued by this turn of events. What kind of person were they that the cave heavens would be willing to humor him?

He arrived at the Palace and saw that there were already several elders from various cave heavens around. He felt that one of them had an extremely familiarly repulsive Aura. It was incredibly faint so he decided to let it go until after. It would be easier to get their attention after getting aid from his own sect's elders.

"Pardon the intrusion Seniors. I am looking for Azure Voids Elder, Is this Senior here? I need to speak with you for a moment." Lei Jin asked politely. He stood there while the others were sitting down and looked at him confused.

"I am Elder Hong Xiang Ling, from Azure Void. Seems it can't wait? Yang Kai I apologize but might I have a few minutes?" He said, then looking over at Yang Kai.

"I won't keep you from important matters. And we are still waiting for the arrival of the other elders, take your time." Yang Kai said.

Lei Jin and Hong Xiang Ling left to speak in private. While the others looked confused why a great emperor would have been sent all this way alone. Then also how they didn't know his own sect's elder right in front of him. They would wonder about this for some time.

"Elder Hong, thank you for taking the time to speak with me. I should fully introduce myself. I am Lei Jin, I was born on the Ink Battlefield and taken in as Azure Void's Old Ancestors Direct Disciple. I was sent back to look for resources and gain experience living a mild normal life." Lei Jin said. He pulled out the token that proved he was exactly who he said he was.

Hong Xiang Ling was shocked by such a turn of events. "I see, it must have been hard on you living in that kind of environment. It really isn't something a kid should have to see or hear about let alone live through and experience. I'll make sure you come back with me to Azure Void." He said putting his hand on Lei Jin's head. This serves many purposes but one of them is that he now knows just how great of a talent Lei Jin was. Also he found out his temperament was outstanding.

"Elder Hong, there is something I am worried about." Lei Jin said, bluntly.

"What is it? I'll do what I can to help." Hong Xiang Ling said.

"There was an elder at that table who had a faint presence of Ink coming from her. I don't think they are an ink Disciple but they definitely have had contact with one in recent times." Lei Jin Said. "Judging by the style of dress I assume they are from Luo Sheng Cave Heaven." he added.

"I'll find an opportunity later to ask about it. But how did you… never mind you born in the ink Battlefield it's only naturally you'd be sensitive to it. Let's head back for now, so you can stay for this discussion." Hon Xiang Ling said.

The two entered and Hong Xiang Ling sat down at the table again. Lei Jin was standing behind him. In a dignified way.

"Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to my Azure Voids Disciple Lei Jin. He had been stuck in a not so good place. He had been told that he could reunite with his Sect by finding this Hong." Hong Xiang Ling said.

"Greetings Elders of the various Cave Heavens and Paradise's." Lei Jin said. Cupping his hands momentarily before returning them behind his back.

"I'll have him be present for this discussion. His unique insight might come in handy." Hong Xiang Ling said.

"Oh then I'll have to get a chance to speak with this young man." Luo Xiu said.

"Let's get this matter started. Since I am a son-in-law of Yin Yang Heaven I naturally have to give them benefits. As such they will have the pick of 10 Disciples every 100 years. The others will have 3." Yang Kai said.

"The difference between 10 and 3 is too great. We all want 10." Luo Xiu said, quickly. She moved to hold herself in a way to show her disappointment in Yang Kai.

Some more back and forth began and then two figures appeared and both were not great. Lei Jin could sense they had ill intent. Sensing this he prepared himself for the chance he might have to take out his token. It would be able to shut them up whenever.