Purchased Peace & Life's Beauty

The introduction of these new arrivals made the air quite tense. However, it didn't devolve into chaos. Thankfully for Lei Jin he could keep his overall status relatively hidden for the time being. In the end a deal had been reached that all cave heavens would get 5 disciples every 100 years. That is with the exception of Yin-Yang Heaven.

After the meeting ended Luo Xiu met up with Lei Jin and Hong Xiang Ling. "Thank you for speaking with me. I needed to ask if you realized the tiny ink force on you?" Lei Jin asked. It was best to do this bluntly.

"There's ink force on me? How?" She said, then quickly checked herself and found the tiniest hint of if. Something that unless she knew to look for it there wouldn't have been a way to find it. "How did you know?" She asked after isolating it.

"I was born and raised on the Ink battlefield. I have a unique sensitivity to ink force. That is it makes me want to kill it no matter how small." Lei responded, coldly and bluntly. His face showed what the true terror of living in such a place was like.

"I see, well then I must thank you young man. Because of you I'll have more work to do once I return. Why don't you come back with me? I have a few good disciples who would make a good wife." Luo Xiu said. She held herself such that the desire to poach him was too clear.

"I am afraid that my position wouldn't allow this. However, I do not mind visiting at some point to help sniff out the ink disciples in your force. I have a more pressing task. And as such must begin by exploring my own force. It's the place my parents came from. I naturally need to see this place myself." Lei Jin said respectfully.

"I'll send a message to Azure Void when preparations have been made. So let's try to keep this tightly lipped. Now then I won't keep you any longer, just think about the wives you could have!" Luo Xiu said, leaving.

Lei Jin and Hong Xiang Ling left for Azure Void directly after. On Elder Hong's ship the two talked a little while out standing on the platform. Mostly about things regarding the force and current events.

While they were talking Lei Jin felt a powerful object nearby. There was no doubt in his mind that it was indeed at the very least an established 9th rank resource.

"Elder Hong, we need to change course. I feel something coming from this direction that is absolutely no doubt a 9th rank material. And moreover it resonates with me." Lei Jin said. He pointed in a direction.

"Hmm, so long as it's not too long of a delay I don't see a problem with this very well. Resonation resources are quite good after all." Hong Xiang Ling said, turning the ship.

Half a day's flight later. "Stop the ship right here. I'll open the void and grab it." Lei Jin said. Doing precisely these things he disappeared from view.

The space Lei Jin was in now was both incredibly hot and cold at the same time. He could tell this wasn't a place he could stay in long. He activated his Rainbow Light to protect himself and activated his divine sense. He narrowed it down and found two distinct materials.

To the left was a powerful water element resource. Though it was closer to say that it was ice. Limitless Void Ice! It was really such a legendary resource.

To the right was an equally powerful fire element resource. The sheer density of the fire energy was stifling. Without the ice to beat it back either one would be overwhelming. This was Eternal Time Blaze.

"I found not one but two good treasures. Time to collect." Lei Jin said to himself.

He rockets off towards the ice first since he would get to warm up after this anyways. That is when he would go to collect the fire element.

While he was on his way to the Ice element he found so many more low rank and mid rank resources as he got closer. "I'll pick those up on the way back." Lei Jin thought to himself.

He arrived and saw there were actually many of these highest rank resources just sitting there ready to be harvested. Lei Jin only took 1 of these resources for himself. But he did take several more of the other ranked materials ranging from 4th rank to 8th rank. He knew that they would prove to be a good

The number of materials he collected wasn't small. Several dozen rank 8 and several hundreds of rank 7. As for mid rank ones he harvested tens of thousands. He did take a few 9th rank materials since he had seen how the ice formed. It would be helpful to have one of these produce a similar area in a universe world. More specifically, in 'his' universe world when he manages to synthesize it.

Arriving at the Fire element he did the same thing. He collected one of the Highest rank resources. And an equal number of the other lower rank materials. He didn't want to have a disparity between the two counts.

This process took him just a few hours and he appeared back outside of the space. He landed back on the ship. Turned around and used everything he knew of the dao of time and space to lock that place. Only worthy people who can break through these restrictions should be granted the chance to obtain such great things.

Hong Xiang Ling had been waiting for all this time for Lei Jin to come back out. "What kind of material was it?" Hong Xiang Ling asked. He was curious if this had been worth the delay of a day's time.

"I found many good things! And the resources found are perfect matches for me. I collected some of the other ranked materials as well. So we have an excuse to give the headmaster." Lei Jin responded.

He pulled out a rank 7 ice element and fire element. Hong Xiang Ling was shaken. Not only were these 7th ranks but they were so pure.

"This will definitely make them happy. Let's return now. Oh and if you sense anything else on the way let me know at once." Hong Xiang Ling said, patting Lei Jin's shoulder.

The rest of the trip back was smooth and went fine. No new sensations came to Lei Jin during the remaining several day long trip. Instead he focused on taking in the scenery and enjoying the fact he could see a sight that wasn't already dead and filled with corrupt energy.

Hong Xiang Ling kept watch over Lei Jin. No one could know what it would feel like to grow up in a world like that. Death looming at every turn was something that could be said for that place. However if you were a 6th rank Open Heaven and in a good team you would have a good chance of surviving.

The odds of a child surviving such a place was something that nobody wanted to even think about. They would have preferred that no child would have such an environment. So to Lei Jin this was quite the experience. He grew up in a place fraught with constant war and death. Even losing his own parents far too soon.

As Lei Jin looked out at the worlds they passed by he couldn't help but hold his left hand close to his chest. The harsh reality of his life before was there on his fingers, the last things he had to remember his family.

"Elder Hong? Is this place what my parents died to protect?" Lei Jin asked while still looking out there into the vast outer universe.

"This 3000 worlds is the place my human race has been defending for all these years. Your parents were brave and valorous." Hong Xiang Ling said.

Lei Jin looked at a universe world and saw the abundant life flourishing there. And remembered this scene from all of the other Universe Worlds.

"You're right, my parents are heroes. They defended these 3000 worlds with everything they had. It's a beautiful place and I can see why they wanted to fight to protect it." Lei Jin said. His aura was clearly showing fluctuations and growth.

"You're parents went into battle knowing it could be their last day every time. They knew you would be sad but you would grow up to be a great man. I think it was because of the promise that you showed while young that allowed them to fight. They knew you wouldn't disappoint them in the future." Hong Xiang Ling said. It was as if he knew exactly what to say.

Lei Jin couldn't help but shed a tear. It was almost too much for him. He couldn't hold it in while he stood there looking out. Seeing everything that had been protected by the numerous sacrifices of the Cave Heavens and Paradises. His parents and their team, Lei Jin's family, all of them had been among those who would never see this place again.

A short time later Lei Jin had recovered and they arrived at the Cave Heaven. When they arrived Hong Xiang Ling had been greeted by his second disciple. He also had personally verified Lei Jin's identity. The first order of business was to see the Headmaster. There was, after all, quite a bit of things to discuss.

In a meeting room Azure Void Cave Heaven's Headmaster used for small discussions like this. Hong Xiang Ling and Lei Jin were there across from the headmaster and vice headmaster.

"Elder Hong, I sent you to see what Yang boy wanted. I have no doubt you found this out but I'd like to know who this young man is. Did you take another disciple?" Headmaster said.

"Headmaster, this disciple is Lei Jin. A name given to me by sir Old Ancestor the day I was born. I was lucky enough to get the chance to come see the place my human race has been protecting all this time. This permission came at the direct request of all the Old Ancestors and Divine Dragon and Divine Phoenix." Lei Jin said, presenting himself.

"Headmaster, I wouldn't dream of poaching Lei Jin from his Master. That person is not someone I could hope to offend." Hong Xiang Ling said, sipping his tea.

"Young Lei Jin, who is your Master?" The vice headmaster asked, stroking his beard.

"Reporting, this one's honored master is Sir Azure Void Old Ancestor. Master spoke with the various other Old Ancestors to allow me passage through the passageway." Lei jin said.

"Then you must have been sent here for something other than some random will. What kind of mission do you have, Disciple Lei Jin?" The headmaster asked. Since the vice headmaster had lost his will to speak temporarily.

"I have to search for materials for my breakthrough. I have found 3 so far. Since this will take some time I am also supposed to understand the beauty of the world. Almost everyone I talked to said I should find a good woman to marry as well. So I guess that could be another goal I have." Lei Jin said.

The stunned old men looked at Lei Jin and Hong Xiang Ling took initiative. "Lei Jin, I'd like to introduce you to my 3rd disciple. She has a good temperament and will make a good wife and mother." He said.

"I also have a good disciple with these qualities." An 8th rank said, who appeared in the room after hearing the confirmation that this was in fact the Lei Jin she had heard about in those messages. "Anyways what rank are you trying to reach directly?" She continued.

"This disciple was ordered to spend as much time as needed. However I will be reaching the 9th rank directly. No exceptions can be made for this. That was my master's order." Lei Jin said. "Oh, I was born on the Ink Battlefield. Naturally I only have one enemy. You won't have to worry about repeating history." He finished.

"I can't say I like it but I can't deny that hidden dangers lurk everywhere. So having a 9th rank will be a blessing." She said, "I'll try to persuade the old fogies. That should make it easier for you."

"Also I brought a gift for the sect I found when I found 2 of my resources." Lei Jin said. He pulled out several of the fire and ice resources that varied in rank from 4th to 8th.

"Young man, how many wives are you going to take? I have a few good disciples. I'll summon you once I have gathered them up." The Ancestor said as she took off in a beam of light. "The more wives he marries the better our chances of avoiding catastrophe." She thought to herself as she flew back to her residence.