Welcoming & New Home

With the departure of the Supreme Elder Lei Jin relaxed slightly. This was because 8th and 9th orders were just insanely powerful. And this one hadn't been exhausted nor was she trying to hide it.

"Achem, well then how did the meeting with Yang Kai go?" The headmaster asked, clearing his throat. "Did he make any unreasonable demands?" He continued.

"We have come to an arrangement with Yang Kai's Star Boundary. We are allowed a training ground to be constructed and take in 5 disciples from there every 100 years, the payment for each disciple is a set of rank 6 materials." Elder Hong said.

"Not bad though it's a shame we could only get 5 disciples. Training near the World Tree Subtree that had been mentioned in the invitation would surely help my Azure Void disciples to condense their Dao seals more easily." The Headmaster said.

"What do you think of this deal, Lei Jin? Being the Old Ancestors disciple you must have some insight." The Vice-master asked.

Lei Jin thought for a moment before speaking. It was true that he had a unique insight on matters like this. He came from the ink battlefield where everyone is a brother and sister. Not only that his master made sure to grill him quite hard through the use of a scroll that he would have to constantly focus and comprehend. So his understanding was quite high.

"Vice headmaster, I believe this is a good thing. I don't have any issue with it aside from the lack of new disciples my Azure Void receives. However, can you tell me why Yang Kai is a 6th order Open Heaven? He clearly had the ability to be a 7th. He also seemed to have a natural resistance to the ink force. I don't see a good reason for it." Lei Jin said, asking about the state of the Cave Heavens & Paradises relationship with Yang Kai.

"Ah, this was something that Myriad Demons and Xuan Yuan did. They had got wind of a potential 7th order direct promotion outside of the cave heavens and paradises. So they suppressed his cultivation. He was directly promoted to the 5th rank." The headmaster said, plainly.

"Now that I'm here we don't need to worry too much about this issue. In the future we shouldn't force their submission. Instead we should try to get their aid to fight the ink clan." Lei Jin said, rubbing his chin.

"But the ink force could lead them to become our enemies in the future. If others are coaxed by the ink force and can't accept their limits then it would be catastrophic." The headmaster said.

"On that point you're correct headmaster. However, what benefit would someone get from the ink force if their limits were the 9th rank? Wouldn't it become nothing more than an enemy that deserves death?" Lei Jin said.

"What about the people under them? Will they be so willing themselves?" Headmaster said.

"Now you're asking a question you already know the answer to." Lei Jin said, simply. There was no further need to say anything past that. He was the headmaster of such a thing, naturally he knew the answer. "Either way, I won't ask for any policy changes for a while. It would be too hasty to do this now. And it could drive a wedge into our relationship with Yang Kai." Lei Jin added.

The headmaster realized that this wasn't a request for a change in ideals but rather a simple discussion about the merits and demerits of such actions. It was true that this permanently lowered the human race's potential to fight back harder. The headmaster relaxed.

"Also I have this thing. And I currently have no real use for it. So I'll donate it to Azure Void Cave Heaven." Lei Jin said, pulling out the scroll containing the consolidated information on the Dao Seal. "I call this thing, Dao Seal Formation Scroll, it is made by my own ability. It is also what I used to condense my own Dao Seal." Lei Jin said, placing the scroll in the headmaster's hands.

The headmaster inspected it carefully. "This is a really good thing. We wouldn't even need to make such a deal with Yang Kai. This thing is just plainly a good thing. Can you explain some of the other functions more clearly?" The headmaster asked. He came across something quite odd in the details.

"First only one person can use it at a time. Second, it is infinitely reusable, so we won't have to worry about losing its uses. Thirdly if some ones initial ability is above halfway through a direct promotion limit this will push them to the limit just above. If someone can make a Dao Seal that provides a direct promotion to the 6th rank but could support 4 rank 7 resources or better in either number of rank 7s or even just 1 rank 8. They will be able to condense a Dao Seal that can promote them to the 7th rank." Lei Jin explained.

The more things he mentioned the more shocked they all looked. Now all were scrambling to think who they should use this thing first.

"Well, let's go ahead and give it a test. Vice-master, take this and find someone who has just recently condensed their Dao seal. We should run a few tests to see if someone can refine a seal already condensed." The headmaster said, handing the scroll over to him.

"I'll set out at once!" The Vice-master said, covering himself with light and darting off.

"Do either of you have anything else you have to discuss today?" The headmaster asked.

"I don't have anything to bring up." Elder Hong said.

"I don't have anything either aside from the fact I'll go searching for resources in the near future. I would like a small team for this. I am strong on my own but still I could get over run." Lei Jin, responded wisely.

"Elder Hong, I'll be assigning someone else to manage the Star Boundary matters. You look after this young man and go searching for resources." The headmaster said.

"Understood, that will give him and my disciple time to get close. I have no issues with such an arrangement." Elder Hong said.

"Good, I'll be issuing an order to keep disciples from condensing a Dao Seal until we fully explore this. Lei Jin, are you able to make more of these things?" The headmaster asked, turning his attention back to the good thing.

"This disciple can make as many as the headmaster wishes. The only thing is I will require at minimum the same type of scroll materials. Dragon Phoenix Jade is what's required. I can't promise the effects would be the same with a weaker material." Lei Jin said.

"Good, spend some time here in the Cave Heaven. When I have collected the necessary resources I will let you know. Elder Hong will be taking measures to acquire a home and other essentials for you." Headmaster said.

Elder Hong and Lei Jin left the meeting room. Where now only the Headmaster sat stunned "This is good fortune for my Azure Void Cave Heaven. A young man such as him will surely bring us some much needed hope." The headmaster said to himself. "Though we shouldn't force him to grow too fast. We can't lose such an opportunity." He thought to himself.

Elder Hong and Lei Jin walked into a Large Pavilion. "This is where you will come if you need anything or need to complete tasks. You can earn money here by completing tasks or you can request services." Elder Hong said, as the two of them walked inside the Pavilion.

"So it's similar to the War preparation hall then? Does that mean this is where I get my identity token?" Lei Jin Said, looking around at the sight. This was the first time he had been here. Everything was clear of corruption. Aside from a faint feeling he would get every once in a while.

"This is indeed the place. This is a counter you'll come too for anything you'll need." Elder Hong said, nodding in the direction of the counter.

"Elder Hong, There is an ink disciple in the Cave Heaven. I can't tell where they are. But the trace is there. It is likely a 7th rank, since they can control it so well." Lei Jin whispered.

"That's a shame. Let me know when you figure it out." Elder Hong whispered in return.

The two of them walked up to the counter where a woman was working away. She was pretty but she was only a 5th rank and sadly that was likely her cap. She greeted the pair walking up.

"Greetings Elder Hong, greetings junior brother. How may this one help the Elder today?" The counter lady asked politely and smiled.

"I'm here to acquire an identity token for this young man." Elder Hong said.

"Yes, I need junior brother's name and junior brother's honored master's name?" The woman said with a smile.

"Senior, I was given the name Lei Jin. As for my master." Lei Jin said. He was cut off by the woman.

"No, that's alright. I received notice ahead of time to prepare junior brother's token. This token is the key to your residence as well." She said, pulling out an Azure colored token. "I am curious junior brother. Is this person really your master?" She asked, looking at the token again.

"Yes, this is indeed my master's name." Lei Jin said, in no uncertain terms.

"Then I'll go ahead and add your contribution points here…" She said doing some sort of calculation. It looked similar to the fifth ranks he saw working at the War Preparation Hall. "Junior brother has done something extraordinary for Azure Void. Here is your identity token. Junior brother only needs to show this at any counter in Azure Void to access and use contribution points." She said handing the token over to Lei Jin.

Lei Jin accepted the token and put it away before asking. "Is it possible to purchase a new set of clothing? Ideally an Azure Void uniform?" he said.

"Junior brother doesn't need to worry about that. You have a uniform here already! The Supreme Elder ordered it to be made immediately. Here it is." She said handing it over.

"Supreme Elder works fast! I'll have to thank the Supreme Elder for their help." Lei Jin said.

"If there is nothing else, have a pleasant day junior brother." The woman said.

The two left satisfied with the results. Lei Jin now had his very own residence. This was where He as well as Elder Hong were on their way to see. It didn't take long to arrive. Landing Lei Jin looked at the residence in awe. This place was larger than the whole courtyard he lived in. The one in the Mountain Pass.

"I'll leave this place to you to explore on your own for now. I'll return shortly." Elder Hong said to Lei Jin.

Lei Jin snapped out of his amazement. "Yes, Elder Hong. I will familiarize myself with this wonderful place I have." He said, cupping his hands. Elder Hong then left to go do whatever it was he had planned.

In the meantime Lei Jin investigated the residence he had been given. Finding out that there were already many maids actively keeping it clean. "Seems like the Supreme Elder or Headmaster had been arranging this behind the scenes." He thought to himself.

He walked around and explored the massive palace he had in his possession now. There were many small buildings likely for storage. Some of them though were clearly the live in homes for all the servants who served in this residence. Their families would all work here and live here. It made sense for the place to be large in that respect.

He kept walking around and found that there were many different facilities. He couldn't fathom why the exact reason was, but he had a few ideas as to why. He then came across what was obviously supposed to be his quarters. "That is an awfully large bed for myself." Lei Jin said, raising an eyebrow. "Perhaps the Supreme elder from before was a little too prepared for this." He continued in his thoughts.

He then found his way to the greeting room and floated in the air cross legged. He had explored the whole residence during the last several hours. So he wanted to have a rest. This would also provide a good opportunity to feel out that sinister ink force sensation from before. However he couldn't feel it anymore. This meant that it was further than that Large Pavilion. "I'll relay this information to the Supreme Elder when next I see the Supreme Elder." He thought as he cultivated.