Qing Ning & Proposal

It couldn't have been more than the time it takes an incense to burn, from the start of his focus to the arrival of Elder Hong. Lei Jin could tell in an instant that he was not alone. A young woman who had very clearly been promoted to the 6th rank Open Heaven just recently was following slightly behind him. Elder Hong could sense that Lei Jin was cultivating and was worried about disturbing him. However he and this woman were both wondering how he could be as strong as is.

Lei Jin decided to open the door to let them in. And a few of the resident maids prepared tea and light snacks. "Elder Hong need not worry. I won't suffer any grievances from your arrival." He said. No longer floating in the air. As he greeted Elder Hong.

Elder Hong let out a sigh of relief. "Good! Now then young Lei Jin. This is my third disciple and your senior sister." He said, gesturing towards the woman.

"My name is Qing Ning, it's nice to see Junior brother." She said, with cupped hands. And checking Lei Jin out with her eyes.

"Senior sister Qing Ning, has a beautiful name. I am Lei Jin, I wonder what kinds of things Elder Hong has said Senior sister?" Lei Jin said, cupping his hands respectfully.

"Well, Master had said he wanted to introduce someone to me. I didn't know that this would be you, Junior brother." Qing Ning said.

"Come in and have a seat. Relax for a moment. The environment is calm, we should enjoy this." Lei Jin said.

Everyone took a seat around a small circular table. Lei Jin sipped, well… more like guzzling the tea. And devouring snacks. It wasn't as if he was doing this in an uncontrolled way creating a mess. No, he could just simply consume everything with ease. Realizing that he was the only one doing that he stopped. Blushing bright red.

"Apologies, I'm afraid I'm still not accustomed to such a peaceful environment. I ask you to forgive my behavior just now. I've shown you something embarrassing." Lei Jin said.

Elder Hong laughed, "Ahaha, not to worry young man. I know your situation, this kind of reaction is only normal." He said.

Qing Ning wasn't phased by this in the slightest, though she was curious about his origins now. After all, absolute geniuses like him don't just appear out of thin air. "I think your appetite is cute, Junior brother. But I have to ask, what kind of environment did you live in before this?" She said, sipping her tea.

Lei Jin glanced over to Elder Hong as if getting approval. Elder Hong nodded. Lei Jin breathed deeply and prepared himself to tell his story. Though he would leave out the tragic events unless they were brought up after.

"Senior sister? Do you know of our Human Race's existential enemy?" Lei Jin asked. He figured it was best to start with this.

She glanced over to Elder Hong as well. He nodded again to confirm this could be talked about. He had already set up a listening barrier in secret before.

"I know they are the Ink Clan and our Human Race has been fighting them for countless centuries." Qing Ning said.

"Yes! Senior sister is correct. There is a place called Ink Battlefield. This is the place I was born." Lei Jin said.

Qing Ning, started tearing up as if expecting something bad but hearing this she could only feel sorrowful. Knowing that he was a kid who grew up on the ink battlefield. "A war zone is no place for a child. You've suffered, Junior Brother." She said, Looking down at her tea.

"To think I was raised in a beautiful environment full of abundant resources and life. Yet this handsome and powerful young man grew up in an environment filled with death, chaos and pain. The threat of those very things befalling him would have been terrible. Yet it seems he used it as motivation." Qing Ning thought to herself.

Lei Jin had noticed she was thinking deeply so he remained quiet for a moment.

"Master, this Junior brother Lei Jin, are you thinking of some things?" She asked out right.

Elder Hong nearly choked on his tea at that moment. Then raised his brow. "He may be young. However, Lei Jin has an excellent temperament and I believe he would make a good husband and father. I was going to leave this topic after an explanation of his background but since it's come up. It can't be helped. Lei Jin, Qing Ning!" He said.

"Yes master!" Qing Ning said. She knew what was coming. And she had nothing against it. Even if he was younger it wouldn't be a problem once he reached the 9th order.

"This disciple is ready to hear the Elder's order!" Lei Jin said. His response was much different. A testament to his environment growing up.

"I am proposing that the two of you marry. It's rare to find such an excellent match. And now that I see the two of you together now. I feel in my soul I have made the right choice." Elder Hong said. "Do either of you not wish for this?" He added.

"I am willing. Master has gone through much to find a suitable husband for this disciple. Though I feel uneasy doing this without his parents and masters approval." Qing Ning said.

It was not her fault for not knowing his parents' current status. Lei Jin didn't get around to it and also didn't want to bring it up to begin with since it was such a sore topic. In any case he didn't know what to say at this point given the fact his parents were both dead. He thought about this for a while.

Elder was silent as well, knowing that this would be up to Lei Jin to decide on what to do here. So the three of them sat there in silence with the occasional sip of tea breaking said silence. Qing Ning was confused for a moment. But soon remembered that Lei Jin was a special case. His parents and master were all on the battlefield. It was not convenient for her to be introduced to them. Thus also wouldn't be able to pay proper respects to any of them. She was beating herself up inside by asking such a stupid question.

Lei Jin broke the silence first. He had finished thinking on what to say in this regard. "If sister Qing Ning is worried about such things then I will do what I can to alleviate things." He said, pulling off the two rings from finger and set them on the table.

Qing Ning looked at the rings curiously. She had noticed the rings prior. Before she thought Lei Jin simply wanted to be organized. This was a rather common practice among cultivators. Then she noticed there were obvious details on these space rings that were clearly made with the cultivator in mind. One a woman's, and the other a man's.

"Sister Qing Ning, This is the best I can do! This is all that I have left of my honored parents. You may learn what they were like by inspecting the contents. As for my master… Honored master is likely fighting with a royal lord or healing his wounds from battle. So it is not convenient to speak with him about such matters. However, He along with many from Azure Void Mountain Pass have wished me luck in finding good women." Lei Jin said these things quickly and slightly broken up.

Qing Ning couldn't help but have questions. "I see, then, Pardon my intrusion, Lei Jin's honored parents." She said, holding back her desire to ask more about his parents.

Qing Ning searched the 2 rings and pieced together some understanding of his parents. Each moment she searched she could help but feel bad. Each time the ring was activated it would forma sort of lazy record that could date when the ring changed hands. She sensed it had Lei Jin's Aura for roughly 33 years. Lei Jin is 40 years old now.

Elder Hong thought this way was intriguing to say the least. The artifacts that his parents used were like mirrors to get a feel for the identity of the person. "You have some interesting thoughts young Lei Jin." He said.

"Thank you Elder Hong." Lei Jin said. Then turned towards Qing Ning who had finished inspecting the rings. "These are some of the happiest memories I had with my parents. Are you ready?" Lei Jin asked her.

Qing Ning handed the rings back to Lei Jin. "Yes, I'll give these back to you." She said, as her eyes filled with water. The scenes she saw from Lei Jin's memory put everything into perspective. His parents were indeed quite loving. She could see that even in such a place Lei Jin wasn't unhappy so long as he had his parents. His parents were always able to help guide him in his cultivation even when they had focused on their own healing.

After half the time it takes for an incense to burn the memories ended. "Junior brothers' parents were wonderful people. I wish I had the chance to meet them. It is a shame." She said, with a tear falling down.

Lei Jin smiled. Having someone else think his parents were kind was a comforting feeling. He dried Qing Ning's tears quietly. "My honored parents were always there for me. Even now I carry their Inheritance with me at all times. And when the day comes I find their reincarnations I'll train them and pass on the inheritance. They died as heroes of the battlefield. I'm sure they will be reincarnated in the next generation." Lei Jin said, staring into Qing Ning's eyes.

Lei Jin couldn't help but admire her beauty. He felt bad that she was crying, but it also made him happy. This let him know that she was indeed a good hearted woman.

Qing Ning couldn't help but admire Lei Jin's drive. His drive to move forward was self-evident with just his cultivation alone. He was a Dao Seal realm at the age of 40. If that wasn't impressive enough he possessed strength on par with 3rd and possibly 4th rank Open Heaven. Even further, she could sense that his seal was far better than anyone else she had ever met.

After the short time of the two soon to be fiancé's staring into each other's eyes, Elder Hong spoke up to bring the discussion back around. "Achem… Do either of you have any objections to this marriage proposal?" He said, putting aside the tea and leaning forward.

"This disciple has no objections. I Qing Ning, of Azure Void, am willing to Marry Junior brother Lei Jin of my Azure Void." Qing Ning said, as she cupped her hands towards her master, Elder Hong.

"Good, now disciple Lei Jin. Do you have any objections to taking Qing Ning as your wife?" Elder Hong said, turning his attention towards Lei Jin.

Lei Jin didn't actually have any objections but he wanted to think for a moment. Were there any real down sides? Was this even proper? He didn't know these things. Most of his life in general was spent on the Ink Battlefield. Things like marriage were seldom talked about. Even his parents were a rare exception to this but he had been too young at the time to really understand the meaning behind marriage.

After thinking for a short time he realized the two were still waiting for an answer. "I don't have any objections, rather I have questions. Like what exactly is a marriage? And why was the Supreme Elder so adamant about having an undetermined number of women marry me?" Lei Jin said. He still wanted to know these things. "After all, I wouldn't want to cause a misunderstanding from my own lack of understanding." He continued.

Someone else entered the room. "It seems Elder Hong is indeed quick witted. Getting here early to claim him." It was the supreme Elder from before.

"Supreme Elder, it's good of you to come by. I was just introducing Lei Jin and my third disciple to each other. It seems they hit it off quite well." Elder Hong said.

"Ah, Either way it doesn't matter. Disciple Lei Jin!" The supreme Elder said.

"This disciple is here, Supreme Elder!" Lei Jin responded quickly.

"I won't stop you from marrying those you choose. However I have brought with me a few good women who I'd like you to get familiar with. As they will be living here with you starting today." The Supreme Elder said. "Disciple Qing Ning, do you object to Lei Jin having a few more wives?" she added after looking at her.

"This disciple wouldn't dare to pass on junior brother. Junior brother has a good aptitude and temperament. In short, supreme elder, I couldn't hope to find a better husband." She said, respectfully.

"Good, Then young man. I officially recognize your relationship with Qing Ning. As far as the questions you have about marriage your future wives will certainly get you accustomed to this. Furthermore, don't be afraid to take as many as you like. The more wives you take in, the safer we will all feel. In fact I don't want you to be promoted to Open Heaven until you have at least 9 wives." The Supreme Elder said.

"Disciple will listen to the Supreme Elders' words. Though I do have one question: Supreme Elder. My master had ordered me to ascend to the 9th rank directly, as soon as possible. Would this limitation not go against my master's wishes?" Lei Jin asked. He was hoping that he could get around this requirement.

"No, I am not permanently restricting you. And didn't your master say to find yourself as many wives as possible? Here in the 3000 worlds the threat of danger is minimal. So you can relax and take things slow for the time being." The supreme Elder said.

"This disciple will do as the supreme elder says. However, I will not accept women that make my wives uncomfortable. It wouldn't be right to not think of their wellbeing" Lei Jin said. Cupping his hands respectfully.