Marriage Contract & Two Candidates

A short time passed where all of Lei Jin's visitors were sitting in this greeting hall. The Supreme Elder had brought two Elders and their disciples to introduce to Lei Jin. However there was something that must be accomplished first before any further discussions could be handled.

"Alright, Elder Hong. Bring out the marriage contract. I'll be keeping all of the contracts myself. In this manner I will keep track of which women melt his heart." The Supreme Elder said.

Elder Hong pulled out a slip he had prepared in advance. "My disciple has long since placed her will in this slip. Lei Jin, all you need is to place your will in as well." Elder Hong said, floating the slip over to Lei Jin.

Lei Jin held the slip in his hands and inspected it first. "So this slip does what exactly? Are resources here used like this too?" He asked curiously. This was in fact the first time he even heard about a marriage contract. To him this thing was simply a waste of resources.

"Is Lei Jin worried about the materials used for this slip? Disciple Lei Jin need not worry. This resource is plentiful and endless. We use these to represent the union of a man and woman. A proof of your bond." The Supreme Elder said. She laughed slightly.

"I see, The 3000 worlds really must be abundant in resources for them to be used like this. We would have been kicked in the neck if we used them like this there. It's just different. Even the Scroll I made was not an easy thing to acquire. My Honored Master spent no small effort to procure it." Lei Jin said. "Anyway, since this is the case I will do as is done here." Lei Jin continued.

The energy he wielded was immense and calm. This was his will. He embedded this will inside the slip and it began to glow a radiant color and filled the room with light. The Marriage contract was complete. The form changed and it took on a glow that fluctuated like a heartbeat. He then floated it over to Qing Ning for her to inspect first.

"This feeling? Junior… No, Husband cares, this deeply for me? You make me feel warm, husband." Qing Ning said, then floated the marriage contract over to the Supreme Elder.

The supreme elder was intrigued by what she saw earlier and also now that she was holding onto the contract herself. "It's as if it's beating like a heart." She said, puzzled but maternal. Like she was happy to see their wills interacting with each other this way.

"Yes, because love comes from the heart. No silly object could hope to compete with something as powerful and profound as that. So I did what I could. The thing that represents our union should be at least that much. Because…" Lei Jin said, stopping short of completing that thought.

"Because? Tell us? Don't leave us in suspense, disciple Lei Jin." One of the other Elders who had been waiting for introductions said. She was also now quite intrigued.

"It is simple. Because if it was anything less it wouldn't be worthy to represent the union I have with Sister Qing Ning. Now that we are together, I will not allow any slight towards that union." Lei Jin said, getting ready to stand up.

"I see, given the circumstance of your birth and thus your age. Some would see this as wrong. Your position is quite odd. You don't fit into any set generation." The supreme Elder said.

Lei Jin stood up and looked into Qing Ning's beautiful eyes. "However, this couldn't possibly be wrong! The feeling I get is unmistakable. Those who would say it is wrong, might as well just take a trip to where I came from. It is quite a bit different." Lei Jin said, then sat back down.

"Disciple Qing Ning, you've found yourself a good husband! Make sure to cherish him." Elder Hong said, relieved. This whole ordeal had been quite exhausting but now it is settled for the time being.

"Well, Now I think it is time to introduce you to the several people I brought with me today. Let's begin with Elder Mei who spoke just earlier." The Supreme Elder said, urging the discussions to move on. It was getting late after all.

"Disciple Lei Jin, I am Elder Mei, and am an artifact refiner. I have brought my disciple with me today. I'll let her introduce herself." Elder Mei said.

"It's good to make Elder Mei's Acquaintance. I hope the elder will look after this foolish and young disciple in future!" Lei Jin said in response. He found out from the Awkward greeting he gave Elder Hong and Qing Ning before would be best left for moments he didn't have any other choice.

"You talk to quite good disciple Lei Jin! Worry not, should you form a union with my disciple I will naturally take care of you in the future." Elder Mei said, with purpose behind her words.

"Greetings junior brother! I am Zi Rong, though I haven't finished absorbing my resources, I hope junior brother will treat me well in the future." Elder Mei's disciple said.

"I may be young but my parents taught me about being kind. So naturally, I won't treat you poorly. If there is anything you need just ask, I'll see what can be done." Lei Jin said then took a look and noticed this girl had been quite lucky. Though he was waiting to see what she would ask for first.

"Junior brother is gracious. Then could I trouble you for a room to refine artifacts? It would be nice to practice while I live here." Zi Rong said, respectfully.

"Ahahaha, there is already such a place here. Senior sister Zi Rong doesn't need to worry about it getting set up. Sister Zi Rong's talent encompass artifact refining this place will naturally be available to you. Is there anything else you need now to be comfortable here?" Lei Jin said, getting a kick out of this.

"Oh! This is surprising. Then in that case, it may be presumptuous but I have been looking for a wood element and fire element. I heard that junior brother will venture out to find his own various elements. Perhaps this sister could share in the bounty?" Zi Rong said, as she pondered her thoughts.

"I can do the fire element at any time! However the wood element will be tricky. It seems that sister Zi Rong has absorbed rank 6 resources. I do have some fire and water elements on me at the moment however giving them right now would bring you no benefit. So I will hold onto that resource until the time you need it. And when I find the wood resources I'll naturally give you one." Lei Jin said, thoughtfully.

Lei Jin had reasons behind his outright declaration of the two elements he had. This would allow the others to know ahead of time before asking for something That he couldn't hand over.

"Junior brother is thoughtful." Zi Rong said. Then she turned to her master. "Master, this disciple has no issues with the arrangements. This disciple is willing to get close to junior brother Lei Jin." She said, basically out right declaring that she was willing to marry him right at the moment. This wouldn't happen though.

"Please don't give this disciple the credit for preparing these rooms in advance. It was the work of a thoughtful and influential person. I am merely the owner of this place now. That said, you can expect to be treated well here." Lei Jin said, respectfully. "I'll have to run a few artifact ideas by Sister Zi Rong later." Lei Jin said, in a way to stop this interaction and give the other people a chance for introductions.

"Good, I am Elder Kong Lian. I follow the Dao of Alchemy. Today I have brought my 6th disciple. She has a good talent. She is the first young woman that I took as a disciple. I hope the two of you get along." He said, motioning to his disciple.

The beautiful young woman sitting next to him was clearly a well tempered young woman. She had just finished refining her first element which was a rank 6 earth element. It seemed like she was worried about something for herself.

"Greetings junior brother, I am Ling Shi, my master told me that I was to meet my potential husband today. I did not expect it to be a new disciple. Who gave you permission to marry anyways? I don't see your parents or your master." She said, inquisitive like.

"Supreme Elder, how much can I tell them? I don't want to say anything I shouldn't before it would be alright to say." Lei Jin asked the Supreme Elder.

"You can say everything you feel comfortable with, Pillar Disciple Lei Jin." The Supreme elder said.

The two elders and two dao seal realm disciples heard that title and immediately had a look of concern and wonder. Ling Shi realized quickly that the questions she just asked suddenly didn't matter anymore. Being a Pillar Disciple meant 1 of two things after all. First they were the Direct disciple of the Old Ancestor, second they were capable of promoting to the 9th rank directly.

"Alright, then allow me to explain this simply. I was born on the Ink Battlefield! Under the careful guidance of Azure Voids Old ancestor, my Master, I grew stronger more and more rapidly. When I condensed my Dao Seal I was sent here to see and experience the beauty of the 3000 worlds. My master had given me a few tasks and one of them was to marry. Though I may not fully understand what this means, I naturally have my masters permission to marry." Lei Jin said, this time able to hold back any kind of tears.

They four who hadn't known the full particulars were stunned. Lei Jin filled both categories to be called a pillar disciple. Ling Shi now felt terrible about what she had said. Realizing that Lei Jin was a 1 in several trillion prodigy.

"Please forgive this sister's discretion just now, junior brother. I was unaware of your circumstances." Ling Shi said, cupping her hands.

"Please don't fret over something so small sister Ling Shi. The supreme elder had brought you here as a potential match. Given what I have learned today, the supreme elders' eyes can not be fooled so easily." Lei Jin said, comfortingly.

"Disciple Lei Jin, I'd like to formally propose a marriage! Will you accept my disciple Zi Rong! I know you will treat each other well." Elder Mei said, hurriedly. She wanted to jump right to the front of the line.

"Elder Mei, is unfair! I was about to say the same for Ling Shi! Don't you dare take him just like that!" Elder Kong snapped back.

"Elders please, I would like to keep this hall's atmosphere calm and respectful. Naturally both Sister Zi Rong and Ling Shi are candidates. They will both have many opportunities to get close to me while they live here." Lei Jin said, calming the two elders down quickly.

"Junior brother Lei Jin, since I'll be living here, is there by chance a place to practice alchemy? I'd like to keep up with it." Ling Shi asked.

"You may use it as you wish. My understanding of these Dao's is nothing spectacular." Lei Jin said.

"Good, then I'll be in junior brother's care." Ling Shi said, blushing a little. It seemed she was planning something to claim Lei Jin's heart as well.

"Allow my residence servants to escort the three of you around the residence. I need to speak with the elders privately." Lei Jin said.

"Then I will be waiting for husband later. Allow me to speak with these two junior sisters." Qing Ning said, taking a soft glance at each of them.

The three of them were escorted out of the hall by a few servants and that left Lei Jin in the room alone with the elders. This is what he wanted.

"Is this about what you said before at the Contribution Hall?" Elder Hong asked.

Lei Jin nodded. "Supreme Elder I have a sort of naturally heightened sensitivity to the ink force. And thus can feel even the slightest presence of it. While Elder Hong and this disciple were acquiring my new Identity token I felt the presence of the ink force. It was faint and controlled. I am afraid only a 7th rank could control it to such an extent." Lei Jin said, frankly.

"I'm not surprised that this is the case. I'll work on getting this resolved. I can count on disciple Lei Jin's help in this matter?" The supreme Elder said.

"I will help, however. I don't think hasty action should be made. With how I was able to help others repair damage done to their Small universes, I might be able to develop a method to rid them of the ink force. It is a long shot but it would be a shame to be too hasty." Lei Jin said.

"Good, then I'll make sure this matter is taken care of properly." The Supreme Elder said. "Let's keep this matter between us for now. If an Elder is inked it is likely that their disciples will be as well." She continued.

"Agreed!" the three Elders said.

After this the Elders left to speak with their disciples. While the Supreme Elder kept Lei Jin from leaving too soon.

"Disciple Lei Jin, when you go see your wife make sure you spend time with her. It doesn't matter how long you take. So have yourself a good time. You understand my meaning?" The supreme Elder said.

Lei Jin nodded. "I understand this meaning. I will make sure not to leave her dissatisfied." He said.

This response pleased the Supreme Elder a great deal. After hearing this she took her leave. Her task was done. It was now up to Lei Jin to continue building his relationships.